Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Res Publica
Delendar 3. aug. 2022 kl. 14:24
Playtesting and playthroughs
Alright, after a lot of playtest and a couple of playthroughs with rome, i have to say, this mod makes gameplay rather annoying up to downright impossible. Leaving aside a couple of codes appearing on names the main issues i find are:

Characters. The crazy amount of families and characters inevitably leads to a huge malus on optimates that will get you less than 51% senate at your favor most of the time since consuls mostly come from optimate oriented families. Even giving each of them a ship just to get them something, them dying or changing office all the time screws that up. I assume that a solution for this would be to have the actual offices count as a valid office for the families, no idea how to validate that though.-

The laws. The law that allows you to rise a single legion does not allow you to. Lex antonina, or however it is called the third one for the term duration laws, has no effect. And lastly the laws for office amounts are simply punishing, why would you care about getting more offices that dont count as offices for a -20 malus on loyalty on governors AND generals? Paired with the issue i mention next, this is hard begging for a civil war. I normally dont mind since you do get global maluses like that, but work my way with bribes and certain permissions, watering them down all the way from 100-90 loyaly and just when they are about to get unloyal they are either about to die or can be just imprisoned easy. But this -20 is real though.

(I must ask too since i never actually understood, what's the point on making a bunch of new offices that don't do more than buff characters randomly every X years? What's the use of having those characters? They dont contribute on absolutely anything on national scale, they just gather corruption and get you scorned families.)

And corruption. Can't even have one province with a governor with 0 or low corruption for longer than 2 years if at all, not to mention that past 150 BC all my consuls had 80-100 corruption. I literally took over all of egypt at once and could barely even keep the provinces from rioting because i did not have a single governor option with less than 50 corruption. Playing like this is getting to the 100 BC with daily issues, no senate support, frick ton of scorned families, unloyal armies doing whatever, rampant corruption and most regions being unloyal.

I never had an issue like this before on any playthrough, so might want to check on that. But yeah if i had to ask to fix something ASAP, that'd be the new offices counting as office or whatever it is that families want to not have them all scorned and unloyal. This might just fix most of it i think? The corruption issue is way too big though.

I'm going wait for an update on that front to play with this mod again because it really becomes unplayable at one point. I honestly never play republic, i go dictatorship as soon as i can to avoid all this but well, I had to give it a go since someone went to these lenghts to flesh it out.

Anyhow, great damn job coding all of this and thank you for making this great mod so please keep tinkering with it, you are on to something real big here. Nothing short of being a whole DLC by itself, it just requires constant tweaking and balancing due to the extent of what it does. I'm gonna go with some suggestions on the other threat too while im at it but issues need to be taken care of before side features imo. Cheers o/.
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Donkey 21. sep. 2022 kl. 19:29 
Lex Antonia disables the Appoint Dictator option.
Delendar 21. sep. 2022 kl. 20:00 
Not a very tempting thing to get tbh.
Donkey 21. sep. 2022 kl. 20:30 
Sure, was just correcting you
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