STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

Star Wars Battlefront Commander GCW Beta
Marxist1 24 Jan, 2022 @ 10:42am
Rebel ai bypassing planets
This is a very solid mod i would like to enjoy since playing as the empire is very nice, however the fact that the rebels can attack any planet even if its not connected is stupid. I get that the rebels would probably loose otherwise every time and buffing them is certanly nice but giving them a bs ability like that just isn't it, its really cheap and means you have to pretty much waste alot of units defending planets that should already be defended just by being deep in the core.

I love the mod as the rebels since the empire doesn't seem to have this bs ability (cheat if you ask me). Removing this would just make the gameplay way better. :)
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Riansend 24 Jan, 2022 @ 6:53pm 
yeah i 100% agree, this is why i play other eaw mods while i wait for this to be fixed unless it never is, then ill never play the mod again. i also hate that the ai has cheats making the difficulty hard no matter what. i dont get what "ideas" he had with those two game breaking additions.
Marxist1 24 Jan, 2022 @ 11:40pm 
It also sucks because otherwise this is a very good mod whit alot of cool heroes i wanna use (mostly on the empire side) :( i really hope this gets patched out and the mod gets re-balanced in other way besides ai cheating.
Wolfpred99 25 Jan, 2022 @ 5:49pm 
I've had the rebels be able to spam build units without the required structures needed on their planets.
jlnoel0603 30 Jan, 2022 @ 11:38am 
Originally posted by Marxist1:
This is a very solid mod i would like to enjoy since playing as the empire is very nice, however the fact that the rebels can attack any planet even if its not connected is stupid. I get that the rebels would probably loose otherwise every time and buffing them is certanly nice but giving them a bs ability like that just isn't it, its really cheap and means you have to pretty much waste alot of units defending planets that should already be defended just by being deep in the core.

I love the mod as the rebels since the empire doesn't seem to have this bs ability (cheat if you ask me). Removing this would just make the gameplay way better. :)
Fire 2 Feb, 2022 @ 6:26pm 
I mean in general it's a extremely empire favored mod when it comes to space battles, in thoose terms u kinda want 2 to 1 value in troops to win. If ur playing rebel or consort it's basically just raidining planets cus even if ur going 40 worth of space troops vs 1 10 star destroyer and no station your likely to loose at least half of what u put in, if ur playing empire u steamroll space battles and whipe evrything out in 30days.
Never noticed the not connected part though, but some of the non og outskirt planets has some very wierd connections.
Marxist1 3 Feb, 2022 @ 3:59am 
i would be fine if there was a system for the rebels that spawned in a small amount of ships every lets say 3 weeks in game time but to just remove the attack anywhere thing would be enough for me.
Riansend 3 Feb, 2022 @ 10:06pm 
Originally posted by Marxist1:
i would be fine if there was a system for the rebels that spawned in a small amount of ships every lets say 3 weeks in game time but to just remove the attack anywhere thing would be enough for me.
same, also not enough population to put at least a decent ship over every planet you conquer. blockades are useless, and getting a big enough fleet to conquer planets whilst still protecting your planets mid to late game is hard.
Last edited by Riansend; 3 Feb, 2022 @ 10:07pm
-=EDF=- Kouta Seto 14 Feb, 2022 @ 2:05pm 
Soooo the mod made the AI able to do what the alliance would all be about? Hit you behind "defense lines" and you complaint? Ever played Star Wars Rebellion? Shure in "canon" SW there are hyperspace lanes that you could potentialy watch over, yet this didnt work during large portions of X-wing and X-wing Alliance soooo this doesnt realy work, and interdictors are rare AF and make for exelence training targets if the rebels find them, even with an ISD around (Remember : Their everything BUT full equiped with Tie's, in fact most of them are more or less empty compared to what they would be able to field(And not even at novel Endor did those 28 ISD's field their 100% complement, not to mention the Executor that was present too or the DS2. at most there where like 2k ties of various types against a rebel force that basicaly TANKED 200 craft being wiped out by the executor alone and still won(althou it would rather be a tie in total destroyed ships)).

Soooo you complain about something i would have LOVED earlier in EAW. Yet most mods still display the rebels to be able to go headon against the empire. Shure MC ships ARE strong and can go 1v1 against even the ISD II for some time, yet could not win. Even more modern designs would fall short. And yes that counts the Nebula into it. It can tank the damage of the ISD II yea shure, yet dish it out? Nope. Plus its stated that the Nebula is ONLY as powerfull and armed as an ISD I, never the II.
Marxist1 14 Feb, 2022 @ 11:03pm 
it's about game balance and fairness, not lore.

not everything has to be lore accurate and i'm sure the imps did attacks like that at some points in the lore yet they don't have this dumb mechanic.

also if the rebels only means of dealing real damage is bombers then you have to admit that makes for really boring fleet composition, also bomber spam is boring anyways so i would rather not have to rely on those all the time when building fleets and HAVING FUN WHIT EVERYTHING ON OFFER IN THE MOD BESIDES THOSE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BOMBERS!
(sorry i got carried away there). i think the way the expanded mods do space combat is the best out there anyway so i'm quite biased here, but atleast in that one there are reason to use smaller ships like victories and not just spam isds or on the rebels side home-ones, since more ships are capable of standing tall in a fight makes for more interesting fleet building that isn't just "hurr durr i have many bombers and nothing else.....".

in short: balance is more important than lore.
Last edited by Marxist1; 14 Feb, 2022 @ 11:04pm
Vaioplayer 27 Apr, 2022 @ 12:55pm 
Originally posted by -=EDF=- Kouta Seto:
Soooo the mod made the AI able to do what the alliance would all be about? Hit you behind "defense lines" and you complaint? Ever played Star Wars Rebellion? Shure in "canon" SW there are hyperspace lanes that you could potentialy watch over, yet this didnt work during large portions of X-wing and X-wing Alliance soooo this doesnt realy work, and interdictors are rare AF and make for exelence training targets if the rebels find them, even with an ISD around (Remember : Their everything BUT full equiped with Tie's, in fact most of them are more or less empty compared to what they would be able to field(And not even at novel Endor did those 28 ISD's field their 100% complement, not to mention the Executor that was present too or the DS2. at most there where like 2k ties of various types against a rebel force that basicaly TANKED 200 craft being wiped out by the executor alone and still won(althou it would rather be a tie in total destroyed ships)).

Soooo you complain about something i would have LOVED earlier in EAW. Yet most mods still display the rebels to be able to go headon against the empire. Shure MC ships ARE strong and can go 1v1 against even the ISD II for some time, yet could not win. Even more modern designs would fall short. And yes that counts the Nebula into it. It can tank the damage of the ISD II yea shure, yet dish it out? Nope. Plus its stated that the Nebula is ONLY as powerfull and armed as an ISD I, never the II.

The Executor losing because one little tiny bridge being taken out by a even smaller A-wing ship is just dumb. That A-wing should have bounced straight off the armor. Even modern carriers today have 2 and 3 redundant ways to steer it if the main bridge is taken out. And unless someone died on the flight controls, it shouldnt have just tanked straight downwards into the death star. Movie wise sure it makes for a cool scene, but stupid in every other sense. The rebels should have been squished. The sheer volume of TIEs and ISDs, combined with the DS's weapons and taking shots at rebel capital ships should have obliterated them. The worst part about that whole battle was they should have popped that lambda shuttle before it ever got close enough to the planet. Using old codes and still being allowed access. Space wizards doing space wizard crap because plot.
Waldo 10 May, 2022 @ 7:30am 
Originally posted by Vaioplayer:
Using old codes and still being allowed access. Space wizards doing space wizard crap because plot.
Remember that it was a deliberate trap by the empire. Palpatine just chose 30 of his worst soldiers to pull off the trap. Told the nearby AT-AT to just stand by and watch
Last edited by Waldo; 10 May, 2022 @ 7:32am
Flo463 21 Oct, 2022 @ 5:57pm 
this is not an element of the mod but that of the base game, it often happened to me to see the rebels land by I don't know what magic trick while there is a fleet above!
Last edited by Flo463; 21 Oct, 2022 @ 5:57pm
Jedi_Wolf 27 Jan, 2023 @ 12:42am 
Originally posted by -=EDF=- Kouta Seto:
Soooo the mod made the AI able to do what the alliance would all be about? Hit you behind "defense lines" and you complaint? Ever played Star Wars Rebellion? Shure in "canon" SW there are hyperspace lanes that you could potentialy watch over, yet this didnt work during large portions of X-wing and X-wing Alliance soooo this doesnt realy work, and interdictors are rare AF and make for exelence training targets if the rebels find them, even with an ISD around (Remember : Their everything BUT full equiped with Tie's, in fact most of them are more or less empty compared to what they would be able to field(And not even at novel Endor did those 28 ISD's field their 100% complement, not to mention the Executor that was present too or the DS2. at most there where like 2k ties of various types against a rebel force that basicaly TANKED 200 craft being wiped out by the executor alone and still won(althou it would rather be a tie in total destroyed ships)).

Soooo you complain about something i would have LOVED earlier in EAW. Yet most mods still display the rebels to be able to go headon against the empire. Shure MC ships ARE strong and can go 1v1 against even the ISD II for some time, yet could not win. Even more modern designs would fall short. And yes that counts the Nebula into it. It can tank the damage of the ISD II yea shure, yet dish it out? Nope. Plus its stated that the Nebula is ONLY as powerfull and armed as an ISD I, never the II.
its been stated that a Nebula is strong enough to withstand firepower short of an Executor class star dreadnought. but not for prolonged periods of time... it can EASILY wipe out an ISD II in a 1v1 due to its more advanced shields, weapons, and fighter garrison, idk what your on about an ISD II being better but its not... not even close. clearly your thinking about another EAW mod that has it being weaker than an ISD II but thats just game balance and mod dev being a OmG tHe EmPiRe DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG" believer (no offense is intended on that part) also a VERY overlooked fact about mon cala ships is that they are built to whithstand punishment that NOTHING the empire has of similar size could, this is actually something about this mod that GETS RIGHT! every other mod has them as fragile as a heavy frigate but with shields that can simply shrug off an overcharged ISD, true research was done for this mod in one way or another. Even if you dont agree on what i said thats YOUR opinion and you may stick with it. I go by my facts and ability to look things up even if they dont make sense to me. Its good to look up some info now and then. I may be wrong about some things but im just going off of what i could remember and what i looked up. (ok this wall has gone on long enough im gonna shut the hell up for now)
ksatamemxx 26 Aug, 2023 @ 12:41am 
can you change rebel commando role pls??
Melenarmme 11 Oct, 2023 @ 10:31am 
The Executor losing because one little tiny bridge being taken out by a even smaller A-wing ship is just dumb. That A-wing should have bounced straight off the armor. Even modern carriers today have 2 and 3 redundant ways to steer it if the main bridge is taken out. And unless someone died on the flight controls, it shouldnt have just tanked straight downwards into the death star. Movie wise sure it makes for a cool scene, but stupid in every other sense. The rebels should have been squished. The sheer volume of TIEs and ISDs, combined with the DS's weapons and taking shots at rebel capital ships should have obliterated them. The worst part about that whole battle was they should have popped that lambda shuttle before it ever got close enough to the planet. Using old codes and still being allowed access. Space wizards doing space wizard crap because plot. [/quote]
that is not true the in infos we have about the end of the Executer is more compliycatet as you think there happend Much more than the the Movie Shows us. Second if the Lambda havn´t land on the Plant the Rebels woud know this will be a trap and not appear on Endor and the War woud move on. Third we don´t know how Strong the Rebel Fleet was what we know is that is was big and what we also know is that the Ties are the worst Figther in the Galaxy and i mean every commen used Tie from the Empire the Rebels Figther are 100 times Stronger than the Ties and the Pilots are more Vetren becouse there didnt die becouse threre Fighter are way more better than the Empire Ones. At last Read the Legends Roman Heirs to the Empire The Dark Side of the Force and the Last Command from Timmty zhan
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