Radiant Better Faces & Eyes
Shirohô  [developer] 26 Oct, 2021 @ 2:29pm
Future of the mod : User/subscribers custom demands
I am at the moment very busy to bring my last mod alive and further updated (Radiant Unique Recruits Dialogues). So until it's at least @70% of the full implementation, I will be less working on my other mods including this one. ALTHOUGH ! If someday i get back to this one to add more content, i will probably make custom faces textures that you might need in general, such as most popular demands, other vanilla unique characters, commissions may be ? Anyways, On this topic, you can post your ideas so it never dies (after moderation) and find me back when i will come back for building a new roadmap. I will be the only one to filter and accept your propositions, this has to be motivating and please to the maximum of Kenshi players. Last words, be patient and also be aware this is a just supposition i won't wear myself out on modding this game.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Skinwalker 12 Jan, 2023 @ 9:30am 
Hey sorry for the double comment (I also made this in the mod comments but really wanted you to see this).

I'd really like to make a compatibility patch for the new Shek subraces added in UWE, but I'm somewhat hamstrung without the source files. Is there any chance you would provide me with them so I can do the color changes required on the skin layer? I would credit you or if you preferred I can just give them to you for you to upload yourself?

Let me know!
Shirohô  [developer] 12 Jan, 2023 @ 10:11am 
I'm sorry mate but that's really not how i work, there is no "skin" layer that could adjust the color of the skin in my works. Since I never predicted there would be separate other colors for Sheks eveything is flat on my psd's. You will have to work around the stuff I made. Thing is I can give you the right to do so from here but can't do much more than that, you will have to use all your photoshop skill with product and color top layers to turn it in your desired color. There is no magic in the way i work (I'm also a pro digital painting artist) I paint alter and it's just it lol. If only I knew there was a color change for skin, yes I would have separate the skin/horns/bones/etc. So ... take the dds files inside and this is it xD Courage, u can do this !
Skinwalker 13 Jan, 2023 @ 10:40pm 
xD as a bit of a bit of an amateur digital artist with a few freelance gigs under my belt that sounds like an absolute nightmare just working on one layer. But thanks for letting me know and providing permission. I did a test run on one and I think I can make it work, it's just very tedious so we'll see how long it takes me.
Shirohô  [developer] 14 Jan, 2023 @ 12:55am 
Nah it's not that I worked on one layer. It's that I didn't have any other layer for skin (since I never changed the shek color tone). For instance the scars or damage on skin, it was directly worked on the base layer, didn't need of one. For adding things like ring on hors and else, changing color of horns/bones etc, yes there are layer since it's needed here.
Fish_in_Sandals 27 Jan, 2023 @ 8:47am 
A version of this mod that does not alter unique recruits (maybe specifically just robot unique recruits) would be wonderful. I was filled with immense sadness to see sadniel as a P4 unit. I tried looking at the races / characters changes that this mod does in the FCS but it looks like you altered the original 'Skeleton' race so I admit I am not proficient enough to change things back for those specific characters. The rest of the mod is lovely though.
Last edited by Fish_in_Sandals; 27 Jan, 2023 @ 9:05am
Shirohô  [developer] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 10:08am 
@Fish_In_Sandals Man I can't change the mod the other way just for you. (esp when I had tons of opposite positive greetings about the robot choice). But I empathize with your sadness, I know we can get attach to those details very quickly. So what I can do is to help you create a patch to reverse back your Sadneil to what it was? It's really not a big deal and sort of easy. With this mod, physically speaking that would tick him in the P4 MKI model. So what you have to do is to create a mod through the engine (don't be afraid)
Shirohô  [developer] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 10:12am 
@Fish_In_Sandals So hit that "create" mod button, and before open it, tick my mod "Radiant Better faces and eyes" and untick everything else but the 4 core stuff of the game. Make sure Your mod will be the active one, not mine so click again on it. Mine will be only a side data. In the data section go to character>Sadneil> click on "Race" the "add" button above select : P4 MKI then remove my custom race. Save everything, activate your mod (+ mine obviously) You ll have what u desire. With that new patch of yours you can edit around everything you like/don't like in my mod.
Fish_in_Sandals 30 Jan, 2023 @ 7:26pm 
Thanks much for the reply Shiroho I will give it a try!

Edit: Worked fine, thanks again for taking the time to explain the process.
Last edited by Fish_in_Sandals; 30 Jan, 2023 @ 8:45pm
Edetha4 4 Mar, 2023 @ 5:43pm 
Hi there!
Fell in love with the mod and downloaded it as soon as I saw it, and already used the Knife preset to make a character!
Since you mentioned suggestions or ideas, I the only thing that comes to mind would be an option for female characters to have a "Demon" face like the male greenlander does. I've always been a fan of black Sclera on some characters, and I used it on my male character I am making into a cyborg to make it look like he has cyber eyes. I just thought having that as an option for a female character would be neat as well.

I tried to figure out how to do so myself by doing things like creating a custom mod that refers a female face to use the male demon face maps before asking, comparing different files and faces in the mod tool, since I felt it would be rude to ask right away without trying to put in work myself, but that didn't work out, and I have no idea how I would create a colour and/or texture map of my own.

Anyway, thanks again for this awesome mod. Cheers Shiroho!
Sem 24 May, 2023 @ 7:35pm 
Hey man! always liked the radiant mods. came back to kenshi after 6 months or so. where did you uniuqe recruit dialogue mod go? was one of my faves
Shirohô  [developer] 30 May, 2023 @ 10:29am 
@Sempire Hi Sempire, very glad to hear my mod bring you some joy. I'm sorry about not much news lately, same as always for me I had much health troubles and couldn't find time to answer everyone. About the recruit dialogue mod I found that one very fun myself too (even if very perfectible, I was willing to improve it over time) but I had to delete it completely. That mod brought me insults on my mail, profile, comments and messages (that I had to delete every day at some point). This was very oppressive, stressful and disgusting (and could impact directly my health/recovery). So I had to remove the whole mod to solve the issue. I'm sorry this is the world we live in and yeah those persons exists and really are numerous and cruel. Really sad... FYI those complained mostly about me disfiguring the game spirit or... whatever. It happens I guess.
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