Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Paralake City V5
Cool idea for v6 (but better)
You could add an upstairs bit because there's an elevator which take you up and a garage for the hospital and a helipad because it would look cool (Hospital). Also, the parking spaces in front of the police station need to come back because it was useful(Police Station). Because the barn is a bit boring may you please add a military base instead that will include a runway(Military). If possible, can you try to make it possible to get in the monorail although you can get in on other servers it will be cool if you can get in on your own server.
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Whilst helipads are a cool addition the skybox of Paralake wouldn’t really cater for helicopters anyways, which would piss more people off if they’re looking for helicopter maps.

Military base is a waste of resources. Bear in mind the server this is made for doesn’t have a military and never will.

The monorail is coded to work with the gamemode. On our server it works brilliantly, flawlessly even. For it to work without the seating nodes it would have to be slow as ♥♥♥♥ as it would force players out when it moves. Fearless’s rendition of evocity had a train station last year with trains you could stand inside, but that’s because the train is slow. As a convenient form of transport slowing it down wouldn’t be a sufficient solution for a map the size of Paralake.

The solution to the monorail issue would just kill the viability of the monorail.

If you have ideas for Paralake, head to and make a map suggestion. Bear in mind though that anything that alters the map in a manner which doesn’t conform with the game it’s made for will likely be denied.
even cooler idea, close down server
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