LoW - Dragon Legion
Macho Chunko  [producent] 24 sierpnia 2022 o 3:06
Suggestion/Feedback Baux
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 22 komentarzy
Lukas 26 sierpnia 2022 o 5:41 
There seems to be a bug where you cant recruit Dragon Legion Spearmen, can you please check the images bellow:

In short, i have the building to tier 3 but in recruitment i cant find the dragon legion spearmen

cant share the save file to get a better picture on what is going on, but i noticed i had access to spearmen before tier 3 so something happened at tier 3
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Lukas; 26 sierpnia 2022 o 6:00
Goliath 26 sierpnia 2022 o 7:32 
Biggest suggestion I'd make is maybe modifying the research tree ingame to display what research options exactly buff the units. From what I understand, anything that buffs Dragon Princes, buffs Legion troops, but if it was more well-defined in-game, rather than having to check the workshop page, I think that'd be a big help.
Macho Chunko  [producent] 26 sierpnia 2022 o 9:18 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Goliath:
Biggest suggestion I'd make is maybe modifying the research tree ingame to display what research options exactly buff the units. From what I understand, anything that buffs Dragon Princes, buffs Legion troops, but if it was more well-defined in-game, rather than having to check the workshop page, I think that'd be a big help.
In-game there is actually a way to check, in the unit's short description i put at the end what the units scale with, didn't want to touch vanilla tech or skills to not mess with other mods that might edit skills. I'm trying to find a better way to do it but except just adding new effects on top of existing skills and tech trees or making new ones i don't know how to handle it.
Macho Chunko  [producent] 26 sierpnia 2022 o 9:44 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Lukas:
There seems to be a bug where you cant recruit Dragon Legion Spearmen, can you please check the images bellow:

In short, i have the building to tier 3 but in recruitment i cant find the dragon legion spearmen

cant share the save file to get a better picture on what is going on, but i noticed i had access to spearmen before tier 3 so something happened at tier 3
Thanks for the report, it's fixed now as soon i update the mod later, somehow i missed the spearmen recruitment lacking for the later tiers of the building.
Lukas 26 sierpnia 2022 o 11:51 
Thanks Macho Chunko for fixing that, regarding the buffs i agree with you, anything that keeps this compatible is great, i am using this with many other mods and its great to see no conflict.
Dragonknight951 26 sierpnia 2022 o 14:09 
The dragon lord's dragons seem a bit iffy, especially the moon and star dragons. Unlike other moon dragon mounted lords(archmage for instance) his health is 8844 and not 8444, which albeit could be because he is a melee lord and thus it's only fair to have more HP except that on the Star dragon(a much more resilient beast by default) it's 8444. Is that a typo? Because it makes him technically weaker than a non-mounted star dragon(1k less HP, 10 less armor, 10% less missile resist for only 5 more leadership, and for more melee attack and defense) though he does at least add 20% physical resist(something even Imrik doesn't get by default) and 40% fire resist(why don't dragons have fire res by default actually?). in fact his HP seems to be all over the place as he doesn't add all that much for 2 of his dragons(about 500 for moon, 800 for sun which is a bit more fair) and actually detracts from them at times, taking a whole 1k HP from the stars, as well as across the board taking away 10% missile resist as dragons normally have 25%
Star dragon in general seems the weakest of the three if only by a bit. Not quite as good at dealing damage as the sun's higher stats or the moon's magic attack(something that moon dragon's don't have by default), slower than the sun(which is fair, Sun is meant to be fastest). The stats for all three seem inconsistent in general. Maybe make it so that, like default, sun is fast and has a better charge bonus but overall weaker, moon is middle ground with a powerful breath attack, and Star is physically strongest but a bit slower and takes him the longest to unlock and thus requires the player choose whether to get a dragon ASAP or to wait for the star dragon.
Of course this is me using the Battle stats, which may not be 100% accurate to the campaign, as I know that skills can heavily alter how that ends up working. I'd just like to know some of the thoughts on them because I love the idea of Imrik having his own personal legion of troops meant to work alongside his affinity with dragons, and by extension FIRE.
EDIT: I just finished 2 tests with the Dragon lord(moon dragon) against Imrik because of how that 20% phys resist made me a bit worried, once with no other units and once with a single unit of spearmen because I remembered the flying unit thing, with the second attempt also having Imrik use his Star Lance(only Item in the fight because he starts with it and it would be weird for him to Not have it). End result? Dragon lord won, BOTH TIMES by a rather alarming amount in fact with the first attempt leaving the Dragon Lord just a little less than half health before Imrik routed and the second time, while closer, still was decidedly in the Dragon Lord's favor despite Imrik's superior on-paper stats and item bonus. I really don't think that a non-LL on a moon dragon should beat the "Greatest Dragon Prince" on a unique star dragon with his own unique item buffing him as well.
Edit 2: Just realized, Shouldn't it be Dragon Prince? Seems a bit strange to call him Dragon Lord when even Imrik himself is called a Dragon Prince.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dragonknight951; 27 sierpnia 2022 o 0:51
Macho Chunko  [producent] 27 sierpnia 2022 o 1:20 
The stats on the dragons mounts were there before the CA patch and their buff to dragons and i haven't adjusted them yet, they are also missing the single entity debuff they get when they are low hp.
1vs1 tests don't show much and try to balance for the campaign map not isolated fights that would never happen, but i've done a couple myself and when adjusted to be in line with CA's new changes to single entities the Dragonlord loses to Imrik everytime when Imrik is using all the skills he would have.
The 20% physical resistance is a remnant from them being based of dragon princes stats from wh2 but yeah they don't need that and it's removed now.
The 3 dragon mounts are meant to be somehow equal in strenght but have a different purposes like sun offensive, moon defensive one and star the general one, originally i based them off the Great Dragons mentions from the lore and wanted to give them unique skills and make them far stronger than the default dragons you would get, but for balance reasons i scrapped that for now are just mounts and summonable dragons.
The Dragonlord are called that cause it sounded cooler than Dragon Prince, reasoned that if lorewise the only dragon prince left with a dragon today is Imrik and the other princes just ride steeds into battle one of them being able to tame a dragon would be a step higher than the average prince and revered as a lord or something.
They are meant to be close to Imrik's power and them being that in combat i don't see as an issue, Imrik is still better on the campaign map and he will get some new stronger stuff later too aswell.
Dragonknight951 27 sierpnia 2022 o 4:17 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Macho Chunko:
Quote stuff.
First off, thanks for responding, and I kinda guessed that it was a WH2 to WH3 balancing thing, but yea I get it.
As for them being called Dragon Lords, I don't think anyone should really possess that title except MAYBE Imrik, and even then HE doesn't get it because the elves just don't really seem all that willing to give out titles like that. Because you know: TYRION, Essentially the "Main leader" of the High Elves IS STILL CALLED A PRINCE.
And in my eyes it is very strange for a Non-LL to be "Legendary Lord but better and there's more of them" which this falls under. It just doesn't feel right for a LL that, imho, is decently strong at combat(especially on his own dragon mount) to be overshadowed by a "generic" Lord that a player can have multiples of. If the Dragon Lord is just flatly better with equivalent or no items between them then it'd be like if a special modded Prince could just run up and beat Tyrion. Yea, Tyrion with, say, the Blade of Khane would win that. But in this case if the "prince" was better than him why not just give it to the Prince instead.
I understand that, as a mod, it doesn't really need to fit the lore but even just purely game mechanics wise it feels strange for a "generic" lord to be at least rivaling a LL if not outright better. And If them being "Revered as a lord" is your lore reasoning than Imrik must be god-king given how he can earn the respect of not one, not two, but 6(counting his personal companion) LEGENDARY Dragons. And other characters are perfectly capable of having a Dragon mount, does it make Them lords?

I apologize if this feels mean because I don't intend to be rude, but it just really doesn't feel right for me to have a random Lord added by a mod to be "Better' than a LL at their own game, see above example of a "special" Prince beating Tyrion in a duel.

Edit: Aight Ima test the new changes, already the stats are looking mightily improved here but I am still kinda curious about why Moon dragon has magic damage, I kinda get why you'd want the option but it does make me curious nonetheless.
Results of tests conclude, Dragon Lords are no longer able to solo Imrik, I thank you for taking my feedback and I wish you luck on improving the mod even further(as I understand it, Total War modding is a hellish nightmare).
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dragonknight951; 30 sierpnia 2022 o 10:22
Dragonknight951 30 sierpnia 2022 o 14:09 
Suggestion: Make it so that stuff like the swordsmen and spearmen actually benefit from both Dragon Prince and spearmen techs/skills, like how the Archers benefit from both Dragon Prince and Archer techs/skills.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dragonknight951; 30 sierpnia 2022 o 14:13
Macho Chunko  [producent] 30 sierpnia 2022 o 15:02 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Dragonknight951:
Suggestion: Make it so that stuff like the swordsmen and spearmen actually benefit from both Dragon Prince and spearmen techs/skills, like how the Archers benefit from both Dragon Prince and Archer techs/skills.
Archers only benefit from those for their ammo/missile damage buffs, everything else comes from the Dragon Princes tech.
Swordsmen and Spearmen would double dip and the melee buffs from techs and skills and be too strong.
Dragonknight951 30 sierpnia 2022 o 17:57 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Macho Chunko:
Archers only benefit from those for their ammo/missile damage buffs, everything else comes from the Dragon Princes tech.
Swordsmen and Spearmen would double dip and the melee buffs from techs and skills and be too strong.
Hm, fair, mainly brought it up because of the Dragon Prince improving skills have a fair few stat upgrades that are either sorta situational(charge on infantry is only really used for the initial clash or flanking, because when are you ever gonna cycle-charge your line holders?) or flat out unusable by the spearmen/swordsmen/guard/etc.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Dragonknight951; 30 sierpnia 2022 o 17:58
War And Such 31 sierpnia 2022 o 11:18 
Hey man, love the mod! As a suggestion though, have you thought about adding an equivalent defensive building tree to minor settlements? Would you also look at a sub-mod or configuration option to allow all High Elf factions the same building tree as Caledor?
Phoenixmancer 2 września 2022 o 18:01 
Do you plan on doing Phoenix legion as well?
Macho Chunko  [producent] 3 września 2022 o 1:46 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Phoenixmancer:
Do you plan on doing Phoenix legion as well?
Keep stuff in here related to this mod, thanks. And yes when i finish other stuff.
Happy 3 września 2022 o 18:45 
Please mate enable the coldone knights in campaign i am waiting only this feauture to start
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