Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Wooden Wrench
reveilarc 19 Jun, 2014 @ 3:59pm
Stats and Name
Well... I think the Wooden Wrench is a fair enough name, honestly. If it is accepted into the game, Valve could think of something.

As for stats?
First of all, it's wood. Not some heavy @ metal, wood.
+15% firing speed
At the same time.. It's wood. Not some nonflammable metal.
- (2 seconds of afterburn damage will completely destroy the weapon, and it takes 15 seconds to recharge.)
Once again, it's wood, and, personally, I think getting the living heck beaten out of me by wood is far less painful than getting the living heck beaten out of me by metal.
-20% damage
And, of course, it's wood. Last thing I see these days is an engineer whacking some metal contraption with wood. It doesn't do too much, does it?
- (Hitting engineer buildings only adds 20 metal progression)

That's a lot of downsides?
No one's going to use this with those sorts of downsides, right?
Well, there's another thing we should remember... "First of all, it's wood. Not some heavy @ metal, wood."
+20% movement speed while weapon is equipped and +10% when weapon is not equipped. Speed dropoff when moving buildings is negated.

+15% firing speed
+20% movement speed while weapon is equipped and +10% when weapon is not equipped. Speed dropoff when moving buildings is negated.
-20% direct damage
- (Hitting engineer buildings only adds 20 metal progression)
- (2 seconds of afterburn damage will completely destroy the weapon, and it takes 15 seconds to recharge.)

I could see some use in this one, as an engineer main.
"+15% firing speed" means that you can quickly heal your buildings and upgrade them (even though only 20 metal is deposited onto the building on hit)

"-snip- movement speed -snip" is extremely useful. As a front-of-the-line engineer, it's just hell when a few things happen.

1) You're repairing your sentry and some big heavy comes around the corner with a medic stuck up his butt.
Solution : Now you can quickly escape with your sentry, 20% movement speed bonus makes you move faster than even the medic.
2) You're off fighting with your widowmaker (that's my shotgun) and some soldier decides he wants to go and hurt your sentry.
Solution : Assuming you don't have the Rescue Ranger, getting to your sentry is a piece of cake. Repairing it (+15% firing speed) is just icing on the cake.

Of course, pyros are a new sort of deep-dug hell with this weapon. Not close to a health kit or (smart) friendly pyro? Tough luck. You're sentry's probably screwed if that's what is being attacked.

And this wrench probably isn't designed for on-the-fly construction, given it takes an extra hit (an extra 1/4 of a second) to upgrade your sentry, which can actually mean a lot if you're setting up at or just after an enemy push.

Yes. These stats. I love them.
If valve added this wrench with these stats, I'm pretty sure my eyesight would drop 5 points from sitting at the computer so long, using it.

Comment on stats (and open thinking) below! :)
Last edited by reveilarc; 22 Jun, 2014 @ 4:24pm
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
leviathan 21 Jun, 2014 @ 10:14am 
op stats
Captain Magma 21 Jun, 2014 @ 5:23pm 
Those stats are actually really good, not OP, and I like the idea that it breaks when set on fire.
reveilarc 22 Jun, 2014 @ 4:23pm 
Hey, MrsMasky, couldyou give some constructive comments on what you think is OP? I tried to be as in-depth and descriptive of my though process as i could.
Wiliho 23 Jun, 2014 @ 5:25pm 
+10% when weapon is not equipped <- If this were not one of the stats, then it would be really balanced.
Jimbei 23 Jun, 2014 @ 9:43pm 
yippi ka yay mother f*cker
enormous fish 2 Jul, 2014 @ 5:00am 
I have a name!
Wooden Will
Jimbei 7 Jul, 2014 @ 12:35am 
oh god
TheDefectivePawn 20 Sep, 2014 @ 4:59pm 
I think it is a good idea. Normally I try to put in some idea for stats, but this doesn't really need one
aramando 27 Mar, 2015 @ 9:02pm 
er...yup.that's a nice stats.
r[[[[[[a]]]]]]z 28 Mar, 2015 @ 5:51pm 
Call it the Mann-Made and we have a deal.
Mud-To-Mud 30 Mar, 2015 @ 6:05pm 
Yeah, I do hope they put this in, the idea of it having great stats but then being able to break will be my true favorite! (Not being a wise-anus or anything, I'm serious.)
ZetaPaladin 30 Mar, 2015 @ 9:06pm 
-25% Dmg
+ Makes opponents bleed for 3 seconds upon hit, (Each second deals 10 dmg,)
+15% Faster firing speed
+10% More dmg from heavies and spies taken.
Name Suggestions:
Del's Makeshift Machine,
Smasher Basher
Wooden "Yee-Haw!"
Neapolitan 31 Mar, 2015 @ 10:45am 
Possibly for a name you could use, The Wood Works
Walker 1 Apr, 2015 @ 2:23am 
Those stats look pretty good to me, I would definitely use this item when playing the offensive engineer, so I say the item would be great and your states are perfect for it, nothing more to add there. As for the name, I think I have a pretty decent one in mind, the "Woodshop Workaround". I personally think it fits the item, anyone else?
Busc 1 Apr, 2015 @ 6:15am 
the sycamore spanner
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