

Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
Warcasket Weapons?
Two things, first is just a general question, the second is just me checking if anyone else is experiencing this bug before I report it.
First thing: A lot of the warcasket weapons are pointless? why would I ever use the warcasket minigun if it genuinely just has worse stats than a normal quality normal miniguns? I stared at the stats for so long trying to figure out why the hell warcasket weapons are even a thing?

Second thing: Has anyone encountered a bug where some of the warcasket weapons that are meant to cause explosions (charge blaster) completely fails to? I assume this is a mod conflict of some sort and I'll try and investigate that, but does anyone happen to know what this is?
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Birdan 21 May @ 12:04pm 
Yeah ok expanding on it I would like to just say the balance of the warcasket weapons just seems really strange? they alternate between being outright worse than their original weapon, or things like the grenade launcher, which is capable of firing a basically constant barrage of grenades? Is there some gameplay rational behind this? Are we not meant to use warcasket weapons for dedicated warcaskets?
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