Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Chaos Marines
Numbra  [kehittäjä] 16.12.2021 klo 14.04
Extra models
As the description states, I omitted some models since they would rarely be used, yet I could be mistaken. If you desire to have any of the missing models (or champion loadouts) made, sound out here and I will take it into account.
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I think A plasma gun for the csm troops would be good. Otherwise, I love em
Numbra  [kehittäjä] 19.12.2021 klo 9.54 
Done! Enjoy!
Zeta 19.12.2021 klo 19.07 
You dare crush the hopes of dual plasma pistol enthusiasts! My rambo marine shall live on in my heart. On a more serious note, I'd love a variant or two w/o horns if possible.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Zeta; 19.12.2021 klo 19.08
I don't know how often Flamer and Meltas are used in common loadouts, but it'd be amazing if you could make models with either of these. I also don't mind running my special weapons with the dope plasma gun model you just added as well since the model is fantastic!
Numbra  [kehittäjä] 23.12.2021 klo 11.28 
Zeta lähetti viestin:
You dare crush the hopes of dual plasma pistol enthusiasts! My rambo marine shall live on in my heart. On a more serious note, I'd love a variant or two w/o horns if possible.

Maybe Plasmapistol akimbo Champion on 9th codex?

There are already a bunch of hornless Chaos Marines in the workshop, just search for “Dark Angels”.

On a serious note, added a couple to the end of the bag queue.
Numbra  [kehittäjä] 23.12.2021 klo 11.29 
I don't know how often Flamer and Meltas are used in common loadouts, but it'd be amazing if you could make models with either of these. I also don't mind running my special weapons with the dope plasma gun model you just added as well since the model is fantastic!

Meltagun and Flamer added in the Specials bag! Enjoy!
Amazing work on the models my man! Do you think you could add some variants to the aspiring champion with power weapons & a plasma pistol? They're perfect for kill team, and I'd love to use your work as my man in charge! For now or if you can't manage it, the chainsword & bolt pistol work more than fine as a proxy.
These are really nice.

Is there any chance of an Icon Bearer being added to the set?
And perhaps a champion with a powerfist + plasma pistol?

I like to use these for when I play Killteam, so both of those would be really good to have.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on BlitzBob NoPants; 4.2.2022 klo 13.11
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