

Fire Control Computers
Bambaryła 16 Apr, 2023 @ 12:43pm
First noticeable effect of this mod is that your automatic turrets no longer fire.

A turret can be connected to fire control towers if it's connected to power.

How to make them fire again?
Research fire control towers. There are 3 researches to be completed:
  • Basic Fire Control Tower
  • Advanced Fire Control Tower
  • Ultratech Fire Control Tower

These unlock the next fire control towers.

How to operate the towers?
Man the turrets with your colonists. Relevant stats are shooting and intelectual .
Press the turret with left mouse button to allow to change its settings. There is one tab and 3 gizmos . Gizmos are:
  • Connect a turret - allows to add a turret to this tower by clicking it
  • Disconnect a turret - allows to remove a turret from this tower by clicking it
  • Disconnect all turrets - removes all turrets from this tower

To connect a turret to tower, it has to be in the same power network.

Each tower can control a different number of turrets, seen in the opened tab. Depending on the user's skill, the efficiency of the turrets will be better or worse than normal. (Efficiency = cooldown increase/decrease).

You can connect more turrets than maximum, which will just make them inactive until the previous turrets are still online.

You can connect one turret to many towers, the first one to be online will control it.

The tab "CONTROL" in the left-bottom panel allows you to reorder the turrets, see the efficiency and the maximum. Clicking a turret in the list will zoom towards it.

Tower is connected to turrets with green line, meaning it's online.
Tower is connected to turrets with red line, meaning it's offline.
Tower is connected to turrets with gray line, meaning it's connected but the tower is not manned.

Towers can be renamed. Turrets can be renamed. All turrets now support forced targeting.
Artillery turrets which use power can also be controlled remotely.
Renamed turrets will use their new names in the control tab.

Mod settings
By default every powered turret is controllable by a tower and takes 1 bandwidth. In the mod settings, you can Add a turret and change its settings.
Controllable with tick sign(green) means it can be remotely controlled.
Controllable with X sign(red) means it cannot be remotely controlled. (it will be automatic or mannable depending on the original)
Example for bandwidth: your fire control tower has bandwidth 10 . You changed your complex railgun to need 5 . Your fire control tower can control 2 of such turrets.

You can also set the maximum efficiency in the mod settings (0%-500%). 500% efficiency means that the turret would fire 5 times as fast as vanilla (approximately).

Pawns incapable of violence will refuse to use the control towers.

Enemy turrets should not be affected. If they are for some reason, you can excluded them in the mod settings by setting them to "Controllable X".

Special towers
There is a special Archotech tower, which is only a reward. It can be connected to turrets and they will then fire without colonist's input (albeit at reduced efficiency).

Mod Compatibility
  • CE Compatible
  • teok25.archotechexpanded - you can build the Archotech Tower using Attomachinery
  • explodoboy.snsambitioncosmic - you can build an additional Cosmic Tower, which has a reduced efficiency but is also autonomous
  • krkr.rule56 - works nicely, turrets controlled by active control tower will expand the fog of war.
  • Should be compatible with any mod-added turrets
  • uuugggg.replacestuff - replacing stuff in a turret doesn't drop the connection nor the name