

Item Explorer
Request & Offer for the Ban featur for Item and Weapons Explorer.
Hi @otDan :COConetentacle:

I have the same opinion as QianMo from the item weapon explorer mod page, and as many peoples on this mod page too.
If you could add a feature to ban weapons or items from the list, it would be a great addition to both mods, that would even make them unavoidable and they would be a must have without a doubt. :cozybethesda:

Actually, sadly, I'm using an other item explorer mod, the one from this guy with the ban feature.
I'm aware about what happen, sad story.

But if I'm using it, it's because I use too much Mods, and if I wasn't able to ban items and weapons then the RNG will be a nightmare :meepded:
I already tried and if sometime it can be fun, most of the time it's not and it's just painful, even more with characters who don't have any Item Tag at all.

The worst thing is that I can't even use Items/Weapons Explorer because they didn't work well or crash and stuff like that with the other one at the same time...
I'm not complaining about this, it's just a fact, but I want to be able to use yours ! :meepmad:

To be honest with you, If it was possible I would really prefer to use your explorer mods, both, imo they are far more superior in quality.

But without the ban feature, that would mean that I need to unsub some mods before each run to be able to remove some items/weapons, I know there is a Mod who help with this but still, it's not a perfect solution, not at all if I want to remove half of the items from a mod, or just keep the weapons, etc... and it's would be very annoying too ^^'

So, there is my offer:

Maybe you already have a Paypal, a Coffee or Patreon Page ?
My proposition is to request the feature to be added to both mod, Item and Weapons explorer, as a commission with a compensation for your time and work.

I don't know if it would be easy or not, require a lot of time, or not, but it doesn't matter, for me at least, and my offer is serious, no joke.

For the moment the only thing I can do is give you some rewards on mod page with Steam points and it's not that much.

So, offering you the possibility to earn something real for your time is the least I can do.
I hope that you will accept, for all of us ^^
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
otDan  [developer] 6 Jul, 2023 @ 6:03pm 
I do commissioned work outside of this type of mods in my free time, if you wanna talk about it then contact me on discord: @otdan also just letting you know that I do not like cheat mods generally and I consider banning items a kind of cheat so it would probably be a separate mod that just hooks into my explorer mods and allows that
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