Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Real Metalworking
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Template lines to make your translations easier
ItemName_EN = { ItemName_Base.PropaneTank = " ", ItemName_Base.PropaneTankEmpty = " ", ItemName_Base.ConcretePowder = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMagazineBlacksmith = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMagazineBlacksmithTwo = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonFurnace = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonAnvil = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonGrindstone = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.LogPrepared = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonCharcoalPitWorking = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonCharcoalPitReady = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMoldFull = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMoldEmpty = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonHandDrill = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMetalCutter = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.GoldNugget = " ", ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SilverNugget = " ", }

Recipe_EN = { Recipe_Melt_Metal = " ", Recipe_Melt_Metal_with_Blowtorch = " ", Recipe_Construct-Forge_Engine_parts = " ", Recipe_Forge_Small_Standard_Gas_tank = " ", Recipe_Forge_Small_Sport_Gas_tank = " ", Recipe_Forge_Small_Heavy-Duty_Gas_tank = " ", Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Standard_Muffler = " ", Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Sport_Muffler = " ", Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Heavy-Duty_Muffler = " ", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Modern_Axe_into_Regular_Axe = " ", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Regular_Axe = " ", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Machete = " ", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_PickAxe = " ", Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_HuntingKnife = " ", Recipe_Fix_ClubHammer = " ", Recipe_Fix_BallPeenHammer = " ", Recipe_Fix_Hammer = " ", Recipe_Fix_SledgeHammer = " ", Recipe_Refill_Blowtorch_with_Petrol = " ", Recipe_Empty_Propane_Tank = " ", Recipe_Make_a_Bag_of_Concrete_Powder = " ", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Sheet = " ", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Pipe = " ", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Bar = " ", Recipe_Forge_Scrap_Metal = " ", Recipe_Cut_Pots_out_of_Propane_Tank = " ", Recipe_Cut_Buckets_out_of_Propane_Tank = " ", Recipe_Forge_Cooking_Pot = " ", Recipe_Forge_Roasting_Pan = " ", Recipe_Forge_Saucepan = " ", Recipe_Forge_Baking_Tray = " ", Recipe_Forge_Baking_Pan = " ", Recipe_Forge_Pan = " ", Recipe_Forge_Bucket = " ", Recipe_Forge_Paintbucket = " ", Recipe_Forge_Empty_Propane_Tank = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_a_Tincans = " ", Recipe_Forge_Door_Knob = " ", Recipe_Forge_Hinge = " ", Recipe_Forge_Padlock = " ", Recipe_Forge_JarLid = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Screws = " ", Recipe_Forge_Shovel = " ", Recipe_Forge_PickAxe = " ", Recipe_Forge_Screwdriver = " ", Recipe_Forge_Crowbar = " ", Recipe_Forge_Hammer = " ", Recipe_Forge_Wood_Axe = " ", Recipe_Forge_Sledgehammer = " ", Recipe_Forge_Machete = " ", Recipe_Forge_Pipe_Wrench = " ", Recipe_Forge_Wrench = " ", Recipe_Forge_Lug_Wrench = " ", Recipe_Cut_Metal_Sheet = " ", Recipe_Cut_Wire = " ", Recipe_Cut_Barbed_Wire = " ", Recipe_Cut_Nails = " ", Recipe_Cut_Paperclip = " ", Recipe_Cut_Needle = " ", Recipe_Cut_Suture_Needle = " ", Recipe_Cut_Spoon = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Scissors = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Hunting_Knife = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Saw = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Suture_Needle_Holder = " ", Recipe_Forge-Cut_Tweezers = " ", Recipe_Make_Choke_Tube_Full = " ", Recipe_Build_Antique_Oven = " ", Recipe_Build_a_BBQ = " ", Recipe_Craft_Welding_rods = " ", Recipe_Build_Furnace = " ", Recipe_Build_Anvil = " ", Recipe_Build_Grindstone = " ", Recipe_Craft_Bellows = " ", Recipe_Destroy_Grindstone = " ", Recipe_Destroy_Furnace = " ", Recipe_Melt_Anvil = " ", Recipe_Prepare_Wood_for_Charcoal_Pit = " ", Recipe_Build_Charcoal_Pit = " ", Recipe_Empty_Charcoal_from_the_pit = " ", Recipe_Craft_Mold = " ", Recipe_Fill_Mold = " ", Recipe_Destroy_Mold = " ", Recipe_Craft_Tongs = " ", Recipe_Forge_Tongs = " ", Recipe_Forge_Hand_Drill = " ", Recipe_Forge_Metal_Cutter = " ", Recipe_Forge_Iron_Ingot = " ", Recipe_Make_unusable_metal = " ", Recipe_Melt_Gold = " ", Recipe_Melt_Silver = " ", Recipe_Melt_Gold_with_Blowtorch = " ", Recipe_Melt_Silver_with_Blowtorch = " ", }

You are welcome.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
DmitriySenpai 9 Feb, 2023 @ 1:59am 
English display name of items:

PropaneTank = "Propane Tank",
PropaneTankEmpty = "Empty Propane Tank",
ConcretePowder = "Bag of Concrete Powder",

SpoonMagazineBlacksmith = "Metalworking 101",
SpoonMagazineBlacksmithTwo = "Metal Is Your Friend",

SpoonFurnace = "Furnace",
SpoonAnvil = "Anvil",
SpoonGrindstone = "Grindstone",

LogPrepared = "Prepared Log",
SpoonCharcoalPitWorking = "Charcoal Pit (Working)",
SpoonCharcoalPitReady = "Charcoal Pit (Ready)",

SpoonMoldFull = "Basic Mold",
SpoonMoldEmpty = "Basic Mold (Empty)",
SpoonHandDrill = "Hand Drill",
SpoonMetalCutter = "Metal Cutter",

GoldNugget = "Gold Nugget",
SilverNugget = "Silver Nugget",
KepaS 11 Mar, 2023 @ 2:55pm 
Polish version

ItemName_PL = {

ItemName_Base.PropaneTankEmpty = "Pusty zbiornik propanu",

ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMagazineBlacksmith = "Kowalstwo metali 101",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMagazineBlacksmithTwo = "Metal to twój przyjaciel",

ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonFurnace = "Piece",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonAnvil = "Kowadło",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonGrindstone = "Kamień do ostrzenia",

ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.LogPrepared = "Przygotowany kłoda",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonCharcoalPitWorking = "Węgiel drzewny (pracujący)",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonCharcoalPitReady = "Węgiel drzewny (gotowy)",

ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMoldFull = "Podstawowa forma",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMoldEmpty = "Podstawowa forma (pusta)",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonHandDrill = "Wiertło ręczne",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SpoonMetalCutter = "Piła do metalu",

ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.GoldNugget = "Kruszec złota",
ItemName_SpoonMetalworkStuff.SilverNugget = "Kruszec srebra",


Recipe_PL = {

Recipe_Melt_Metal = "Roztopienie metalu",
Recipe_Melt_Metal_with_Blowtorch = "Roztopienie metalu z użyciem palnika",
Recipe_Construct-Forge_Engine_parts = "Wytworzenie części silnika w kuźni",

Recipe_Forge_Small_Standard_Gas_tank = "Wytworzenie małego standardowego zbiornika na gaz",
Recipe_Forge_Small_Sport_Gas_tank = "Wytworzenie małego zbiornika na gaz sportowego",
Recipe_Forge_Small_Heavy-Duty_Gas_tank = "Wytworzenie małego wytrzymałego zbiornika na gaz",

Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Standard_Muffler = "Wytworzenie standardowego tłumika strzelby",
Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Sport_Muffler = "Wytworzenie sportowego tłumika strzelby",
Recipe_Forge_Shotty_Heavy-Duty_Muffler = "Wytworzenie wytrzymałego tłumika strzelby",

Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Modern_Axe_into_Regular_Axe = "Naprawienie i naostrzenie nowoczesnej siekiery na zwykłą siekierę",
Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Regular_Axe = "Naprawienie i naostrzenie zwykłej siekiery",
Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_Machete = "Naprawienie i naostrzenie maczety",
Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_PickAxe = "Naprawienie i naostrzenie kilofa",
Recipe_Fix_and_Sharpen_HuntingKnife = "Naprawienie i naostrzenie noża myśliwskiego",

Recipe_Fix_ClubHammer = "Naprawienie młota bojowego",
Recipe_Fix_BallPeenHammer = "Naprawienie młota kowalskiego",
Recipe_Fix_Hammer = "Naprawienie młota",
Recipe_Fix_Sledgehammer = "Naprawienie młota łopatkowego",

Recipe_Refill_Blowtorch_with_Petrol = "Napełnij zapalniczkę benzyną",
Recipe_Empty_Propane_Tank = "Opróżnij butlę propanową",
Recipe_Make_a_Bag_of_Concrete_Powder = "Wykonaj worek z proszku betonowego",

Recipe_Forge_Metal_Sheet = "Wykuj płytę metalową",
Recipe_Forge_Metal_Pipe = "Wykuj rurę metalową",
Recipe_Forge_Metal_Bar = "Wykuj pręt metalowy",
Recipe_Forge_Scrap_Metal = "Wykuj zgrzebło metalowe",

Recipe_Cut_Pots_out_of_Propane_Tank = "Wytnij garnki z butli propanowej",
Recipe_Cut_Buckets_out_of_Propane_Tank = "Wytnij wiadra z butli propanowej",
Recipe_Forge_Cooking_Pot = "Wykuj garnki do gotowania",
Recipe_Forge_Roasting_Pan = "Wykuj formę do pieczenia mięsa",
Recipe_Forge_Saucepan = "Wykuj rondel",
Recipe_Forge_Baking_Tray = "Wykuj blachę do pieczenia",
Recipe_Forge_Baking_Pan = "Wykuj formę do pieczenia",
Recipe_Forge_Pan = "Wykuj patelnię",
Recipe_Forge_Bucket = "Wykuj wiadro",
Recipe_Forge_Paintbucket = "Wykuj wiadro malarskie",
Recipe_Forge_Empty_Propane_Tank = "Wykuj pustą butlę propanową",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_a_Tincans = "Wykuj i wytnij puszkę konserwową"

Recipe_Forge_Door_Knob = "Łożysko drzwiowe",
Recipe_Forge_Hinge = "Zawias",
Recipe_Forge_Padlock = "Kłódka",
Recipe_Forge_JarLid = "Pokrywka słoika",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_Screws = "Śruby",

Recipe_Forge_Shovel = "Łopata",
Recipe_Forge_PickAxe = "Kilof",
Recipe_Forge_Screwdriver = "Śrubokręt",
Recipe_Forge_Crowbar = "Łom",
Recipe_Forge_Hammer = "Młotek",
Recipe_Forge_Wood_Axe = "Topór do drewna",
Recipe_Forge_Sledgehammer = "Młot kowalski",
Recipe_Forge_Machete = "Macheta",
Recipe_Forge_Pipe_Wrench = "Klucz do rur",
Recipe_Forge_Wrench = "Klucz płaski",
Recipe_Forge_Lug_Wrench = "Klucz do kół",
Recipe_Cut_Metal_Sheet = "Przecinak do blachy",
Recipe_Cut_Wire = "Obcinacz do drutu",
Recipe_Cut_Barbed_Wire = "Obcinacz do drutu kolczastego",
Recipe_Cut_Nails = "Obcinacz do paznokci",
Recipe_Cut_Paperclip = "Obcinacz do spinacza biurowego",
Recipe_Cut_Needle = "Obcinacz do igły",
Recipe_Cut_Suture_Needle = "Igła chirurgiczna",
Recipe_Cut_Spoon = "Łyżka",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_Scissors = "Nożyczki",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_Hunting_Knife = "Nóż myśliwski",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_Saw = "Piła",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_Suture_Needle_Holder = "Uchwyt na igłę chirurgiczną",
Recipe_Forge-Cut_Tweezers = "Pęseta",
Recipe_Make_Choke_Tube_Full = "Zrobienie pełnego węża duszącego",

Recipe_Build_Antique_Oven = "Zbuduj piec antyczny",
Recipe_Build_a_BBQ = "Zbuduj grill",

Recipe_Craft_Welding_rods = "Wytwórz pręty spawalnicze",

Recipe_Build_Furnace = "Zbuduj piec",
Recipe_Build_Anvil = "Zbuduj kowadło",
Recipe_Build_Grindstone = "Zbuduj ostrzałkę",
Recipe_Craft_Bellows = "Wytwórz miech",
Recipe_Destroy_Grindstone = "Zniszcz ostrzałkę",
Recipe_Destroy_Furnace = "Zniszcz piec",
Recipe_Melt_Anvil = "Roztop kowadło",

Recipe_Prepare_Wood_for_Charcoal_Pit = "Przygotuj drewno do węglowego pieca",
Recipe_Build_Charcoal_Pit = "Zbuduj węglowy piec",
Recipe_Empty_Charcoal_from_the_pit = "Opróżnij węgiel z pieca",
Recipe_Craft_Mold = "Wytwórz formę",
Recipe_Fill_Mold = "Wypełnij formę",
Recipe_Destroy_Mold = "Zniszcz formę",
Recipe_Craft_Tongs = "Wytwórz szczypce",
Recipe_Forge_Tongs = "Wytocz szczypce",
Recipe_Forge_Hand_Drill = "Wytocz ręczną wiertarkę",
Recipe_Forge_Metal_Cutter = "Wytocz nożyce do metalu",

Recipe_Forge_Iron_Ingot = "Wytocz sztabkę żelaza",
Recipe_Melt_Metal = "Roztop metal",
Recipe_Make_unusable_metal = "Zepsuj metal",

Recipe_Melt_Gold = "Roztop złoto",
Recipe_Melt_Silver = "Roztop srebro",

Recipe_Melt_Gold_with_Blowtorch = "Roztop złoto palnikiem",
Recipe_Melt_Silver_with_Blowtorch = "Roztop srebro palnikiem",
Recipe_Melt_Metal_with_Blowtorch = "Roztop metal palnikiem",

spoon  [developer] 11 Apr, 2023 @ 11:42pm 
I only now noticed this, discussions won't give me alerts and I kind of stopped playing at that time :D Thank you for this. Gonna add Polish version ASAP.
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