MEGA Kaizo/UWE+ Modpack (2025)
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Anrhaa  [developer] 25 Jun, 2022 @ 10:43am
Load Order
Changelog (Updated 06-02-2025):

Open up your Steam\steamapps\common\Kenshi\data folder, find mods.cfg open it with notepad and copy & paste this:

[The Compatibility MEGA Patch] More Combat Stance MIABC+.mod Animation - Collection Pack.mod RemoveTestStart - UPPER.mod [1]----------[UI, Graphics, Performance]----------.mod [1.1]--------------------(UI).mod Kenshi Community Loading Screens.mod Kenshi_rewritten.mod FlavorText+.mod Islands Inkarnate Map Regions.mod FSM.mod FSM (Little Edition).mod Fix Portrate(Animals).mod Fix Portrate.mod [1.2]--------------------(Graphics).mod Native Stylise.mod Better Night Sky and Planet Textures.mod Dangerous Hazards.mod Vain revert patch.mod gasraincustom.mod Nightvision+.mod MoodWeather.mod MoodShadows.mod MoodLighting.mod [1.3]--------------------(Performance).mod Compressed Textures Project.mod Nice textures collection.mod Unofficial Patches for Kenshi.mod Unofficial Patches for Kenshi - No Stone Camp Trader's Patch.mod CrunkTweakCompilation.mod FASTR.mod Accurate Zones Patch.mod [1.4]--------------------(Dialogues).mod Errorcode Player Dialogue.mod Let's Talk.mod Talkative Kenshi.mod Talkative Kenshi Less Names.mod LorrMoreConversations.mod CBT Did Hear No Bell.mod Travelling Civilians.mod Escort Mission.mod NPC Town Guard Mission.mod NPC Town Guard Mission (Unchanged Relation).mod NPC Town Assault Mission.mod NPC Town Assault Mission (Unchanged Relation).mod NPC Town Assault Mission (Demand money).mod Gambling - Dice Odds and Evens.mod Companion Quest - Morse.mod Please Okran!.mod seto_dialogue.mod [2]----------[Animations]----------.mod Immersive non-combat animations.mod sleepanim.mod AnimationOverhaul.mod More Sitting Animation.mod Heavy weapon combat stance.mod Heavy weapon combat stance [MCS patch].mod CMKillingTime.mod Another Stealth Run.mod Faster Stand-Up Animation.mod Add blow motions.mod megakick_anim_fix.mod DodgeStrafe.mod More Combat Animation.mod MCA Battle Fury.mod hevy_downcut_swing_limiter.mod Ganondrf.mod Great Anims Mod.mod Great Anims_Rebalance.mod DigCombatAnimation.mod DigCombat_skill_limits.mod GROUNDED2 Combat Animations.mod GROUNDED 2 Remove Blowbacks.mod ORA attack animation.mod Idle Stands.mod Idle Stands Patch.mod IdlePose_Ayanami.mod IdlePose_Caeda.mod IdlePose_Idol.mod IdlePose_Hands_behind_Back.mod [3]----------[New Races, Race edit, Cosmetics]----------.mod [3.1]--------------------(New Races).mod Robotics Limb Base Skeletons.mod Race_Flying machine.mod Oni.mod oni_revision.mod Driftmetal Remnants.mod Children.mod Children Overhaul.mod Mini Fishmen.mod Young_Shek.mod MHFMS.mod Dark Hive.mod Dark Hive_Gloweye addon.mod Dark Hive_Queens Squad Extension.mod Dark Hive_Simple Recruit.mod Radiant Ancient Hive.mod Radiant Primordial Hive - Praetorian Patch.mod Hive Cybernetics.mod HiverScoutmesh.mod Whistler.mod Whistler Additions.mod [3.2]--------------------(Race edits).mod NPC enjoys more shopping.mod shoppingecon.mod Hive Soldiers++.mod Relatable Bandits.mod [3.3]--------------------(Hair and Body).mod Community Part Map.mod REALISTIC BLOOD RETEX.mod Race Blood.mod SheeshSkins x MaleGreenlanderFace.mod SheeshSkins x FemaleGreenlanderFace.mod SheeshSkins x FemaleScorchlanderFace.mod RadiantFaces.mod RadiantFacesFixes.mod Radiant Unique Recruits New Stats.mod Many More Beards.mod Many More Hairs.mod [4]----------[Game Starts, Minor NPC, Animals]----------.mod [4.1]--------------------(Game Starts).mod Wander Set Seed.mod SimpleCannibalism.mod Brotherhood of Flesh.mod Game Starts.mod Farmers Start.mod Ideal Fortress Start.mod Shek Woman and her Beep Game Start.mod Lore Starts.mod STARTS STARTS AND MORE STARTS ENGLISH TRAD.mod New Start.mod Defeated Raider.mod [4.2]--------------------(Recruits).mod RecruitPrisoners.mod CBT Random Joiners.mod ThanksChumbo.mod Recruitable Bar Thugs.mod Are We Friends.mod Trecherous Southern Hive.mod Holy Courtship.mod Holy Nation Brides.mod The Forgotten Ones.mod Griffin Unbounded.mod Recruitable Razor.mod Trader For Hire.mod Base Traders.mod NPC Barber Droid.mod CBT Plastic Surgeon for Dumb People.mod Strangers and Freaks.mod SP - Strangers and Freaks PATCH.mod Band of Exiles.mod 42 Unique Recruits.mod Weird recruit.mod Armor & Weapon Smith Recruits.mod New Player Guide.mod CBT Avitus Rei - Region Enemy Indicator.mod Danny Boy.mod UR_Evelyn.mod Crawler.mod Wandering Swordmen.mod Beansprout.mod add_hive_mutant.mod Boop.mod Baap.mod [4.3]--------------------(Animals).mod Radiant Animal Sub Species.mod TIHYD_Zoo.mod Aminals.mod Animal Variations.mod Animal Variations Patch.mod 0_Canine_Variation.mod Subspecies.mod GreatDirewolf.mod Gutters+.mod My Custom Animals.mod Great Beak Things.mod Great Beak Things Tweaks.mod CBT Goat Retexture.mod GARRU x3.mod Megagarru.mod Swamp_Frog.mod Skimmer Broods.mod Mantis.mod Waste Fiends - Creature mod.mod Mech-Leviathan.mod Iron Skimmer.mod Wheel Spider.mod Thrasher_Warbot.mod ScarierSpiders.mod ScarierSpiders - Fix Cannot Shoot.mod PAK_Unit.mod Sailback.mod Blood Carrier.mod Iron_Hounds.mod Grigori.mod MegaHaulerBot_w_o_TameB.mod MegaPlatform.mod ChurchillBotMkIV.mod Iron Wasp.mod Spider Tank.mod SpiderTank-ENG.mod Dreadnought Strider.mod [4.4]--------------------(Animal Items).mod Grazing.mod Dog Scarf.mod Beak_Thing_Scarf.mod 0_Dog_Backpack.mod Leather Bag for Dogs.mod Armoured Direwolf - Chainmail version.mod Bull's_Lantern.mod bull armor.mod Swamp Turtle Harness.mod [5]----------[Faction edits, Minor Faction, Bounties]----------.mod [5.1]--------------------(Faction Additions).mod Player Faction Color 9 (UWE).mod No raids for small bases.mod Shinobi Thieves - Repair Relations.mod 2PN8ShinobiTrader.mod Shinobi Trader Expanded.mod HungerWars.mod Skeleton_Skin_Bandits+.mod FishmanArmour.mod Hydraulic Knight Equipment.mod Mongrel_Undertaker.mod holy order redux.mod [5.2]--------------------(Minor Factions).mod Skull Collectors.mod Desert divers.mod Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment.mod Dyers Guild.mod Guild of Surgeons.mod Thousand Hands Martial Village.mod Resort Island.mod Ashen_HIve.mod HiveScout - Ashen.mod [5.3]--------------------(Bounties).mod Wanted Posters update.mod Fog Hunt.mod More Bountys.mod Bounties.mod Bounties Galore.mod [6]----------[Buildings]----------.mod [6.1]--------------------(Building Edits).mod Slopeless.mod small_is_small.mod Working Slave Camp.mod Power Station Occupation.mod Smooth Interiors and Int Windows.mod Radiant Buildings Textures Tweaks.mod Extra Node.mod Metal Framework.mod Grid Tool.mod [6.2]--------------------(Building Additions).mod BetterLanterns.mod Tilted Spotlight.mod AttachedLampPost.mod Throes of Obedience.mod Forgotten Buildings.mod Forgotten Buildings - Reduced Texture Size.mod Forgotten Buildings - Stackable Storage.mod sideways wall ramp.mod sideways wall ramp FB.mod Flipped Buildings.mod Extra Node for Flipped Buildings.mod Advanced Outpost Buildings Plus.mod Storm Buildings Plus.mod Box Stephouse.mod Metal Fencing.mod Storm Walls.mod Concrete Block.mod Interior Door.mod Weapon statue.mod Shek Statue.mod Illumination_Hologram_Statues.mod CBT Prison House.mod Less Early Raids.mod CBT Long Range Radio.mod Better Storage System.mod Survival Shelter.mod Nomad Shelter1.mod Useful Signs.mod Radiant Turrets Rework.mod Radiant Turret Rework (No Ammunitions Patch).mod [6.3]--------------------(Furnitures).mod Clutter.mod Random Furniture.mod Interior Plus.mod Glass Furnitures.mod CMGlassPartition.mod Traditional Japanese Interiors.mod CBT Room Dividers.mod Crucifixion.mod Lively Bars.mod Lively Bars Fix.mod Shower in the bar.mod CMDarkside.mod CMDarksideAddOn.mod Little Garden.mod Aquarium.mod Cuddling.mod Lolu_Table_Figures.mod Just Rugs.mod [6.4]--------------------(Craft Stations).mod Useless Node Deleter.mod VerticalGenerator.mod lithiumioncells.mod SuperWell.mod 2PN8MoistureFarmingEnhanced.mod 2PN8BackpackCraftingPlus.mod Leviathan Pearl Craftable Items.mod Amputation Table.mod CBT Surgical Med Bay.mod RackingResearch.mod Prisoner_Food.mod CMGrave.mod Coffin.mod Campfire with Stand.mod Lone RoboticsAddon.mod Believer + Book Craft.mod deathstill.mod folded steel.mod PrimitiveMill.mod Mud and Clay.mod ServingAlcoholAndHashish.mod The Shoddy Firearm Mod.mod Shoddy Firearms Rebalanced.mod Shoddy Firearms Dissemination.mod Weapon Smith Training.mod Pizza_Time.mod Fishwich.mod BeakThingEggFoods.mod Food from Beak Thing Eggs - Same Egg Patch.mod gastronom.mod translategastroEN.mod Hesh's Hive Cooking.mod Shek Desert Grub.mod [6.5]--------------------(Gym).mod Sensible Training.mod Strength Training Equipment.mod Wooden Dexterity Training Dummy.mod CBT Gym Training Tools.mod WorkingSimulators.mod Sparring_Partner.mod training wear en.mod [7]----------[Armor & Weapons]----------.mod [7.1]--------------------(Armor Sets).mod nomad cape.mod wheat staw cape.mod Ashigaru Chest.mod Azuchi.mod Armour_SamuraiDragon.mod Samurai_armor_expanded.mod Samurai_belt_mask.mod Samurai Armour Fix Pro.mod Samurai Shin Guards.mod ohhhhhhhhh xindewushikuijia.mod Iron Fortress Armor Set.mod Dread's Gear.mod Armoured Dustcoat.mod tengu.mod holy_lord_phoenix.mod esata.mod Freelance Hunter.mod merc armor bundle.mod ScrapArmour.mod 0_Bandit_Equipment_Overhaul.mod Bounty Hunter Armor.mod Armored Mercenary Rags.mod Rag Plate.mod Swamper Plate.mod Hooligan Rags.mod OMO'S ARMOUR for the World.mod Expanded Vanilla Armor.mod ghillie_billie.mod Electrical Powered Armour - E_Armor Overhaul.mod external_muscle_suit.mod extra_armor_race_free.mod Longer Drifter's Leather Pants.mod Plated Drifter's Leather Pants PRO.mod Desert Ninja Rags.mod Sand Ninjas wear Desert Rags.mod CBT Rogue Armor Remake.mod Vanguad_mercenares.mod Leather Armor Reverant.mod Dark Leather Vest Hive.mod BBGoatsBeastforge.mod BBgoatsBeastforge_worldadditions.mod [7.2]--------------------(Clothes and Hats!).mod Underwear Restored.mod Underwear tops and hand wraps.mod cats clothing overhaul.mod Cat's Clothing Overhaul Less Common.mod cats_dustbandit_overhaul.mod Sahilarious's Feminine Clothes Part 1.mod Sahilarious's Feminine Upgrades 1.mod Corsair_Pants.mod Rag Scarf.mod GorilloScarf.mod Dark Turtleneck.mod Full Face Vanilla Helmet.mod Unholy Headgear.mod Unholy Headgear - Dispersal Patch.mod Billyro Masks.mod test_mod.mod Bog Hat.mod Copperplate Sandogasa.mod Monster_Helmet.mod Gutter Headgear.mod Crab Soldier Helmet.mod Fog_Mask_Variant.mod Floatingbot.mod Lolu_Support Drone.mod [7.3]--------------------(Weapons).mod Warrior Moon - Weapon Overhaul AIO.mod NWDM light.mod Iron Spider Arm Weapon.mod Swordfish.mod workes's Weapon Outfit I.mod workes Weapon Outfit II.mod Trident's Weapon Pack.mod Kit's Weapon Pack.mod Recruitable Foreign Swordsman.mod LFW - INFINITE.mod Cut Weapon Restoration.mod Trinity Custom Weapon Pack.mod Bloodhound Fang Sabre Version.mod Bull Horn Axe Exile Plank Revamp.mod Drax Uchigatana.mod iceboxX708 Grinning Blade.mod Christopher campos Battle Axe Marauder Axe.mod Broad Straight Edged Cutlass.mod iceboxX708 Orc Machete.mod epavlenko Ugly Homemade Cleaver.mod ColonelTang Noble Nodachi.mod wooden_staff.mod Wooden Handles.mod Sugoi Nagai Katana.mod Legendary Katana Statue.mod Radiant OldWorld MkIII Crossbow.mod Crossbows are more interesting.mod Crossbow are more interesting - Revert Size.mod [7.4]--------------------(Limbs).mod Radiant Robot Limbs.mod Dread Limbs.mod Carved Prosthetics.mod Limbs of Sekiro.mod ScarletDust.mod crimper_limbs.mod Iron Spider Arm.mod Shoddy Butcher Limbs.mod CBT Robotic Legs with Boots.mod SteadyArmRemodel.mod SteadyArmAddon.mod Thief Arm Redux.mod MNG_CrysisLimbs.mod [7.5]--------------------(Items and Tools).mod Kill Item.mod Kill Item (Limited) Patch.mod Bleeder's Needle.mod Radiant Master Explorer Bag.mod Radiant Master Explorer Bag Rebalance.mod Luxury Backpack Mod.mod Books+.mod Holy Literature Overhaul.mod Porta-Medicrate.mod Crossbow Bolt Stackinator.mod Portable Crossbow Turret kit.mod PortableCots.mod compressedmeat.mod beltonion.mod [8]----------[Overhauls & World Changes]----------.mod [8.1]--------------------(Combat).mod Combat Tweaks.mod Anti Stun for more Attack Slots.mod Sensible Martial Arts.mod SkillBased_FastDodge.mod [8.2]--------------------(Overhaul).mod 0_Alternate_Hive_Queen.mod 0_Hive_overhaul_NoFemWorkers.mod Kaizo.mod Universal Wasteland Expansion.mod Great Frontiers - World Overhaul.mod Ultimate Cities Towns Merge.mod Settled Nomads Expanded.mod Rogue2.mod Levi.mod AnnexFishmanIsland.mod [8.3]--------------------(IA).mod SCAR's pathfinding fix.mod SCAR's Better ai for NPCes.mod Stop shouting at your allies.mod More Respect for Healing.mod Not lowering relation by battle.mod Idle Farmers.mod HolyNationRacismFix.mod Hospial AI Fix.mod Visiting Slaver Caravan.mod Visiting Slaver Caravan LITE.mod Profitable Slavery.mod ExSlaverPlus.mod Sensible Slavers.mod Beter's AI Squads in Eyesocket.mod Layken's Slave-murder fix.mod [9]----------[Patches]----------.mod [9.1]--------------------(Faction and Race Patches).mod Weaklings give XP.mod CBT Vanilla Hair Fix.mod H.N+CBT Hair Fix.mod UWE Dialogue Patch.mod UWE Faction Rewritten - Holy Nation Outlaws.mod UWE Faction Rewritten - Highlanders.mod UWE Bounties Rewritten.mod UWE Northern Midland Touchup.mod UWE-GigaPatch-ONE.mod UWE-SparringPartnersPatch.mod UWE - Kaizo Compatibility Patch.mod UWE - Drifters are Real.mod [FIX]UWE- RP Compatibility Patch.mod UWE - RP - Praetorian Addon.mod UWE - AG-LFR Compatibility Patch.mod UWE - RB Compatibility Patch.mod UWE - Clownsteady Town Override Fix.mod UWE - MHFMS.mod Focus The Limb for UWE.mod SimpleCannibalism-UWE.mod Kenshi ES - Patch Ghastly Deadlands - UWE.mod RLBS Adventurers Guild Combination.mod RLBS RP Patch.mod Bounties Galore! Recruit Prisoner Patch.mod Fishman with Swordfish.mod CormanthQuest.mod [9.2]--------------------(Animation Patches).mod [9.3]--------------------(Animal Patches).mod UWE - Grazing and Animal Fodder.mod monkefurfix.mod More Detailed Landbat Fur.mod Firefly.mod [9.4]--------------------(Building Patches).mod UCTM - Less Factions and Tweaks.mod UCTM UWE Patch.mod UWE Settled Nomads Building Patch.mod UWE Slower Crop Growth.mod UWE Drinkable Booze.mod UWE - Multiple Training Mods Patch and Tweaks.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - CMKillingTime.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Storage.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - UWE.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Forgotten Buildings.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Bars.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Glass.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Grave.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Primitive.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Clutter.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Prison.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Torture.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Sitting.mod Building Category Tweaks - Signs.mod RemoveNobleStove.mod [9.5]--------------------(Armor Patches).mod Reaver_Female Armor Fix.mod UWE - Belt Slot Hats.mod external_muscle_suit_sexy.mod Vanila Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape.mod Wheatstraw Cape - Revision Patch.mod Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Azuchi Armour.mod Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Azuchi Armour - Compatibility Addition For Ashigaru Armour.mod Samurai_belt_mask Patch.mod Dark Leather Shirt is Dark Gray.mod Dustcoat revamp.mod Bandana (Undumbed).mod Fixed Ninja mask.mod Vanilla Aesthetic Friendly Fixes - Oni Hat.mod Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Oni Hat - Belt Slot hats addition.mod Better Looking Crab Helm.mod [9.6]--------------------(Weapon Patches).mod UWE Weapons.mod Vanilla Weapon Stat Revamp.mod Manageable Weapons Weight.mod Project Weapon Sharpening.mod Sharper Blunts.mod heavy seath weapons.mod Flat Topper New Mesh.mod NWDM light 3 Expanded Patch.mod Slightly Adjusted Blunt Weapons.mod [9.7]--------------------(Limbs Patches).mod UWE - Items Integration Patch - Limbs.mod [9.8]--------------------(Items and Tools Patches).mod UWE - Icon Transparency Fix.mod UWE - Items Integration Patch.mod UWE - Items Integration Patch - Upgradeable Tiers.mod UWE - Items Integration Patch - Addon.mod UWE - Cannibal Hunting.mod UWE - Kaizo CH Patch.mod Kill Item (Limited) - Kaizo Patch.mod Kill Item (Limited) - UWE Patch.mod HarderPrisonerLocks.mod Lockpick Anyway.mod [10]----------[Economy]----------.mod Your sold items will disappear.mod Talk to shopkeepers while in disguise.mod T2SWID_UWE Compatibility.mod T2SWID_Adventurers Guild Integration.mod Bank Use! EN.mod Slaver Barmen.mod Casinos Are Now Bars.mod Bounty Caravans - Tech Hunter's Suppliers (multilanguage).mod Faction Caravans.mod Money theft.mod [11]----------[Miscellanious]----------.mod hippity hoppity you're now my property.mod Kenshi Vibes.mod Beak Thing_Hair.mod Baka Things.mod beakthing statue.mod beakthing statue plus.mod Buildings Category Tweaks - Becky.mod Talking Beak Things.mod Lvely Gutter English Edition.mod Gutter_Farming.mod Beam Thing.mod holybeepstatuefix.mod Geothermal Generator.mod Protoss.mod Cat Race.mod John Kenshi.mod Neep-a.mod Hive_Princess.mod Hive_Princess_Edit.mod Hive_princess_remade.mod PrincessOfTheHiveFemale-PrincessOfCuteHiveMale.mod Cute Hive.mod Cute Hive - Princess.mod Fogmen - Princess Patch.mod Dark Hive - Princess Patch.mod Primordial Hive - Princess Patch.mod Hive Cybernetics - Princess Patch.mod Mogwai Hive Overhaul - Princess Patch.mod UWE - Princess Patch.mod Strangers N' Freaks - Hive Princesses.mod SP - Strangers and Freaks Princesses PATCH.mod SparringPartner Cat Race patch.mod RemoveTestStart - LOWER.mod NCE - Collection Pack.mod Pathfinding - Collection Pack.mod [12]----------[Optional]----------.mod.mod yet_another_kenshi_nude_mod.mod 01.mod Shek perfect body.mod BeautifulBodiesAndFaces.mod BBAFMegapatch.mod CBT YANM & Community Part Map - Invisible Arms Fix.mod YAKNM - Collection Pack.mod -KCF autogenerated patch-.mod
Last edited by Anrhaa; 5 Feb @ 11:34pm
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Showing 1-15 of 133 comments
Markanian 14 Oct, 2022 @ 9:10pm 
Originally posted by Evilmagic:
For some reason this mod list is making the cannibals not have textures. I was trying the Storm Saga start and doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

"having same issues have not found a fix for it yet"

Took a long time to fix it but you can start by having Kaizo before UWE and all faction mods and races before that if you use ACO use it after UWE and follow the mod order listed on the ACO mod page. I could not get gen mod to work with this.
Last edited by Markanian; 16 Oct, 2022 @ 10:19am
Anrhaa  [developer] 20 Dec, 2022 @ 7:28pm 
Originally posted by Pazox:
Originally posted by afyepesr:
@Pazox I'm using the Nice textures collection mod by SCARaw ( it includes other texture mods including Dark UI and Nice Map and so far the modlist and the mod I mentioned are compatible.

Thank you for your help but sadly i still have very dark font which is hard to read for me (

Anyway, great mod pack @Anrhaa !

I found it!
This one is the culprit

And this one is the solution made by the author:

Just add the following mod after Dark UI and the Unofficial Patches for Kenshi and done
Anrhaa  [developer] 16 May, 2023 @ 8:40am 
Anrhaa  [developer] 18 May, 2023 @ 3:59pm 
Combat Stance need the compatibility patch to work with More Combat Stance MIABC+, the Autor says the patch works with the MIABC+ version too
Anrhaa  [developer] 25 May, 2023 @ 7:51pm 
@KaSz Good. Thank you very much dude :D
Mr.Handy 1 Jun, 2023 @ 12:47pm 
hi, can you update list of the mods for mods.cfg? and maybe in future reactive world of living world it have patches for UWE, and thx for your work
Last edited by Mr.Handy; 1 Jun, 2023 @ 12:53pm
Anrhaa  [developer] 1 Jun, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
@Mr.Handy the list is already updated. It's always updated. Pretty much is the first thing I do any time I update the mod list. Just copy and paste it. Isn't it working for you?

I can't add Reactive World or Living World. They do the same as Kaizo. Only one should be used. The compatibility patches for these mods are for the user to choose their favorite one.
Kaiser Zero 12 Jun, 2023 @ 11:22am 
I'm curious about something, is there any reason GenMod isn't in this Mod list? Would it conflict with anything in UWE? Or because of another reason?
Anrhaa  [developer] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 11:32am 
@Kaiser Zero ...I don't use GenMod. Even if it has some interesting features, it adds a lot of things I'll particularly won't use and would be a pain to patch.
Super Meki 12 Jun, 2023 @ 12:04pm 
sorry i trying to search for collection, some of it i try including this have one problem in my pc (im using high end pc) with delayed movement when following one squad member / mercenary (Already you use all trick like ctrl + shift + F11 / F12 from forum). just to be sure did you also have this kind of problem ?
Last edited by Super Meki; 12 Jun, 2023 @ 12:05pm
Anrhaa  [developer] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 1:21pm 
@SuperMekichan666 First time I ever hear of something like that
Dr. Igor Dolvich 13 Jun, 2023 @ 1:36pm 
Originally posted by SuperMekichan666:
sorry i trying to search for collection, some of it i try including this have one problem in my pc (im using high end pc) with delayed movement when following one squad member / mercenary (Already you use all trick like ctrl + shift + F11 / F12 from forum). just to be sure did you also have this kind of problem ?

I also replied on my collection as well, but you can try turning off Generate Distant Towns in the graphics menu. It's worked for me and a couple of other people, it's more of an issue with the engine being pretty old at this point and UWE adding a lot of new buildings and towns in various areas. If you look at your logs, you'll see there's a lot of spam for not being able to "generate distant meshes", which can eventually lead to you CTD and overall slowdown, particularly in large battles.
Last edited by Dr. Igor Dolvich; 13 Jun, 2023 @ 1:38pm
Grumpy Old Man 14 Jun, 2023 @ 11:12am 
Wrinkled_Mongoose 4 Jul, 2023 @ 10:41pm 
Dyers Guild Never works for me. How do you guys get it to work
Last edited by Wrinkled_Mongoose; 4 Jul, 2023 @ 10:41pm
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Showing 1-15 of 133 comments
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