Project Zomboid
Essential Crafting
Minor Typo Fix
Found a minor typo. The recipe for making pistols into weapon parts misspelled the M1911 (Pistol2) and the Desert Eagle (Pistol3) as Pisto2 and Pisto3 respectively.

Code is currently:

recipe Make into Usable Parts { Pistol/Pisto2/Pisto3/Revolver/Revolver_Long/Revolver_Short, keep Screwdriver, Result:WeaponParts=5, SkillRequired:MetalWelding=1, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.MetalWelding20, Time:400.0, }

Fixed code:

recipe Make into Usable Parts { Pistol/Pistol2/Pistol3/Revolver/Revolver_Long/Revolver_Short, keep Screwdriver, Result:WeaponParts=5, SkillRequired:MetalWelding=1, OnGiveXP:Recipe.OnGiveXP.MetalWelding20, Time:400.0, }

If you happen upon this post before this is fixed and want to do it for yourself, the file is in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2903127760\mods\EssentialCrafting\media\scripts\Weapons\SpoonWeaponParts.txt

Obviously if you've installed Project Zomboid into a different location, the file path will be slightly different... but if you've done that you probably know how to find your Steam directory anyway.