Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Real Metalworking
Vile 12 lipca 2023 o 20:23
PTBR Translation
PTBR Translation

Hi spoon, I love your mods, congrats on the job! I have done a lot of translations of mods to Portuguese-Brazilian if you need you can contact me...

Here is my Portuguese-Brazilian translation for this mod.

Both files need to be in ANSI.



ItemName_PTBR = { ItemName_Base.PropaneTank = "Botijão de Gás", ItemName_Base.PropaneTankEmpty = "Botijão de Gás Vazio", ItemName_Base.ConcretePowder = "Saco de Concreto", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMagazineBlacksmith = "Metalurgia 101", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMagazineBlacksmithTwo = "O Metal É Seu Amigo", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonFurnace = "Fornalha", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonAnvil = "Bigorna", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonGrindstone = "Pedra de Amolar", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.LogPrepared = "Tronco Preparado", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonCharcoalPitWorking = "Pilha de Carvão (Queimando)", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonCharcoalPitReady = "Pilha de Carvão (Pronto)", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMoldFull = "Molde Básico Cheio", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMoldEmpty = "Molde Básico Vazio", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonHandDrill = "Furadeira Manual", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMetalCutter = "Cortador de Metal", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.GoldNugget = "Pepita de Ouro", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SilverNugget = "Pepita de Prata", }


Recipes_PTBR = { Recipe_Melt_Metal = "Derreter Metal", Recipe_Melt_Metal_with_Blowtorch = "Derreter Metal com Maçarico", Recipe_Construct-Forge_Engine_parts = "Construir/Forjar Peças de Motor", Recipe_Forge_Small_Standard_Gas_tank = "Forjar Tanque de Combustível Pequeno Tipo Popular ", Recipe_Forge_Small_Sport_Gas_tank = "Forjar Tanque de Combustível Pequeno Tipo Esportivo", Recipe_Forge_Small_Heavy-Duty_Gas_tank = "Forjar Tanque de Combustível Pequeno Tipo Pesado", Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Standard_Muffler = "Forjar Escapamento Velho Tipo Popular", Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Sport_Muffler = "Forjar Escapamento Velho Tipo Esportivo", Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Heavy-Duty_Muffler = "Forjar Escapamento Velho Tipo Pesado ", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Modern_Axe_into_Regular_Axe = "Conserte e Afie um Machado/Machadinha em um Machado de Lenhador", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Regular_Axe = "Conserte e Afie o Machado de Lenhador", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Machete = "Conserte e Afie a Machete", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_PickAxe = "Conserte e Afie a Picareta", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_HuntingKnife = "Conserte e Afie a Faca de Caça", Recipe_Fix_ClubHammer = "Conserte a Marreta de Mão", Recipe_Fix_BallPeenHammer = "Conserte o Martelo de Bola", Recipe_Fix_Hammer = "Conserte o Martelo", Recipe_Fix_SledgeHammer = "Conserta a Marreta", Recipe_Refill_Blowtorch_with_Petrol = "Reabastecer Maçarico com Gasolina", Recipe_Empty_Propane_Tank = "Esvaziar Botijão de Gás", Recipe_Make_a_Bag_of_Concrete_Powder = "Fazer um Saco de Concreto", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Sheet = "Forjar Placa de Metal", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Pipe = "Forjar Cano de Metal", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Bar = "Forjar Barra de Metal", Recipe_Forge_Scrap_Metal = "Forjar Sucata de Metal", Recipe_Cut_Pots_out_of_Propane_Tank = "Cortar Baldes de Botijão de Gás", Recipe_Cut_Buckets_out_of_Propane_Tank = "Cortar Baldes de Botijão de Gás, Recipe_Forge_Cooking_Pot = "Forjar Panela Grande", Recipe_Forge_Roasting_Pan = "Forjar Assadeira", Recipe_Forge_Saucepan = "Forjar Panela", Recipe_Forge_Baking_Tray = "Forjar Tabuleiro", Recipe_Forge_Baking_Pan = "Forjar Forma Redonda", Recipe_Forge_Pan = "Forjar Frigideira", Recipe_Forge_Bucket = "Forjar Balde", Recipe_Forge_Paintbucket = "Forjar Balde de Tinta Vazio", Recipe_Forge_Empty_Propane_Tank = "Forjar Botijão de Gás Vazio", Recipe_Forge-Cut_a_Tincans = "Forjar/Cortar Latas Vazias", Recipe_Forge_Door_Knob = "Forjar Maçaneta", Recipe_Forge_Hinge = "Forjar Dobradiça", Recipe_Forge_Padlock = "Forjar Cadeado", Recipe_Forge_JarLid = "Forjar Tampa de Pote", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Screws = "Forjar/Cortar Parafusos", Recipe_Forge_Shovel = "Forjar Pá", Recipe_Forge_PickAxe = "Forjar Picareta", Recipe_Forge_Screwdriver = "Forjar Chave de Fenda", Recipe_Forge_Crowbar = "Forjar Pé de Cabra", Recipe_Forge_Hammer = "Forjar Martelo ", Recipe_Forge_Wood_Axe = "Forjar Machado de Lenhador", Recipe_Forge_Sledgehammer = "Forjar Marreta", Recipe_Forge_Machete = "Forjar Machete", Recipe_Forge_Pipe_Wrench = "Forjar Chave de Tubo", Recipe_Forge_Wrench = "Forjar Chave Inglesa", Recipe_Forge_Lug_Wrench = "Forjar Chave de Roda", Recipe_Cut_Metal_Sheet = "Cortar Placa de Metal", Recipe_Cut_Wire = "Cortar Arame", Recipe_Cut_Barbed_Wire = "Cortar Arame Farpado", Recipe_Cut_Nails = "Cortar Pregos", Recipe_Cut_Paperclip = "Cortar Clipe de Papel", Recipe_Cut_Needle = "Cortar Agulha", Recipe_Cut_Suture_Needle = "Cortar Agulha de Sutura", Recipe_Cut_Spoon = "Cortar Colher", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Scissors = "Forjar/Cortar Tesoura", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Hunting_Knife = "Forjar/Cortar Faca de Caça", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Saw = "Forjar/Cortar Serra", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Suture_Needle_Holder = "Forjar/Cortar Porta Agulha de Sutura", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Tweezers = "Forjar/Cortar Pinça", Recipe_Make_Choke_Tube_Full = "Fazer Choque Cambiável", Recipe_Build_Antique_Oven = "Construir Forno Antigo", Recipe_Build_a_BBQ = "Construir Churrasqueira", Recipe_Craft_Welding_rods = "Criar Varetas de Solda", Recipe_Build_Furnace = "Construir Fornalha", Recipe_Build_Anvil = "Construir Bigorna", Recipe_Build_Grindstone = "Construir Pedra de Amolar", Recipe_Craft_Bellows = "Construir Fole", Recipe_Destroy_Grindstone = "Destruir Pedra de Amolar", Recipe_Destroy_Furnace = "Destruir Fornalha", Recipe_Melt_Anvil = "Derreter Bigorna", Recipe_Prepare_Wood_for_Charcoal_Pit = "Preparar Madeira para a Pilha de Carvão", Recipe_Build_Charcoal_Pit = "Construir Pilha de Carvão", Recipe_Empty_Charcoal_from_the_pit = "Esvaziar Carvão da Pilha de Carvão", Recipe_Craft_Mold = "Criar Molde", Recipe_Fill_Mold = "Encher Molde", Recipe_Destroy_Mold = "Destruir Molde", Recipe_Craft_Tongs = "Criar Pinça de Ferreiro", Recipe_Forge_Tongs = "Forjar Pinça de Ferreiro", Recipe_Forge_Hand_Drill = "Forjar Furadeira Manual", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Cutter = "Forjar Cortador de Metal", Recipe_Forge_Iron_Ingot = "Forjar Lingote de Ferro", Recipe_Make_unusable_metal = "Fazer Metal Descartável", Recipe_Melt_Gold = "Derreter Ouro", Recipe_Melt_Silver = "Derreter Prata", Recipe_Melt_Gold_with_Blowtorch = "Derreter Ouro com Maçarico", Recipe_Melt_Silver_with_Blowtorch = "Derreter Prata com Maçarico", }

For the items that exist, I was more faithful to the translation of the items according to the name in vanilla.