

[1.5-1.4] CAI 5000 - Advanced AI + Fog Of War
JuanCMF 7 Apr, 2023 @ 1:23pm
Fog of War Ideas
The mods is incredible.

If it was possible somehow to increase the size of the playing map of the game and then put other factions in the same tile as where your settlement is located, with the fog of war, the game would become somehow an Age of Empires like game with a mixture of Project Zomboid.

Where the map is so big that multiple other factions can be installed in the same tile as yours with their colonists bumping into each other from time to time, creating more dynamism.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
ГАНКУЛ 18 Apr, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
I think it'd be cool idea to add function that allows you to turn off raid's notifications and etc.
Fernando 17 Jun, 2023 @ 9:48pm 
While that'd be really cool conceptually, RimWorld's engine can't realistically support this and performance would plummet. I'm currently playing on a 500x500 map, and while it's perfectly playable, I can notice a framerate drop at speed 3.

Originally posted by anal dysfunction:
I think it'd be cool idea to add function that allows you to turn off raid's notifications and etc.
This would be cool and could work, perhaps notifying you only when enemies arrive via drop pod, or when they enter your line of sight.
Originally posted by anal dysfunction:
I think it'd be cool idea to add function that allows you to turn off raid's notifications and etc.
Vanilla Factions Expanded: Pirates has an option that does this, but it sadly requires using the mod's custom storyteller.
Reithan 19 Sep, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
Could always use Cherry Picker to just get that feature.

Also, if you want a "full" fog of war experience, you can also use Rimworld Exploration Mode mod to add FOW to the planet map.
Random idea I had when I came to look for any bug reports just now

A "grenade" that is a camera. Throw it and a camera is created at the point of impact. Has high FoV and low health, can be targeted by enemies.
If you've played Rainbow Six Siege, I'm talking about Valk's cameras. That'd be such a neat combat mechanic for tactical teams to toss a camera into a room to see before they breach it

Just wanted to post this in case any one ever wanted to do it
FrankenApple 23 Dec, 2023 @ 8:11pm 
Originally posted by Smiley Face Killer:
Random idea I had when I came to look for any bug reports just now

A "grenade" that is a camera. Throw it and a camera is created at the point of impact. Has high FoV and low health, can be targeted by enemies.
If you've played Rainbow Six Siege, I'm talking about Valk's cameras. That'd be such a neat combat mechanic for tactical teams to toss a camera into a room to see before they breach it

Just wanted to post this in case any one ever wanted to do it

'Ammo Variety - Grenade Launchers' has that
Last edited by FrankenApple; 23 Dec, 2023 @ 8:11pm
晓山alreShan 1 May, 2024 @ 6:22am 
Perhaps add a button to quick switch FoW?
Provide a option for people who don't want FoW all the times.
Maybe could go further, automatically switch on FoW when threat even occurred.
McLets 28 Aug, 2024 @ 3:03pm 
The original fog of war mod had a setting where you could turn off notifications when some events or raiders would come, meaning you had to find out they were happening yourself. I really liked that personally. I'd really love that back, especially with Anomaly.
blackwolf3910 8 Sep, 2024 @ 8:21am 
Originally posted by McLets:
The original fog of war mod had a setting where you could turn off notifications when some events or raiders would come, meaning you had to find out they were happening yourself. I really liked that personally. I'd really love that back, especially with Anomaly.

Curse of silecence from the VE pirate story teller does that, add this AI mod and Anomaly and you have rimworld hardcore ;D but yes would love that added on this mod as a option.
AdekVatnik 14 Sep, 2024 @ 8:06am 
Originally posted by ГАНКУЛ:
I think it'd be cool idea to add function that allows you to turn off raid's notifications and etc.

I think you have been looking for these two mods:



You are welcome)
Malware 13 Nov, 2024 @ 3:20am 
Idea: dont hide the fact of the raid itself, but hide only its type (name) under name "something is happening".
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