

SW:Fallen Republic
13ackStab 17 Oct, 2021 @ 5:18pm
Starbase / defense platform power
Hey guys,

Really struggling to beat systems that have starbases with lots of defense platforms.

I'm probably pretty early on still, but I'm seeing around 50k fleet strength starbases in systems back-to-back-to-back, and I'm trying to crack each system with a combined fleet strength of around 100k. Even though I've got around double the fleet strength, I consistently lose >50% or sometimes even 80% of my ships each time.

Meanwhile, enemy fleets are *really* weak - I steamroll them - and my overall tech level is either equal to or significantly above my opponents. This basically just means wars turn into giant stalemates since I can crush their ships, but can't do a damn thing about their systems. It's really frustrating.

I can only think that my fleet compositions must be really bad. I try to add a little bit of everything to my fleets, but they definitely skew toward bigger ships - star destroyers, assault ships, heavy cruisers, etc. Few frigates and corvettes.

Can someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

Edit: Also, I've got no other mods installed - just Fallen Republic.
Last edited by 13ackStab; 17 Oct, 2021 @ 5:21pm
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
ethandrew90 9 Nov, 2021 @ 2:23pm 
I have only played as the GE. My strategy is to expand early and fast to choke points where I build the biggest baddest fortresses I can. Nothing gets through them. That being the case, I don't invest in fleets until I'm rolling repeatable tech only. At that point I build exclusively Star Destroyer fleets (which also means lots of tie fighters) compromised of mostly Imperial ll's with some titans and interdiction destroyers. Bellator I think?
My early game venator fleets do suffer loses against enemy fortresses but not as badly as you are describing. My late game Star destroyer fleets steamroll EVERYTHING without loses.
I haven't played in a few months but I seem to remember that my tie fighter and bomber squadrons make contact WAY faster than my fleet. If I remember correctly, they ground down the enemy fortress significantly long before my fleet begins taking damage.
ethandrew90 9 Nov, 2021 @ 2:27pm 
I should add that I lose almost everything from my original venator fleets almost from the first battle except for the venators themselves. It seems to me the escorts and support ships are cannon fodder.
13ackStab 11 Nov, 2021 @ 7:49am 
Interesting, thanks for the feedback. I think we have a difference in playstyle where I try to actively conquer territory throughout the game (which seems like something the Empire would do, yeah?) instead of bunkering up - so I kind of run into the opposite situation where the AI follows your strategy and builds fortresses that just crush most fleets at that stage of the game. The scaling seems a little out of whack.
ethandrew90 11 Nov, 2021 @ 2:06pm 
Originally posted by 13ackStab:
Interesting, thanks for the feedback. I think we have a difference in playstyle where I try to actively conquer territory throughout the game (which seems like something the Empire would do, yeah?) instead of bunkering up - so I kind of run into the opposite situation where the AI follows your strategy and builds fortresses that just crush most fleets at that stage of the game. The scaling seems a little out of whack.

From what I understand, you do use mixed fleets? Try dropping the mix altogether and focusing on venators early on? I have expanded early game as well, mostly to conquer the correlian sector and dirty no good trade federation.
When I lose too much of my fleet, I go before the senate and demand a larger naval budget. Funny enough they always comply.
I also will concentrate combined fleets against hard targets such as fortresses or primary enemy fleets. Then I split my fleet up to cover more ground and clean up what's left.
Last suggestion is if you haven't already to use edicts to boost your naval performance; shields, weapons armor. Admirals as well. Those can significantly turn the tide.
ethandrew90 18 Nov, 2021 @ 6:24am 
So......... after picking the game up for a few days, I see your dilemma. Something has changed since my last playthrough. I am having the same issue as you. My Imperial 2's are melting like butter against enemy fortresses.
Sorry to say I can't give advice
13ackStab 18 Nov, 2021 @ 11:20am 
Okay, thanks for the confirmation. Good to know I'm not going crazy. The fortresses are insane (and I'm pretty sure it's the fifty-billion defense platforms the AI builds).
jeremy fingelhorn 20 Nov, 2021 @ 6:46am 
I have the same issue, the Ai only bulks up their defences and my ships just melt. Kinda annoying they don't build ships really either. They have spacestations with 60k defence and still fleets not even bulding up to 10k
Leviathan 23 Nov, 2021 @ 4:13am 
well. i just lost a 130k fleet of imperial I's led by the great vader himself(he died with the fleet)
against a 24k station... this is beyond ridiculous. and its most definitily the platforms. xq and axq are way too strong for the cheap price. at the very least drop the range bonus so you can use starfighter tactics.
ethandrew90 24 Nov, 2021 @ 6:12am 
Any way to contact the developers and make them aware of this?
ethandrew90 25 Nov, 2021 @ 8:16am 
A fleet of 3 super star destroyers led by Vader at 560k fleet power along with an escort fleet comprising 10 imperial 2s, 2 titans and 2 interdiction star destroyers. I finally blitzed through multiple 90k-180k bastions in the corellian sector without losing ships.
My offensive stalled when it hit a 200k bastion and I lost an executor. Melted like butter that time.
Doom stacks seem to be the answer. I'm going to build another executor fleet and hopefully will juggernaut my way past these darned bastions.
Good news is that once captured, the enemy will almost certainly be unable to recapture their system.
Last edited by ethandrew90; 25 Nov, 2021 @ 8:29am
DataGeek 28 Nov, 2021 @ 2:25pm 
It's killing my game right now, fighting the rebels and lost all my fleets trying to take out the first 25k starbase... I had several 60k power fleets, made up of star destroyers and battlecruisers... vader died ... this has actually killed my campaign as every race has these starbases everywhere...
13ackStab 28 Nov, 2021 @ 4:30pm 
Yeah, it's pretty wild. To be honest, I resorted to cheating my way through my playthrough - it was my first run with the mod and I wanted to enjoy playing the Empire, not feel like I couldn't take action against even tiny, weak factions.
AceofSpades 30 Dec, 2021 @ 1:42pm 
I can eventually brute my through the fortress but the AI just throws their ships onto the anvil the second the ships are built and dies immediately. Once you pierce the fortress you win the game since they never have any fleets to meet you with.
Yikes 11 Jan, 2022 @ 6:33am 
I think if you build a big fleet of corvettes only get to 40-50k or so. Send them in first, then send in the big capital ships. The corvettes get right in on the starbase and take the bases star fighters on earlier. At least i think I read this somewhere. Worth a try.
tonyewn07 6 Feb, 2022 @ 11:13am 
I am having this same issue and was hoping someone had a solution. I guess they upgraded the starbases since one of original commentors said he had no issue previously and now he is also struggling. Hope this gets resolved, love everything else about this mod.
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