Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Barricade Hurt Zombies
Brightex  [developer] 6 Jan, 2023 @ 2:04am
Looking for translator
Hello, if you wanna help translate this mod it's much appreciated. Please send me the following text with the text between "" translated in language you know.

Sandbox_EN = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "BarricadeHurtZombies",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Barricade damage on Zombies",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Damage on zombie per hit on the barricade. 0.5 corresponds to around 1 zombie per wooden plank.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Barricade type hurting zombie",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "Default value doesn't include non player-built object (e.g. windows, doors, garage door...)"
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "Player-built and moved objects",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "All",


Thanks a lot !
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
WT 21 Jan, 2023 @ 5:16am 
Sandbox_RU = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "Баррикады вредят зомби",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Урон от баррикад по зомби",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Урон по зомби за одно попадание по баррикаде. 0,5 соответствует примерно 1 зомби на деревянную доску.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Тип баррикад, ранящих зомби",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "Значение по умолчанию не включает объекты, не построенные игроком (например, окна, двери, гаражные ворота...)."
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "Объекты, построенные и перемещенные игроком",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "Все",


Sandbox_UA = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "Барикади шкодять зомбі",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Шкода від барикад по зомбі",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Шкода по зомбі за одне влучання по барикаді. 0,5 відповідає приблизно 1 зомбі на дерев'яну дошку.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Тип барикад, що ранять зомбі",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "Значення за замовчуванням не включає об'єкти, не побудовані гравцем (наприклад, вікна, двері, гаражні ворота...)."
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = Об'єкти, побудовані та переміщені гравцем",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "Всі",

vicentun 25 Jan, 2023 @ 6:44pm 
Sandbox_SP = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "BarricadaLastimaZombies",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Daño de la barricada en los zombies",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Daño inflingido por golpe en la barricada. 0.5 corresponde a un aproximado de 1 zombie por tablon.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Tipo de barricada que hiere a los zombies",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "El valor predeterminado no incluye objetos no construidos por jugadores (por ejemplo, ventanas, puertas, puerta de garaje...)"
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "Objetos construidos por el jugador y objetos movidos",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "Todo",

Mesosolatum 10 Mar, 2023 @ 3:26am 
Thank you for providing the mod.
Here is the translation into Japanese. The character encoding is UTF-8.

Sandbox_JP = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "BarricadeHurtZombies",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "ゾンビ与えるバリケードのダメージ",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "バリケードの一撃でゾンビにダメージ。0.5は木の板1枚につき、約1体のゾンビに対応する。",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "ゾンビを傷つけるバリケードのタイプ",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "デフォルト値は、プレイヤーが作ったものではないオブジェクト(例:窓、ドア、ガレージのドア...)を含まない。"
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "プレイヤーが作成したオブジェクトと移動したオブジェクト",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "すべて",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option3 = "防御のみ",

Colossus_ND 11 Jun, 2023 @ 8:27am 
Sandbox_PT-BR = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "BarricadaMachucaZumbis",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Dano de barricada em zumbis",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Dano infligido em zumbis por golpe na barricada. 0.5 corresponde por 1 zumbi por tábua.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Tipo de barricada que dá dano em zumbis",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "Valor padrão não é incluído em objetos não construídos por jogadores (e.x. janela, portas, portas de garagem...)"
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "Objetos construídos e movidos por jogadores",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "Todos",

Last edited by Colossus_ND; 11 Jun, 2023 @ 8:30am
TheOrangekey 30 Jul, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
German translation

Sandbox_DE = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "Barrikaden verletzen Zombies",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Barrikadenschaden an Zombies",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Schaden an Zombie pro Treffer auf der Barrikade. 0,5 entspricht etwa 1 Zombie pro Holzplanke.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Art der Barrikade, die Zombies beschädigt",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "Der Standardwert schließt nicht vom Spieler gebaute Objekte ein (z.B. Fenster, Türen, Garagentore...)"
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "Vom Spieler gebaute und bewegte Objekte",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "Alle",

catanana 3 Sep, 2023 @ 8:33pm 
Sandbox_ESP = {
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies = "BarricadeHurtZombies",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage = "Las barricadas dañan a los zombis",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_BarricadeDamage_tooltip = "Daño tras golpear la barricada, 0.5 equivale alrededor de 1 zombie por tablón.",

Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade = "Barricada que daña a los zombis",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_tooltip = "Valor predeterminado no afecta construcciones de el juego base. (Ej. puertas de garage, vallas, paredes, etc.)"
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option1 = "Objetos hechos por el jugador y movidos.",
Sandbox_BarricadeHurtZombies_HurtingBarricade_option2 = "Todos",


Felt like publishing my spanish translation as the one in the comment isin't really understandable unless you have a dictionary in your second monitor.
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