Rigi 4 FEB 2023 a las 10:34 p. m.
Love the mod, the gameplay is fun.
But it needs heavy balancing, makes the game too easy. Each of my settlements produces 10-15k silver per tax cycle, things like rar thrumbos or gold, usually very hard to get, can be produced in mass production, After year 4 i have 1 Million silver and dont know what to do with it. I dont need to care about raids, i just call a free squad defending my base, if the squad dies, dont care, call another one from one of the other settlements.

I know you can reduce the production in the mod settings, but this would break the balance in early game and make some buildings almost useless and not worth the price.

Early game was extremely challenging, it took me more than a year to collect the silver for my first settlement because no trader arrived and i had raids every day, often 2-3 times per day by other fractions, most of my colony was injured all the time, almost no progress happend because of that. BUT this was fun actually! After the first settlement was build the cash started to flow and everything was super easy after that.

reduce tax cycle to 1x per year as standard setting, the spam is super annyoing after some time.
reduce the procution to 1/10.
reduce the price for buildings to 1/10. increase the time to build a building by 500%.
squads to defend your colony should be reworked, maybe one time per year or make it very expensive to call them, it should be something you can use for extreme emergency, but squads to defend other settlements shouldnt be touched.
remove rar goods from production lists or completely remove the mechanic to deliver goods instead of silver. You can still call trade caravans to your colony to spend the silver for things you need.