Regarding FU Support - A Fan Effort.
While the dev Saint Apollyon has explicitly stated he is not interested in making a FU-compat, we those who do want it can definitely make a compat mod patch ourselves.

Which leads to the two things that Mollopods need to be compatible: The tech requirements to unlock their clothing/armour/weapons/blocks - and what their Frackin Race abilities and stats should be. What do y'all think would work best here?
< >
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Hello! I've been trying to figure out how to make a patch for the last idk, 24 hours now... but I am completely out of my depth because.. I... I haven't ever made a mod or patch before.

I have come up with most of the fill in for the .species.patch, and the .raceeffect based on the lore provided... and at this point I don't know what else it needs for it to function.

Since I'm now dead in the water with this endeavor, I'm just gonna throw the info here for anyone else to do what they want with it!

mollopod.raceeffect draft:
mollopod.species draft:

theres a 2nd draft below, but all these drafts are outdated now that I finally fixed the code~ so, ignore these haha

Of course this can be tweaked as much as you or anyone wants because, again, I don't know how to make a mod and the values might be way off or hella unbalanced. (I just kind of hodgepodged something together based on how the other species files looked)

'v' I hope this helps <333 eee
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Arafel; 12 Μαρ 2021, 17:42
I know I said I didn't really have much interest in working with FU/FR supports (which is still true), but if you need any input on stuff like FR stats, I'm willing to chime in if you'd like. ^^
...Actually, reading through what you have, that's pretty accurate lmao
Only thing I would suggest is upping their base physical resistance (like non-elemental damage) to at least default and maybe giving a slight nerf to movement/jump speed on land. They may be squishy slugs, but they're pretty tanky fellas.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από ѕaιnт apollyon:
...Actually, reading through what you have, that's pretty accurate lmao
Only thing I would suggest is upping their base physical resistance (like non-elemental damage) to at least default and maybe giving a slight nerf to movement/jump speed on land. They may be squishy slugs, but they're pretty tanky fellas.

ksajda thank you! I enjoyed the lore a lot so I tried to match it. I'm kinda super stoked that it looks accurate!

Ah! and good to know about the physical resistance, easy fix~


So swapping things around, removing shadow & putting physical (so its not unbalanced) the new stats I feel would look somewhere in this ballpark?

Poison resist = 1 / 100%
darkness resist = 0.6 / 60%
physical resist = 0.25 / 25% (or remove this entirely to be at base & consider the series of immunities to be a balanced with the weaknesses)

fire resist = -0.65 / -65%
electric resist = -0.2 / -20%
ice resist = -0.05 / -5%

I'll have to look around for the land movement scripts but I definitely know I saw them somewhere! So that should be easy(ish) to do :D & will add a nice balance to increased water movement

(Side note: the water movement butt is like .01 point below hylotls because... I thought it was funny with the whole sibling rivalry races thing)


Some other notes to anyone who wants to pick this up(or if you see anything I should add):

I originally had slime friction, but I'm not sure what that does-- do you slow in slime?

And uhh, water & wet immunity, but, idk I feel like they could still get wet (and are technically constantly wet) so removed that

I am curious if there should be water breath immunity? What is their respiratory system like in the water


For reference:

Other resistance options:
radioactive, shadow(removed because well, darkness is more accurate), cosmic

Other immunity options:
Snow (slush slow, snow slow, snow slip, iceslip, liquidnitrogen), tar (tar, tar Status, black tar), sand (quicksand, sandstorm), slime friction (not sure what this is honestly), honey slow/bee sting, webstick, stun, biomes (cold, heat, radiation, ff extreme cold), breath/water breath, pressure/extreme pressure, erchius, lava, water/wet, radiation (ff extreme radiation, radiation burn), status (fire, ice, electric, cold, special, healing), aether, shadow, insanity


This got too long and I apologize
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Arafel; 10 Μαρ 2021, 15:37
Slime friction, if my memory serves me, is basically just "do they slip around on slime", which I think Mollopods would have some immunity to since they have a thin sticky outer layer.

The Mollopod respiratory system is kind of like that of a frog. If their lungs fill with water, they will drown, however, when underwater, they can absorb oxygen through their skin. While it may not count as "breathing underwater", they can hold their breath for several hours, possibly even over a day. It'd probably be safe to just give them the underwater breathing stat, unless you wanna be really nitpicky and just give them a crazy long breath meter lol.

As for other block immunities, I think they'd have an easier time moving through things like tar, mud, similar terrain than most normal legged races, but that's mostly up to you guys where you take that, I don't wanna screw up the balance too much.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από ѕaιnт apollyon; 10 Μαρ 2021, 18:03
Alright! updates have been made!
Some bonuses lowered slightly to accommodate the added immunities.

I attempted to add a lowered base speed in general, & then I'm hoping the liquid speed bonus will translate to the "faster in water, slower on land" ?

The only one I didn't include was tar, since I feel like... idk, tar is so unforgiving, & generally hot. I'm not sure how well they would do, but I definitely agree with unhindered movement in mud & all the other gooey terrains

So, new (still broken) drafts:
mollopod.raceeffects draft 2:
mollopod.species.patch draft 2:

update: I finially fixed the code :D so these are both outdated

Anyhoo, I hope these will assist this fan effort Fiona! These files still don't work (I definitely did something wrong, so I'm fussing thru trial and error, deleting & tweaking, trying to figure out what that is) BUT I still hope that some of the legwork here is better than starting from complete scratch?

As for the tech requirements I'll have to look at that again before I have any valuable input but <3
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Arafel; 12 Μαρ 2021, 17:42
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Fiona Danger:
Which leads to the two things that Mollopods need to be compatible: The tech requirements to unlock their clothing/armour/weapons/blocks - and what their Frackin Race abilities and stats should be. What do y'all think would work best here?

So, 1) I'm so sorry for dominating this thread, I just have nothing better to do right now & I am really excited about mollopods //sweats

2) I finally got the script working! (mostly) So I wanted to throw out the ideas I had been working with so people can give me their input/critique & I can try to make sure its all balanced now that it's working! :D

  • Fall damage (fallDamageMultiplier) -- 0.5 or 50% less damage:
    Since mollopods have a cartridge skeletal structure, I figured falls & impacts would have less damage
  • Breath depletion (breathDepletionRate) -- lowered:
    Since it takes mollopods approx 24 hours to run out of oxegyn underwater,
  • Poison (poisonResistance) -- 0.75 or 75% less damage:
    Mollopods are resistant to poisons/toxins,("Mollopods are relatively unaffected by all but the very worst") which is in the immunities, so this high resistance to most poison damage reflects their resistance to such, but they can be affected by "the worst" still
  • Physical (physicalResistance) -- 0.25 or 25% less damage:
    As apollyon stated, mollopods are tanky boiz so this physical resistance attributes to their ability to take hits!
  • Grit (grit) -- 0.10 or 10% more knockback resistance:
    I think between the physical resistance & the fact they're slugs stuck to the ground, the knockback resist stuff should be there at least a little bit!

  • Charisma (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥) -- 0.75 or -25% to base stat:
    not everyone enjoys a slug, & since Mollopods are relatively new to space travel, they have some hindrance on space trading.
  • Fire (fireResistance) -- -0.65 or 65% more damage:
    Because of all their resistances this one is pretty high, so... yanno, immune to a lot of things but fire bad. I figure with their need to keep moist, fire is more devastating
  • Electric (electricResistance) -- -0.20 or 20% more damage:
    Again with the moisture level needed, they're a little bit more conductive. This matches a lot of other water-based races, too.
  • Ice (iceResistance) -- -0.05 or 5% more damage:
    Most mollopods live in warmer climates,("They typically tend towards warmer temperatures as those type of environments carry more moisture in the air, but in the end it’s often down to an individual’s preference.") but some do live in the snowy areas due to preference. Icey areas are not completely inhospitable, but provides a small disadvantage. So, so does ice damage.

  • poison/bioooze
    (poisonStatusImmunity, biooozeImmunity) :
    again, mollopods are resistant to poison & tend to use it as their own protective nature. ("Their biology is naturally ridden with their own poison, which grows more potent in response to chemically hostile environments") so, immune to poison status
  • darkness
    (darknessImmunity) :
    mollopods have unique organs to see that rely more on smell & hearing to form images of their surroundings ("Their vision, though limited, gives them a full 360 view around them. Their sight is somewhat poor, but to compensate, they use their sense of smell and hearing to make a 3D map of their surroundings in their mind.") so, even in darkness, they should be able to see mostly unimpeded.
  • Mud/Clay/Jungle slows
    (fumudslowImmunity, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, mudslowImmunity, jungleslowImmunity) :
    Given that they aren't a legged race, & spend a majority of their time in wet or humid environments, they're unimpeeded by mud, clay, etc. All but tar, which is generally boiling hot so I feel it would impede their moisture layer.
  • Slime
    (slimeImmunity, slimefrictionImmunity, slimestickImmunity)
    Being covered in a thin layer of mucous (but not enough to leave a slime trail) means its really unlikely for them to stick or slip on the same surfaces

Envrionmental effects
This one is a little long so I'm going to try to summarize all the effects for each biome set
  • Wet or humid environments =
    maxHealth 1.2,
    maxEnergy 1.5,
    energyRegenPercentageRate 1.1,
    speedModifier 1.2
  • Saline wet environments (oceans etc) =
    maxHealth 1.1,
    protection 1.3,
    speedModifier 0.85 (changes in liquid! This is just for on land/beaches etc)
  • Poisonous/toxic environments =
    protection 2 (because they absorb poisons in the environment & grow more toxic themselves),
    speedModifier 0.80 (again, base land speed)
  • Hot, desert or volcanic biomes =
    maxHealth 0.75,
    maxEnergy 0.5,
    energyRegenPercentageRate 0.75,
    speedModifier 0.70
  • clouds/atmosphere =
    mentalProtection -0.25,
    protection -0.90
    (since they can't see well in large open environments & because 'hell' has been associated with the sky, I imagine they're not quite as terrified by it as they once would have been, but they're still uncomfortable!)
  • All other biomes (I had to manually enter all of them, so I'm worried that I missed one, but I can't figure out how to do a 'all other biomes' code >>) =
    speedModifier 0.80
    (slower base land speed on all biomes except for humid/wet environments, or in liquids)

Liquid effects
  • Breath (breathDepletionRate) -- 0.03:
    so, since mollopods can breathe through their skin for approx 24hr I just made the breath depletion in liquids SUPER low; I tried it out and it works! In liquid, it takes forever for the meter to even show up let alone deplete, but on moons & such the breath meter falls at a fairly normal rate! :D
  • Liquid speed --
    liquidImpedance 0.60,
    liquidForce 90,
    liquidJumpProfile-jumpSpeed 70,
    speedModifier 1.3

Weapon effects
  • shortspear, spear, axe, broadsword =
    powerMultiplier 1.15,
    critBonus 1.1,
    critChance 2:
    So, traditional weapons are polearms, axe was the closest I could get to halbred, & broadsword was the closest to glaives (also the starting weapon is a broadsword type)
  • Bow, crossbow, harpoon =
    protection 1.3,
    powerMultiplier 1.1:
    These were added to their history when they colonized land, & were primarily for protection against megafauna; so I figure they're something of a defensive weapon thus upping protection!
  • other swords (short, katana, rapier, long) =
    powerMultiplier 1.05:
    usually used decoratively, very very small boost (5%) because they have a knowledge of them but often not practiced

ALRIGHT so that's everything I had added based on the lore, I welcome anyone to let me know what they feel about these stats; should they be higher? lower? removed?

Does this feel balanced? Are there too many benefits & not enough costs? etc

And again thank you to fiona danger for getting this fan effort going~

edit: made some reduction in damage & protection bonuses after playing the game with this patch (found it slightly OP with biome+weapon bonuses together)

Edit2: Also I'm feeling I'm missing a bit of "less is more" attitude on this, so, I would appreciate any suggestions about what bonuses this can do without & how I can make it a little slimmer.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Arafel; 13 Μαρ 2021, 19:46
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από ѕaιnт apollyon:

One last question for you!

I made an icon for the patch that has the same background as your icon (for reference: -- Is it alright if I use this since the background is your art?

Or do you think it's too close & would cause confusion? (I can make a more generalized icon, or change it to "fan-patch" or something)

Also general update for anyone following or just joining in:
Balancing is done now, I haven't updated the changes here since it's been rather quiet, but nothing major-- I figure I'm so close to posting the patch for real now that I can just post the final numbers there

I also fixed some more things (like the starting treasure containing FU items, FU recognizing mollopods as a species, etc) -- so all that's left is adding the molloitems research tree! \o/

That said: if anyone has any input or suggestions I'm still totally open to changing things so please don't hesitate to share <3

I'm just so excited it's working now! ee
I can't see the image unfortunately, but yeah I have no problem with that! Glad that things are falling into place!
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από ѕaιnт apollyon:
I can't see the image unfortunately, but yeah I have no problem with that! Glad that things are falling into place!
oh pff, the ) got caught up in the URL xD there

BUT yay thank you~ <3 & thank you again for all the help
Oh, I love that, that's cute as hell!

And no problem! I appreciate your willingness to do this much work so that more people can enjoy the mod. While I have my gripes with FU/FR, I still want its users to be able to enjoy my content as well.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από ѕaιnт apollyon:
Oh, I love that, that's cute as hell!

And no problem! I appreciate your willingness to do this much work so that more people can enjoy the mod. While I have my gripes with FU/FR, I still want its users to be able to enjoy my content as well.
baw thank you!

Oh it's my pleasure! & I completely understand the having gripes with FU/FR xD I've been back and forth on whether or not I want to continue to mess with it or not but eh here I am

I love your creation tho~ it's been a joy trying to translate the lore into game mechanics. You gave me a lot to work with!
The patch is up & live in the workshop! :steamhappy:
< >
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