Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

The Anointed Class Mod
I went through the localization file because I was curious about all the dialogue that I may never see (different afflictions, etc.). So many text lines, wow. :O

Some things I noticed:

- You use ".." instead of "..." (which the base game's text uses) a lot.

<entry id="anoint+str_random_command_masochistic"><![CDATA[The path of reighteousness was never the easiest!]]></entry>

<entry id="anoint+str_bark_stress_camp_paranoid"><![CDATA[which of you has been seduced?! Which of you has traded your fidelity?!]]></entry>
First letter upper case?

<entry id="anoint+str_critbyhero"><![CDATA[The darkness fless before the Light!]]></entry>

<entry id="anoint_armour_4"><![CDATA["The Flame's Fervour"]]></entry>
<entry id="anoint_weapon_4"><![CDATA[“The Light’s Might”]]></entry>

not the same quotes style

<entry id="anoint+str_bark_stress_camp_irrational"><![CDATA[If I'm going in the morning, it means I found my wings!]]></entry>
maybe "gone" ?
Ultima modifica da AyCe; 13 feb 2021, ore 8:22
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Vintage  [sviluppatore] 15 feb 2021, ore 5:50 
Wow good finds! I’ll be sure to fix these soon. Thanks go pointing them out.
Just want to say that I think the text is very well written! I like the balance between "holy-talk" and "birb-talk", especially when becoming afflicted. Don't take it as criticism, I just want to help to make a good thing even better, and one way for me might be to point out typos because I'm a stickler for that. :)
Ultima modifica da AyCe; 15 feb 2021, ore 10:23
Vintage  [sviluppatore] 15 feb 2021, ore 12:25 
Messaggio originale di AyCe:
Just want to say that I think the text is very well written! I like the balance between "holy-talk" and "birb-talk", especially when becoming afflicted. Don't take it as criticism, I just want to help to make a good thing even better, and one way for me might be to point out typos because I'm a stickler for that. :)

Yup all good! I was trying to strike that balance between the "birb" and "religious zealot" sides, so I'm glad it seems I managed to get that good.
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