

No regrowdocks.lua for Player Stations
void catgirl rglx  [developer] 10 May, 2021 @ 10:07pm
bug reports!
Read this before posting!
Report bugs here! Include links to pasted log files, both client and universe, or the relevant sections wrapped in code tags. Logs are required for you to receive any assistance or for a bug to actually get fixed.

For sending your logs, I personally recommend GitHub's Gist, or in the post using BBcode 'code' tags.

Compatibility with other mods is not assured, but I'll do my best to assist if I can.

Example of submitted bug report:

Issue title: <name of issue> Issue short description: <description of the issue. be precise, including differentiating the actual result and the expected result> Steps to reproduce issue: 1. <step 1> 2. <step 2> 3. <step 3> Relevant client log
[]<paste client log here>[]
Relevant universe log
[]<paste universe log here>[]