The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Flash Race
CaineOWicked 2017 年 1 月 21 日 下午 2:36
Flash Mod Update Suggestions
Being able to make yourself intangible which means no attacks will be able to hit you, and you can enter any door without any lockpicking and faze through walls

Speedforce Map being able to have a speedforce home would be funny as hell

Turn people into a statue, basicly steal the speed from them, by applying some ice that the Ice effect FX and smoke are invsible could work, or If you could find a way on how to decrease the animations of the npc basicly reduce its time frame would be awesome

Being able to punch people longer the more speed the longer they flee

Be able to make a shockwave with hands its the most identical thing we can get when it comes to whirlwind tornado hands of the flash

Be able to make atleast from 1 to 10 npc of yourself emitting NPC's of your player model they will attack the opponent, and dissepear after 20 seconds or depending on what speed you are, The opponents will attack depending who they are closest too, They will not be able to get hit at all, since its just you being at many places at instant and if you could decrease their opacity so they would look kinda like a ghost so you can see the difference between you and them that would look awesome and maybe add the flash trail effect on them aswell

Being able to change color of FX trail color, so you don't need to add any trails on the playermodels while we can just do it ourself simply you don't need to waste time on that you should have a option to change color:

Light blue
Dark blue
Light Red
Dark red
Light White
Dark White

Being able to do finishing moves in Speedforce Reactiom time

Decrease the timeframe around you and make your character even more faster, so it appears
to be time slower around you, you should have like a feature where you can have level speed lvl 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 something like that the faster you are the slower time appears

Being able to shoot eletricity depending if you are in speed mode

Update the timeframe should be decreased till time appears to be frozen, and increase the timeframe of the player and the npc in speedforce reaction time
And vibrate attack being able to kill people instantly, or turn them on fire or blow them up
30% of blowing them up

Be able to wipe any NPC's from existence, Works like the Vibration attack, Instead its a Vibration punch that will cease Npc's that will apply electricity effect from existence basicly remove them from the world

Being able to heal yourself in an instant depending on what speed lvl you are

Not slowing down the player at all when time is frozen around you, simply by just increasin the timeframe of your player

Being able to throw Eletromagnetic Shockwave Ball that can zap Npc's and damage them overtime

Being able to lend speed to your ally making him faster
And heals him faster

Being able to change attacks by one button
最后由 CaineOWicked 编辑于; 2017 年 1 月 21 日 下午 2:44
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night lord gf 2017 年 10 月 22 日 下午 12:01 
I like them all its cool !
CaineOWicked 2017 年 10 月 23 日 下午 1:26 
引用自 Skyrim Bobblehead
I like them all its cool !

night lord gf 2017 年 10 月 23 日 下午 6:20 
I wonder if anyone can make it......i wish i was a good modder or a modder at all.
CaineOWicked 2017 年 10 月 24 日 下午 12:38 
引用自 Skyrim Bobblehead
I wonder if anyone can make it......i wish i was a good modder or a modder at all.

night lord gf 2017 年 10 月 24 日 下午 5:00 
can u ?
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