Kadons Scrolls of Binding
JvJ  [developer] 9 dez. 2020 às 15:54
Drop Rate?
pinning this explanation here, because the question keeps coming up.

"Drop rate depends entirely on the amount of ancillaries a culture group has, the Dark Elves for example have around 80 in vanilla (i think), then you have a bunch of randomly dropped ancillaries that are not culture locked (pidgeon plucker pendant). My mod adds a further 30 to the pool. But that doesn't count for multitude of transferable ancillaries that are also added to the pool under certain circumstances. Then on top of that you have mods like Rebanner and Drink It who also add numerous new ancillaries to each culture group.

So yeah hard to say, when you acquire a new item it's pulled completely randomly from the pool, so a common or a rare item have the exact same chance to be pulled, that chance being 1/X (X being the total number of ancillaries available).

That's the most concrete answer i can give sorry."
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Dragon32 10 dez. 2020 às 2:56 
Thanks for posting this. By about turn 120 of a Queek Vortex campaign I'd only received four scrolls (two Manticores, one Cold One and a Wyvern), which I think is a reasonable drop rate.

Based on that experience I had assumed that the loot tables were nested rather than a single, monolithic table. Now I know better.
Gator 30 jul. 2022 às 20:39 
Unfortunate luck for me, I've not had any luck getting any scrolls in 100 of Skaven and 200 to Beastmen(vanilla other than this mod). I after added all the +loot mods I could find and still have no luck.

I believe this mod has an awesome level of summons so I can understand it being a rare drop, but man does my luck suck.
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