Diagonal Walls
Mix and Match leads to a roofed room being outside?
So do you have to ONLY use basic walls to connect to themselves or connector walls, and only diagonal walls connecting to connector walls. Because having basic walls connect to normal vanilla walls seems to classify a room as outdoors. Or is it that one can shoot through diagonal walls that makes it "outside?" You know, where it says "can be shot through from both sides," like the embrasures mod? Just trying to have an inside room with diagonal walls here...

Edit: Ok, definitely embrasure-like, since I use fog of war and I can see through diagonal walls. So that explains why it is considered "outside." But what diagonal walls are just normal walls then? Or is it some weird interaction with embrasures mod, since wall descriptions use the same exact wording?
Последно редактиран от I blame Earthshaker; 22 авг. 2021 в 13:12
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Roughrider  [разработчик] 25 авг. 2021 в 14:50 
Which embrasure mod are you using exactly? Diagonal walls shouldn't be working as embrasures, so there could be some conflict.
I'm using:

Also, for whatever reason the construction button options are showing right next to this mod's construction option, so it is seeming more likely that there is some sort of inadvertent mod interaction.
Последно редактиран от I blame Earthshaker; 25 авг. 2021 в 18:33
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