Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions VitalSuits[PTX UPDATE COMING]
Wuewue Gumi 27 Jul, 2022 @ 8:55pm
July 27 Update Review
As someone who enjoys the Mech Assault mechs and as someone who's played Lost Planet before, these things really interested me. I'll be honest, when these first came out, however, many of them just felt like weaker versions of the MA Mechs. But I applaud the creator for continuing to work on these and actually bringing some more uniqueness to the table.

For starters, I love the improved speed on several of the mechs. The Ivan and Hardballer definitely feel like they deserve it, being your main mech in the original LP. And the addition of the Drio Basil is a very nice touch.
I'll be honest, there were a couple mechs which I couldn't tell if they actually gained a speed buff or if they just got new animations like the Drio Javelin, Drio Missile, and the Granseed.

The second thing to note here is the improved arsenals on a lot of the mechs. Machine gun fire rate is vastly improved to resemble that of Lost Planet even more (something that even the MA Mechs don't achieve) and it's good to see more improved weaponry like the Drio Missile getting a x4 Crossbow buff.

On that note, I was a little bit confused on something. I'm not entirely sure why the Nida and the X-Seed got a speed nerf, especially given the Nida's pitiful HP pool (;-;). It's been a while since I played LP so I don't entirely remember if that's how they were in the game, and if so, this really isn't a complaint, it kinda left me a little baffled is all.

I think my only complaints here would be 2 things.
1. If you're planning on retiring the Javelins, ya may want to rethink the names of the mechs called "Javelins"
2. For some reason a lot of the crossbows and missiles now have errors attached to them. At first I thought this was me, but I tried restarting Gmod, verifying integrity, unsubbing & resubbing to the addons, and it still didn't work. If anyone has a solution I'd be grateful.

Additionally, while I find it weird for the mechs to go through the animation when exiting, I also like the instant exiting and how you don't really get stuck anymore. Oh and the Faze mechs being able to turn in a 360 now, that was very good. Overall, a very welcome update. Keep up the good work, man.
Last edited by Wuewue Gumi; 27 Jul, 2022 @ 9:04pm