Honor Leaders - New Mechanic
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Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. jan. 25., 9:40
Honor Leaders - Bug Reports
This is the place to put your bug reports. If possible, describe the circumstances of the bug occurring, any output from the error and game logs, and any mods you may be running. I will try to fix them as soon as I can, and will post when it is fixed.

Current Known Issues:
25% of the time, page fails to load the scripted localization, resulting in icons "ReloadView" and none of the accomplishments loading, but the set properties (years of service, ships destroyed, etc) work fine. Have been unable to determine why, may have to do with the parser engine, but going back to the same view again usually seems to work. If on a death screen, saving the leader for later allows you to reload the view state from the memorialization edict.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. jan. 31., 7:05
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115/17 megjegyzés mutatása
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. jan. 28., 9:00 
God Emperor Darmug eredeti hozzászólása:
So I just started a new game and my governor got the corrupted trait and I fired her. But then the mod thought she died. So maybe you could fix that?
Status: Verified, but hardcoded
As far as I can tell, the dismiss accept button fires a kill_leader effect, and there is no way to set a flag before the leader death occurs. So until that part of the UI is opened up for modding, the workaround for Dismissal is:
  • 1. Dismiss Unwanted Leader
  • 2. Select the option to forget the leader in the Leader Death Dialog.
Related: I have set up flags for pool leaders to not fire the event, so you can still Hire and Fire to your heart's content. Also, though they are now on drugs, arrested development, or corrupted, they had an impact on your empire, so you may still want to look at their stats before forgetting about them. I or someone else might also make a mechanic for dismissed leaders to show up in other empires, if that event is ever able to be modded.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. jan. 28., 14:15
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. jan. 28., 9:02 
God Emperor Darmug eredeti hozzászólása:
I just found another problem which is this. I just elected someone (i'm playing as a oligarch authority) and the mod thought the previous person died form old age but he didn't, someone else got elected.
Status: Fixed*
This is apparently a bug that existed in vanilla, got fixed, then reappeared. The starting ruler's pre_ruler_class was not set. I fixed it and copied the starting leader over to a governor after losing the election, so the Leader Death Dialog will not appear. *Unfortunately, there is no trigger for checking a leader's age, just setting and localization. I would have used a long series of if statements to set a variable, like I do with leader skill, to copy over the age value. Therefore, your leader's starting age as a governor is 28.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. jan. 28., 14:15
So a Materialist Fallen Empire requested that I give up my society scientist so that he can work for them. But, the mod said that he died of old age.
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. jan. 28., 14:14 
God Emperor Darmug eredeti hozzászólása:
So a Materialist Fallen Empire requested that I give up my society scientist so that he can work for them. But, the mod said that he died of old age.
Status: Deferred, for now
That event is part of the vanilla fallen_empire_tasks_events. I would be able to set a flag right before the kill_leader effect. Thematically, that wouldn't be a death event, since the leader is presumably still alive and working in the FE's better healthcare system. However, I am currently wary of overwriting any vanilla events, since the entire file needs to be overwritten including the change, instead of the single event you are modding. I would like the highest possible mod cross-compatibility, since the purpose of this mod is tracking the adventures of your leaders.
God Emperor Darmug eredeti hozzászólása:
Found a bug where I found a abandoned ship, investigated the ship and my leader died. But the mod thought she died from old age. Also the crew of the ship went insane.
Same issue as above.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. febr. 6., 16:00
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. jan. 30., 10:39 
Stormwind eredeti hozzászólása:
The "edict" where you can disable stuff needs a graceful exit are forced to do some kind of action.
The options edict now has an exit option.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. jan. 30., 18:37
Bug in "Honor Specific Leader".

When I click it, it costs 90 influence.

But when I click "Maybe Not", it refunds me 100 influence.

Profit for clicking: 10 influence! Repeatable.
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. jan. 30., 12:03 
Stormwind eredeti hozzászólása:
Bug in "Honor Specific Leader".

When I click it, it costs 90 influence.

But when I click "Maybe Not", it refunds me 100 influence.

Profit for clicking: 10 influence! Repeatable.
Status: Resolved
The edict no longer costs influence, and influence only deducts if you decide to honor a leader. Backing out does not refund any influence anymore.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. jan. 30., 18:39
Armaman eredeti hozzászólása:
Stormwind eredeti hozzászólása:
Bug in "Honor Specific Leader".

When I click it, it costs 90 influence.

But when I click "Maybe Not", it refunds me 100 influence.

Profit for clicking: 10 influence! Repeatable.
Status: Investigating

My leader has "Charismatic", -10% influence cost. So likely you are subtracting from the cost but not following through with the same amount on the refund.
Found a bug where I found a abandoned ship, investigated the ship and my leader died. But the mod thought she died from old age. Also the crew of the ship went insane.
Governor 1 died, I chose to honor him. After some time, the replacement governor dies, and the dead governor 1 showed up in the election screen, but was not in leader lists. Also, he was about 20 years old in the election screen while normally they don't go below 30.
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. febr. 6., 16:01 
Murhain eredeti hozzászólása:
Governor 1 died, I chose to honor him. After some time, the replacement governor dies, and the dead governor 1 showed up in the election screen, but was not in leader lists. Also, he was about 20 years old in the election screen while normally they don't go below 30.
Status: Deferred, for now.
This is a quirk in how elections pick candidates combined with the workaround I created for saving leaders. Basically, an interim leader is created for the brief time you need to select your choice in the honor dialog, then is saved, then removed. An election is triggered because the original leader died and the candidates are picked at that exact moment, right after the on_leader_death event. So if you pick that leader again, it would be like selecting a ghost to rule for a day, then another leader is randomly picked. Until democratic election mechanics change, become moddable, or a better save system is created, I am not sure how to fix this.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Armaman; 2020. febr. 17., 20:23
I have the problem that the portrait of the leader is randomly recreated when I want to honor him or when he dies and the window opens. Is this intentional or a known problem or can I assume a bug/incompatibility?
Armaman  [Fejlesztő] 2020. ápr. 13., 16:40 
Nilserich eredeti hozzászólása:
I have the problem that the portrait of the leader is randomly recreated when I want to honor him or when he dies and the window opens. Is this intentional or a known problem or can I assume a bug/incompatibility?
This is a known problem, as the process to save a leader effectively creates an interim leader, and there is no way to set the portrait of the new leader proactively.
Armaman eredeti hozzászólása:
Nilserich eredeti hozzászólása:
I have the problem that the portrait of the leader is randomly recreated when I want to honor him or when he dies and the window opens. Is this intentional or a known problem or can I assume a bug/incompatibility?
This is a known problem, as the process to save a leader effectively creates an interim leader, and there is no way to set the portrait of the new leader proactively.
Okay. Then that's that. Thanks.
If I use the option to remove existing memorials (in order to change who I want to dedicate them to, for example) the game doesn't entirely realize they're gone, meaning I can't build a new memorial (or any other megastructure) around that planet for the rest of the game. I'm using a number of mods that add other megastructures, which is the main reason I noticed.

Edit: it only appears to be megastructures added by mods that can't be added. Vanilla megastructures can be built just fine.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Tikchi the Ratman; 2020. jún. 11., 22:28
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