Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Pill Duration
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Cpt. Metal  [developer] 19 Jan, 2023 @ 5:19pm
If you want to help translate this mod:

Post the translation for the following strings:

IGUI_EN = { IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Pill Infos", IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Pill Information Window", IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "No pills selected for display", IGUI_PillBeta = "Beta Blockers", IGUI_PillPain = "Painkillers", IGUI_PillDepr = "Anti-Depressants", IGUI_PillSleep = "Sleeping Tablets", IGUI_Antibiotics = "Antibiotics", }

I tried to get the pill names with "ItemName_Base.x" but that didn't work, so I included it again. Maybe I'll find a solution

in the comments. Replace the "EN" with your languages code

Contributors will be credited
Last edited by Cpt. Metal; 20 Jan, 2023 @ 7:06pm
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
heafoxy 20 Jan, 2023 @ 3:29am 
Russian translation.
Encoding: Cyrillic > Windows-1251
IGUI_RU = { IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Таблетки", IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Информация о таблетках", IGUI_PillBeta = "Бета-блокаторы", IGUI_PillPain = "Обезболивающие", IGUI_PillDepr = "Антидепрессанты", IGUI_PillSleep = "Снотворное", }
FabianPEKS 20 Jan, 2023 @ 11:54am 
IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Medicamentos",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Información de los Medicamentos",
IGUI_PillBeta = "Tranquilizantes",
IGUI_PillPain = "Analgésicos",
IGUI_PillDepr = "Antidepresivos",
IGUI_PillSleep = "Somníferos",
MyaMya 21 Jan, 2023 @ 11:22am 
Korean translation.

IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "의약품 정보",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "의약품 정보 창",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "복용한 의약품 없음",
IGUI_PillBeta = "긴장 완화제",
IGUI_PillPain = "진통제",
IGUI_PillDepr = "항우울제",
IGUI_PillSleep = "수면제",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "항생제",
Falcone 23 Jan, 2023 @ 4:45am 
Polish translation

IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Informacje o leku",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Okno informacyjne o leku",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "Brak wybranych leków do wyświetlenia",
IGUI_PillBeta = "Beta-blokery",
IGUI_PillPain = "Leki przeciwbólowe",
IGUI_PillDepr = "Antydepresanty",
IGUI_PillSleep = "Tabletki nasenne",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "Antybiotyki",
Last edited by Falcone; 23 Jan, 2023 @ 4:46am
Huvber 24 Jan, 2023 @ 4:24pm 
📌 Brazilian Portuguese

IGUI_PT-BR = { IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Informações de Medicamentos", IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Medicamentos", IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "Nenhum medicamento selecionado", IGUI_PillBeta = "Acalmantes", IGUI_PillPain = "Analgésicos", IGUI_PillDepr = "Antidepressivos", IGUI_PillSleep = "Pílulas Soníferas ", IGUI_Antibiotics = "Antibióticos", }
Last edited by Huvber; 24 Jan, 2023 @ 4:28pm
Riko Prushka 24 Jan, 2023 @ 6:56pm 
Thai :thai: TH UTF-8

IGUI_TH = { IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "ข้อมูลยา", IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "หน้าต่างแสดงข้อมูลยา", IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "ไม่มีข้อมูลยาให้แสดง", IGUI_PillBeta = "ยาลดความดันโลหิต", IGUI_PillPain = "ยาแก้ปวด", IGUI_PillDepr = "ยาต้านเศร้า", IGUI_PillSleep = "ยานอนหลับ", IGUI_Antibiotics = "ยาปฏิชีวนะ", }
Avtion 24 Jan, 2023 @ 10:35pm 
Simplified Chinese

IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "药物信息",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "药物信息",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "未选中要显示信息的药物",
IGUI_PillBeta = "β-阻断剂",
IGUI_PillPain = "止疼药",
IGUI_PillDepr = "抗抑郁药",
IGUI_PillSleep = "安眠药",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "抗生素",
JESUS_CHRIST 25 Jan, 2023 @ 3:50am 
IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Hap Bilgileri",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Hap Bilgileri Penceresi",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "Sergilenecek hap seçilmedi",
IGUI_PillBeta = "Beta Bloker",
IGUI_PillPain = "Ağrı Kesici",
IGUI_PillDepr = "Antidepresanlar",
IGUI_PillSleep = "Uyku İlacı",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "Antibiyotik",

Cpt. Metal  [developer] 25 Jan, 2023 @ 5:53pm 
Thank you all very much for the translations, I just added them!
Hatïro 16 Feb, 2023 @ 7:23am 
French Translation :

IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Informations sur les médicaments",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Fenêtre d'informations sur les médicaments",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "Aucun médicament sélectionné à afficher",
IGUI_PillBeta = "Bêta-Bloquants",
IGUI_PillPain = "Antidouleurs",
IGUI_PillDepr = "Antidépresseurs",
IGUI_PillSleep = "Somnifères",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "Antibiotiques",
Woldren 19 Feb, 2023 @ 8:56am 
IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Info Medicinale",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Finestra delle Informazioni sul Medicinale",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "Nessun medicinale selezionato da mostrare",
IGUI_PillBeta = "Beta Bloccanti",
IGUI_PillPain = "Antidolorifici",
IGUI_PillDepr = "Antidepressivi",
IGUI_PillSleep = "Sonniferi",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "Antibiotici",
Mesosolatum 10 Mar, 2023 @ 4:47am 
Thank you for providing the mod.
Translation into Japanese. The character encoding is UTF-8.

IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "錠剤情報",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "錠剤情報ウィンドウ",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "表示する薬が選択されていない",
IGUI_PillBeta = "ベータ遮断薬",
IGUI_PillPain = "鎮痛剤",
IGUI_PillDepr = "抗うつ剤",
IGUI_PillSleep = "睡眠薬",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "抗生物質",
Cpt. Metal  [developer] 10 Mar, 2023 @ 8:17am 
I updated the mod with the recent translations, thanks for submitting and sorry that it took so long
菲娜燐 30 Jun, 2023 @ 6:23am 
Traditional Chinese

IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "藥物訊息",
IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "藥物訊息",
IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "未選中要顯示訊息的藥物",
IGUI_PillBeta = "乙型阻斷劑",
IGUI_PillPain = "止痛藥",
IGUI_PillDepr = "抑鬱藥",
IGUI_PillSleep = "安眠藥",
IGUI_Antibiotics = "抗生素",
Last edited by 菲娜燐; 1 Jul, 2023 @ 2:58am
Cosmo 15 Aug, 2023 @ 11:42am 

IGUI_UA = { IGUI_PillInfoOpen = "Пігулки", IGUI_PillInfoTitle = "Інформація про пігулки", IGUI_NoneActiveInfo = "Пігулки не вибрані для відображення", IGUI_PillBeta = "Бета-блокатори", IGUI_PillPain = "Знеболюючі", IGUI_PillDepr = "Антидепресанти", IGUI_PillSleep = "Снодійне", IGUI_Antibiotics = "Антибіотики", }
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