

Futara's Dragon Race
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FutaraDragon  [developer] 9 Jan, 2020 @ 8:08am
Update Log Here
v1.403b [Client Side Patch]
- fix missing Reflector ability missing animation while using in liquid
- fix some mechanic that can possible crash the game against 2 unique Arcana Mod boss
v1.402b [Client Side Patch]
- fix some missing ability description
v1.400b [Client Side Patch]
- buff energy matrix ability mining area and speed (because of fix the AI issue)
- buff mana life ability do not hold mana while active prevent fatal buff
- adjust gravity field barrier ability speed reduction with game framerate (speed reduction increase as result)
- buff blast orb ability bomb stack to 20 instant of charge add stack to orb
- nerf blast orb ability mana require from 10 to 100 instant
- adjust energy orb ability orb stay far from dragon more than before

- improve energy matrix ability AI make it have more brain cell than this one

- adjust summon energy orb ability description
- add buff detail for gravity field barrier ability buff
- new hurt sound
- remove skill cooldown message from Beam Saber Claw ability
- adjust beam saber claw shadow effect will active only active when rage more than 25%

- fix wrong gravity field barrier color buff when teleport to another place while buff active
- fix gravity field barrier buff do not have sound effect when player get hit
- fix gravity field barrier wrong description
- fix can not despawn blast orb by right click on ability item
- fix dragon race beam out animation not render correct animation
- fix dragon race ride position not correctly what it should
- fix dragon race ride do not remove character render out from rider when dragon disconnected
- fix levin bolt shield spam sound and effect when under the gravity field barrier
- fix the mega shot exploion fullbright pixel that come from 254 alpha channel
- fix sprite dragon and mine orb slow down when in water, special thank to Silver Sokolova
- fix beam saber claw direction when hold move key on different direction with mouse target
- fix energy orb stuck in block when stay in small area
- fix mine orb ability do not play charge animation when on ground
v1.373b [Client Side Patch]
- fix smart sprite dragon change direction some time when wiggle tail
v1.372b [Client Side Patch]
- fix grand cross zana do not enable and make dragon do not turn when dragon stand with 4 legged
v1.371b [Client Side Patch]
- fix grand cross zana in normal mode do not count as weapon for dragon race
v1.370b [Client Side Patch][Hot Fix]
- fix unable to use ability "Hyper Shockwave" after unlocked this ability already unlock
v1.369b [Client Side Patch]
- fix barrier orb ability do not switch dragon stand mode to 4 legged while casting
- adjust grand cross zana weapon count as non weapon type for dragon
v1.368b [Client Side Patch]
- fix energy orb ability do not cancel weapon mode while holding
- fix unable to use any ability while teleport to sprite dragon and sprite dragon dead before done teleport
- fix missing some sound from unleash pattern ability
v1.367b [Server Side Patch]
- fix sprite dragon do not glow in dark (DE v1.367b)
- fix sprite dragon do not have sound when attacking
- fix sprite dragon do not hide when use after combo ability
- fix sprite dragon do not return normal animation when sit on head as smart mode
- fix sprite dragon on stationary mode disappear when switch between player as smart mode
- fix hold mouse on dragon ability auto switch mode to weapon mode render
v1.365b [Server Side Patch]
- fix teleport out animation do not stay at end animation (DE v1.365b)
- fix wake animation do not stay at end animation (DE v1.365b)
- fix wake sound is loop (DE v1.365b)
- fix trying to charge healing orbs while energy orbs duration is about to end, the game crashes
v1.363b [Client Side Patch]
- fix dragon race sound config too small area to hear the sound correctly
v1.362b [Client Side Patch]
- fix ability Hyper Shockwave do not push enemy when rage more than 50% and ability attribute stun time is low level
v1.361b [Server Side Patch]
- fix can not switch between sprite dragon and main dragon
v1.360b [Server Side Patch]
- add some new sprite dragon talk (credit to kepi. and Davwyn)
- add new ability hyper shockwave
- remake Dragon Race entire animation to new Character Realtime Render system
- remake Dragon Race ride mode render
- remake Dragon Race sleepy entity render
- remake Dragon Race sprite dragon render
- rework dragon attack ability to new render system
- rework dragon guard ability to new render system
- rework dragon counter attack ability to new render system
- rework dragon fire blast ability to new render system
- rework dragon reflector ability to new render system
- remove old animation system (a lot of performance issue when someone ride dragon and have a lot of people around dragon)
- remove animation event frame system (not require anymore for custom calculation increase performance for non dragon race)
- update dragon sleep animation for new animation system
- update dragon emote animation for new animation system
- update dragon dance animation for new animation system
- update dragon character render layer for new animation system
- fix lag spike when load dragon race character trigger by other player
- fix sprite dragon hue color is not change when change color from skill menu
- fix sprite dragon action directive is not change when change color from skill menu
- fix camera switch animation between player and sprite dragon
- fix smart sprite dragon try to move another location when switch mode
- fix dragon teleport effect when stay as sprite dragon
v1.350b [Client Side Patch]
- balance change adjust Grand Cross Zana melee range a bit lower to close same as saber range
- balance change Grand Cross Zana decrease stamina use for Fate Saber ability
- balance change Grand Cross Zana heaven strike floating pattern change
- adjust FutaraDragon race heal orb impact sound effect volume
- adjust Grand Cross Zana ability description
- adjust Dragon Engine combat music time
- adjust FutaraDragon all ultimate ability music time to correctly with computer time
- fix skill cooldown message stack many time when spam use skill while in cooldown
- fix FutaraDragon race Levin Bolt abolity crash local projectile system after active
- fix FutaraDragon race skill can not cast ability because of game crash and status effect do not clear out
- fix FutaraDragon race heal orb effect to non damage area
- fix FutaraDragon race heal orb can not heal on safe zone
- fix FutaraDragon race sprite character display on character select ui
- fix Grand Cross Zana blank bar appear on lagacy ui
v1.348b [Client Side Patch]
- add FutaraDragon race exp for other activities more than combat credit to BenieTheDragon for remind me
- add FutaraDragon race exp event on mining with ability
- add FutaraDragon race exp event on guarding with ability
- add FutaraDragon race exp event on healing with ability
- add FutaraDragon race exp event on defense entity take damage with ability
v1.347b [Client Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race extra arm appear when weapon mod active
v1.346b [Client Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race eyes color pixel when enter weapon mode
v1.345b [Client Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race render do not correctly for Idle Animation mod
v1.344b [Client Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race Sprite Dragon switch mode buggy when transform to sprite dragon while Weapon mode active
- fix FutaraDragon race sleep dragon light shader do not sync with character
- fix FutaraDragon race dead in weapon mode double dragon render
v1.343b [Hot Fix][Server Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race Reflector Skill get override by Weapon Mode then can not active it
- fix FutaraDragon race Gravity Field Barrier Skill get override by Weapon Mode then can not active it
- fix FutaraDragon race Charging animation get cancel by Weapon Mode
v1.342b [Client Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race Weapon mode eyes color is not correctly render
v1.341b [Hot Fix][Server Side Patch]
- fix FutaraDragon race new character crash from Weapon Mode render
v1.337b [Server Side Patch]
- add Noixor last move camera shake
- adjust dragon race now can eat raw meat
v1.330b [Server Side Patch]
- remove Dragon Engine built-in from race
- adjust entire file to patch instant of base file
v1.324b [Client Side Patch]
- fix Dragon Engine Character Realtime Render system wrong character rotation when on other direction
v1.323b [Server Side Patch]
- update Dragon Engine Character Realtime Render system add ability to copy part properties
- fix Dragon Engine Character Realtime Render system not correctly part position calculate from rotation
- fix Dragon Engine Character Realtime Render system Animation Logic do not calculate from start sync on network
- fix Dragon Read Book Emote do not work correctly after update Dragon Engine core function
v1.322b [Client Side Patch][Hot Fix]
- fix Dragon Engine lua table copy core broken when copy json
- fix Dragon Engine Custom Animation System broken from copy core
- fix Dragon Engine Character Realtime Render system do not update custom animation config
- fix some dragon ability animation that use lagacy custom animation
- fix dragon render double character when create new dragon character
v1.321b [Client Side Patch][Hot Fix]
- fix Character Realtime Render system access part binary data not correctly
v1.320b [Server Side Patch]
- add Dragon Engine new system Character Realtime Render
- add Dragon Engine new system Drawable Particle
- fix float UI do not clear while beaming out
- optimize Dragon Race network code to send lower data between server
v1.314b [Client Side Patch]
- fix Dragon Engine global combat music do not load correct music path
v1.313b [Client Side Patch]
- fix Grand Cross Zana Heaven Strike ability on level 1 - 3 not render correctly
- fix Grand Cross Zana Fury Light Shot do not correct active when Heaven Strike charging mega beam
v1.312b [Client Side Patch]
- fix dynamic camera extended setting reset when use on other race
v1.311b [Client Side Patch]
- fix combat music appear while other player playing music
v1.310b [Client Side Patch]
- fix sound effect is mute when Sprite Dragon use enegy shot ability
- fix Dragon Engine Smart UI crash when modder send null data to remove current Smart UI
v1.309b [Client Side Patch]
- fix rare case Grand Cross Zana new UI error when uninit
v1.308b [Client Side Patch]
- fix Blast Orb light is not display correctly
- fix crash from reserve Energy Orb
v1.307b [Client Side Patch]
- fix rare case Energy Matrix ability do not switch back to original item or manipulator
v1.306b [Client Side Patch]
- fix Dragon dance animation active while charging ability
v1.305b [Server Side Patch]
- fix Dragon do not display character when someone riding
v1.304b [Client Side Patch]
- fix Dragon Engine projectile system not fully sync data
- fix Energy Orb do not sync correctly when play on multiplayer
v1.303b [Client Side Patch]
- fix energy orb ability crash when try to reserve orb
v1.302b [Client Side Patch]
- fix energy matrix use by other race can not hold shift key
v1.301b [Client Side Patch]
- fix dragon sprite color display not correctly
- add RoxionDragon Noixor ultimate skill (Patreon skill)
- add new Noixor skill
- add new Noixor skill icon
- add new Noixor skill item
- add new Noixor active status
- add new Noixor area projectile local render
- add new Noixor special charge status
- add new animation hold flare top of head
- add new animation throw the flare
- add new animation throw the flare loop
- add new animation throw swap
- add new Noixor effect flare spawn
- add new Noixor effect flare trail
- add new Noixor effect flare hit
- add new Noixor effect flare mega charge effect
- add new Noixor huge flare projectile trail
- add new Noixor mega explosive effect
- add new Noixor main huge flare projectile
- add new Noixor main flare projectile
- add new Noixor special charge effect
- add new Noixor charge sound effect
- add new Noixor hand charge sound effect
- add new Noixor hand throw sound effect
- add new Noixor spawn flare launch sound effect
- add new Noixor spawn flare hit sound effect
- add new Noixor spawn flare mega launch sound effect
- add new Noixor spawn flare mega hit sound effect
- add new Noixor galaxy background sound effect
- add Noixor unbreak block when stay on ship
- add Noixor ride position
- add Noixor animation NS
- remake Barrier Orb ability
- remake Energy Orb ability
- remake Energy Orb Combat ability
- remake Healing Orb ability
- remake Unleash Pattern ability
- remake Mind Sync Orb ability
- remake Assault Orb ability
- remake local sound system
- adjust Gravity Field Barrier ability
- add Skill Menu for every race
- add UI customize position top screen or bottom screen for UI 2.0
- add UI customize position top character or bottom character for UI 2.0
- add dragon deep sleep (reduce dragon defend 50% while sleep and deep wake up and regen mana)
- add dragon deep sleep animation
- add dragon deep sleep animation export
- add dragon deep sleep animation ride area
- add dragon deep sleep mechanic
- add dragon beam out animation
- add dragon beam out animation export
- add dragon beam out animation ride area
- add dragon beam out mechanic
- add Blast Orb ability
- remake UI 2.0
- change UI 2.0 to dynamic setting for every race
- add UI 2.0 support realtime dynamic config display
- add Grand Cross Zana unique weapon UI
- add global music list for every race
- add auto dynamic camera for all select skill
- adjust auto dynamic camera for range ability only
- add controller support for auto dynamic camera
- add toggle on/off for smart sprite dragon talk
- add toggle on/off dance animation (request by Ξ Durion Ξ)
- add admin menu support
- add admin menu
- add admin point max menu
- add admin point zero menu
- change font for better readable
- change display word data instant of number
- add vanilla NPC dialog for dragon race (credit to Saardiner, LostSeeker Lurai)
- add a lot of smart sprite dragon talk
- add smart sprite dragon talk input
- add sprite dragon UFO skin (request from Danneth)
- add sprite dragon UFO animation export
- add sprite dragon UFO skin mechanic (request from Danneth)
- add sprite dragon category menu adjust
- add new look target behind animation
- add new look target behind 2 legged animation
- add 2 legged stand with double tap up (credit to Dingergum)
- adjust dark shade for Energy Beam ability
- adjust all effect impact light to brighter
- nerf Unleash Pattern beam to lower area
- buff increase Grand Cross Zana gatling range
- buff Levin Bolt skill more higher damage on phase 2
- buff Heal Orb skill increase speed on cast
- buff Heal Orb skill reduce mana on use
- buff Sprite Dragon Healer skill do not require mana
- buff Sprite Dragon Healer skill cast faster
- buff Fire Blast ability increase area on low level
- buff Assault Orb increase rate of fire
- adjust Grand Cross Zana missiles target same as real missile target only front enemy
- adjust reduce Energy Pattern projectile but increase damage of projectile
- remove Sprite Dragon energy orb request ability
- fix reflector skill counter and throw back to huge barrier
- fix sprite dragon run from huge barrier
- fix sprite dragon run from heal orb
- fix dragon can use skill while dancing
- fix dragon race detect music too short
- fix Levin Bolt skill break the ship after optimized
- fix Energy Beam skill in game controller mode do not correctly face
- fix Grand Cross Zana glow light not correctly when it stay on other people
- fix Grand Cross Zana point defend choose target that can not be collide
- fix Grand Cross Zana Angel way shield do not clear data after it gone
- fix Grand Cross Zana shadow effect display not correctly level
- fix Grand Cross Zana correctly shadow display sync
- fix Grand Cross Zana missiles target lock on only one enemy
- fix game controller when plug in with Starbound and hold 2 item that read game controller in same time
- fix animation sync frame not correctly
- fix Energy Beam Shot secondary damage not effect
- fix hue mod for local projectile system
- fix mega mana shot skill freeze charge when mana less than it condition
- fix hyper beam render and beam render layer
- fix wing pixel for all animation
- fix can use skill while dancing
- fix beam target ground from another map dimension wrong position
- fix FDEngine core animation update frame not correctly
- fix Levin Bolit skill to use new charge mechanic
- fix combat music broken when stay under stage hand that loop switching music
- fix Skill Menu Icon appear no matter what Menu already close
- optimize Mega Mana Shot skill effects
- optimize UI message code
- optimize Energy Beam skill effects
- optimize Levin Bolt skill effects
- optimize Energy Matrix skill effects
- optimize Unleash Pattern skill effects
- optimize dark shade and light shade
- optimize balance game framerate not go over 60 FPS fix physic too fast
- [client side]fix Grand Cross Zana weapon physic display from other client side
- [client and server side]fix enemy do not detect player when shoot enemy with Grand Cross Zana weapon
- [client side]add glow effect to Grand Cross Zana when have Ultimate status
- [client side]fix Grand Cross Zana Fate Saber effect do not correct rotation
- [client side]fix Grand Cross Zana weapon aim point do not correct
- [client side]update dynamic color api
- [client side]fix Grand Cross Zana shadow effect broken after recolor mechanic released
- [client side]fix crash from spawn energy orb passive (thank you Kiero Ashkore for report)
- [client side]fix error while shooting Mega Mana Shot skill
- [client side]add new menu reference data mechanic
- [client side]change skill point display
- [client side]update missing skill reference data
- [client side]fixed Grand Cross Zana weapon local projectile error
- [client side]fixed Grand Cross Zana weapon missing color
- [client side]add new mechanic recolorable data reference
- [client side]buff Grand Cross Zana now Heaven Strike skill do not decrease mana when active
- [client side]add colorable Grand Cross Zana in to option > character setting > Grand Cross Zana menu
- [client side]fixed crash from local projectile system
- [client side and server side] update Dragon Engine to 2.0 support allow render more than 60 FPS
- [client side and server side] update Dragon Engine fix the light cut out
- [client side] update Dragon Engine completely remove vsync out
- [client side] fix sprite cooldown when remove barrier orb
- [client side] optimize Beam Saber Claw impact effect
- [client side]fixed tech temp api
- [client side]buff Fire Blast skill can use whilw water level stay less than than 80% instant of 50%
- [client side]fixed Breath Fire Stream cancel when just legs touch water
- [client side]fixed Energy Matrix skill remove block with out get any item
- [client side]fixed Energy Matrix skill crash from read block config (Thank you Luconis for this report)
- [client side]fixed Energy Matrix skill can not get the physic block in liquid (Thank you unrealityCatalyst for this report)
- [client side]fixed Animation system Crash
- [client side]update Energy Orb Can Shoot on close range
- [client side]update Skill Menu slow description roll time (Thank you Ξ Durion Ξ for this feedback)
- [client side]optimize Grand Cross Zana weapon make it run smoother on low end pc
- [client side]optimize dark shade
- [client side]optimize light shade
- [client side]fixed when attack by control sprite dragon and dead in that time skill will not (thank you "Xaven" for report)
- [client side]optimize glow shader
- [client side]fix sprite dragon is god mode when control sprite dragon while in smart mode
- [client side]fix can not use skill smart sprite dragon when create new dragon character
- [client side]fix sprite dragon pixel color (thank you "Flare" for report)
- [client side]optimize local projectile
- [client side]add sync local projectile at first launch
- [client side]optimize binary function
- fixed camera broken when someone ride dragon
- roll back the ultimate status old mechanic
- update full functional combat music for vanilla race and all modded race
- update Api for Dragon Engine about search entity
- update split dragon race level up event from Dragon Engine
- added mechanic new level up event for every race when active SkillMenu
- balance change nerfed dragon race Ultimate status now will be reset if change map
- balance change nerfed Sprite Dragon have cooldown 10 second after it dead
- fixed slient music when other race use SkillMenu will set to detail Starbound music
- fixed music crash from try to play custom track but do not load
- fixed error from other race use SkillMenu and and re enable it in same map
- fixed dragon animation do not change error when use reset skill while sprite dragon is not exist
- fixed dragon matrix skill effect when 3 or more dragon use in same time is not render effect correctly
- fix music change back to normal music when stay on boss area or special music area
- fix music disappear when other mod using music mechanic
- fix some missing calculate for ally status bar ui
- change hug with two legs position to better position
- fix music item on alt hand is not sync muslc trigger
- fix sprite dragon crash when try to learn enemy attack with no id (random generate monster)
- fix point description wrong display after upgrade skill
- fix energy matrix skill dig block after place block
- fix player float on mid air after dragon undock other player while using emote
- fix energy matrix skill can be dig block with grass
- fix energy matrix skill orb effect not work when 2 dragon dig in same time on multiplayer
- fix can not take liquid from endless liquid area by use energy matrix skill
- fix about player custom animation crash when specie do not have animation
- fix other specie float on air after warp to every place
- hot fix dragon energy matrix skill slow down when use use it long time in same map
- remove all skill recipe out
- remove slash skill from start inventory out
- change rider can not leave from dragon when dragon sit
- change shield orb barrier collider mechanic effect to enemy projectile only
- change gravity field barrier mechanic to local calculate
- change gravity field barrier collider mechanic effect to enemy projectile only
- change super orb cancel rainbow color feature
- change sit position for sprite dragon when dragon is sleeping
- change summon energy orb skill can charge while moving
- change old skill logic to new skill logic
- change fire blast damage area max to 10 enemy instant of unlimit
- change dragon unleash energy pattern skill to dragon unleash pattern skill
- change reset skill position to last option
- change warp out animation to roar
- rebalance every skill
- rebalance nerf barrier orb reduce barrier health
- buff gravity field barrier reduce mana use from 500 to 200
- buff gravity field barrier reduce require control power from 10 to 5
- buff gravity field barrier increase speed a lot
- buff increase fire blast flame knockback
- buff increase fire blast flame burn status from 2.5 to 5.0 second
- buff unleash pattern skill mana regen while active from 10% to 50%
- buff sprite dragon heal orb skill request delay from 5 to 3 second
- fix boss music active to monster that have tag boss
- fix sprite dragon mega mana shot skill still using energy orbs (control mode)
- fix shield orb have issue not clear entity stack from power control
- fix all status effect data for support starry anti cheat server
- fix skill menu to realtime load layer
- fix reflector skill can counter attack with no damage effect
- fix counter attack skill can counter attack with no damage effect
- fix sprite dragon stuck in wall and player stuck too
- fix wrong pixel from character creator menu and in inventory
- fix sprite dragon mega shot animation
- optimize beam saber claw particle
- optimize beam saber claw impact particle
- optimize energy shot shoot particle
- optimize gravity field barrier impact effect
- optimize barrier orb impact effect
- optimize dark shade effect
- optimize light shade effect
- optimize all energy orb type
- remake mega mana shot shoot lv 1 particle
- remake mega mana shot shoot lv 2 particle
- remake mega mana shot shoot lv 3 particle
- remake sprite dragon mega mana shot shoot lv 1 particle
- remake sprite dragon mega mana shot shoot lv 2 particle
- remake sprite dragon npc mega mana shot shoot lv 1 particle
- remake sprite dragon npc mega mana shot shoot lv 2 particle
- remake unleash energy pattern multi shoot particle
- remake unleash energy pattern homing shoot particle
- remake unleash energy pattern cluster shoot particle
- remake unleash energy pattern mega shoot particle
- remake unleash energy pattern laser beam shoot particle
- remake sprite dragon firework particle
- remake music remix for combat and boss combat
- remake breath fire animation to correct head skeleton
- add UI 2.0 for starbound universal status
- add custom UI player sync bar
- add custom UI player pointer bar
- add custom UI monster sync bar
- add custom ui option in skill menu
- add custom ui option icon
- add custom ui option category in skill menu
- add custom ui option category icon
- add barrier orb explode enemy close to barrier orb
- add book object palette color set to character setting menu
- add save skill menu layer level mechanic
- add read book emote animation
- add read book emote to emote list
- add silly dance emote animation
- add silly dance emote to music trace mechanic
- add hug with 2 legs emote animation
- add hug with 2 legs emote to emote list
- add new mechanic local projectile
- add new mechanic physic collider selector
- add new mechanic music tracer auto stop music when someone playing instrument music
- add new mechanic music emote when someone playing instrument music
- add new mechanic get item in skill menu
- add new mechanic ai for smart sprite dragon
- add new mechanic ai history movement detect
- add new mechanic projectile effect final optimize
- add new mechanic screen resolution mapping (thanks to Lyrthras for try to help about the way to make it happen)
- add new mechanic clear custom ui
- add new mechanic limit loop set path data
- add new mechanic limit set path data
- add new mechanic auto clean skill menu data
- add new mechanic double tap alt skill attack
- add new mechanic automate seek block area
- add new mechanic automate receive item save
- add skill point display while skill menu is open (credit from steam feedback Gammaboy45)
- add new particle to super orb trail
- add new exp hidden in skill menu option
- add dragon energy matrix skill (replace manipulator and support controller)
- add new skill energy beam
- add new skill energy beam fire skill icon
- add new skill energy beam stream
- add new skill breath fire stream
- add new skill breath fire stream skill icon
- add new skill breath fire stream flame effect
- add new skill smart sprite dragon (support skill path)
- add new skill smart sprite dragon skill icon
- add new skill smart sprite dragon sub skill blink tackle
- add new skill smart sprite dragon sub skill hyper dodge
- add new skill smart sprite dragon sub skill quick grab
- add new sprite dragon animation idle
- add new sprite dragon animation walk
- add new sprite dragon animation run
- add new sprite dragon animation jump
- add new sprite dragon animation fall
- add new sprite dragon animation idle skill breath fire
- add new sprite dragon animation walk skill breath fire
- add new sprite dragon animation run skill breath fire
- add new sprite dragon animation jump skill breath fire
- add new sprite dragon animation fall skill breath fire
- add new sprite dragon animation sit wiggle tail
- add new sprite dragon animation skill head butt
- add new sprite dragon animation skill grab
- nerf energy shot rate of fire highest to lower
- buff energy shot rate of fire lowest to higher
- nerf unleash energy pattern skill damage will reduce rage guage
- rebalance rage mechanic when take damage will not increase too much rage
- [server side] change "luaGcPause" to 1.0
- [server side] change "luaGcStepMultiplier" to 1.0
- fix Sprite Dragon Mega Mana Shot skill cool down after shot not same as sprite dragon npc (when control sprite dragon)
- fix Beam Saber Claw skill stop flying while combo
- nerf Unleash Penergy Pattern skill while using mana regenerate reduce 90%
- nerf Unleash Penergy Pattern skill while using stamina regenerate reduce 90%
- nerf Unleash Penergy Pattern skill while weakness debuff mana regenerate reduce 75%
- nerf Unleash Penergy Pattern skill while weakness debuff stamina regenerate reduce 75%
- nerf Unleash Penergy Pattern skill while weakness debuff can not use Summon Energy Orb skill
- nerf Unleash Penergy Pattern skill weakness debuff increase from 20 to 30 second
- buff Unleash Penergy Pattern skill when skill depleted Sprite Dragon will still stay
- buff Unleash Penergy Pattern skill when start use stamina will max
- buff Unleash Penergy Pattern skill when cooldown after use reduce from 10 to 8 second
- buff Unleash Penergy Pattern skill mana use reduce from 500 to 200
- change "luaGcStepMultiplier" config to 1.0
- change "luaGcPause" config to 1.0
- update dark shade image to 1500px
- update light shade image to 1500px
- change render particle back to drawable
- fix super energy orb aim to mouse position when orb locked on enemy
- fix Beam Saber Claw skill do not effect to Sprite Dragon Endless Combo skill after use skill
- fix too much dark shade when use skill
- ultimate effect do not work when start with mech
- fix energy orb shoot first shot after spawn no matter what disableed attack (bug found special thank to ReiikzThe8HeadedDragon)
- fix game crash when use disable engine on race (bug found special thank to Abela)
- optimize character shader light
- fix double render dark shade
- fix double render light shade
- buff mega mana shot reduce cooldown after use skill
- buff beam saber claw reduce cooldown after use skill
- buff roll dodge reduce cooldown after use skill
- fix core file search (bug found special thank to Gwen Auster)
- optimize dark shade renderr (special thank to Nebulox)
- optimize light shade render (special thank to Nebulox)
- optimize reduce effect from Unleash Energy Pattern skill
- balance change nerf reduce Unleash Energy Pattern skill super orb count from 10 to 4
- [server side] improve super orb ai to more powerful
- [server side] balance change increase multi shot bullet count for super orb
- [server side] balance change increase homing shot bullet count for super orb
- [server side] balance change increase cluster shot split bullet count for super orb
- [server side] balance change increase rate of fire when using unleash mode
- fixed assault attack when open and use skill menu
- reduce stamina use from sprinting
- fixed mind sync orb target is not change when switching focus to other enemy
- fixed assault orb break the combat offensive toggle while combat orb is off
- fixed animation not reset when flying and open skill menu
- fixed animation not reset when dodging and open skill menu
- fixed wrong word display when toggle force aggressive mode
- fixed energy shot skill can not use as basic skill
- fixed weakness effect not work correctly
- fixed weakness effect display detail is not correct
- add elemental attack to some skill
- buff mega mana shot skill charge faster
- buff mega mana shot skill reduce cool down
- buff mega mana shot skill reduce mana use
- buff mega mana shot skill increase projectile speed
- buff sprite dragon mega mana shot skill charge faster
- buff sprite dragon mega mana shot skill reduce cool down
- buff sprite dragon mega mana shot skill use lower mana
- buff sprite dragon mega mana shot skill do not require energy orb
- buff sprite dragon mega mana shot skill do not health to shoot
- buff beam saber claw skill reduce cooldown
- buff sprite dragon endless combo skill reduce cooldown
- buff energy shot increase projectile speed
- buff flight reduce stamina use when fly idle and fly down
- reduce animation time for bullet shoot fx
- move base game sound split to the race
- add no offensive command
- change lock on graphic to smaller size
- add dragon hug emote
- add new mechanic emote system
- add assault orb skill active icon
- add mind sync orb skill active icon
- add dragon energy shot skill (basic skill)
- add dragon energy shot skill icon
- add dragon energy shot skill attribute damage icon
- add dragon energy shot skill attribute heat icon
- add dragon energy shot gatting
- add dragon energy shot recipe
- add dragon energy shot active item
- add heat up mechanic
- add dragon assault orb skill (combat skill path)
- add dragon assault orb skill icon
- add dragon assault orb skill toggle icon
- add orb targeting mechanic
- add dragon unleash pattern skill (combat skill path)
- add dragon unleash pattern skill icon
- add dragon unleash pattern skill attribute damage icon
- add dragon unleash pattern skill attribute chance icon
- add dragon unleash pattern skill attribute slow burn icon
- add dragon unleash pattern skill item
- add dragon unleash pattern skill item recipe
- add dragon unleash pattern skill connect orb mechanic
- add dragon unleash pattern orb projectile multi shot
- add dragon unleash pattern orb projectile cluster shot
- add dragon unleash pattern orb projectile homing shot
- add dragon unleash pattern orb projectile mega shot
- add dragon unleash pattern orb projectile energy beam shot
- add dragon unleash pattern buff effect
- add dragon unleash pattern weak effect
- add dragon roar rage burst
- add new animation rage burst animation
- add new animation weak animation
- add dragon mind sync orb skill (support skill path)
- add dragon mind sync orb skill icon
- add dragon mind sync orb skill toggle icon
- add dragon mind sync orb skill lock on ui
- add orb sync mechanic
- add dragon rider offensive skill (combat skill path)
- add dragon rider offensive skill icon
- add dragon rider offensive skill buff
- add dragon rider defensive skill (defend skill path)
- add dragon rider defensive skill icon
- add dragon rider defensive skill buff
- add dragon rider supplier skill (support skill path)
- add dragon rider supplier skill icon
- add dragon rider supplier skill buff
- fix breath fire animation still stay after dead
- fix reflector guard animation still stay after dead
- upgrade replace block tools can use on empty block
- [server side] special gift to everyone Merry Christmas!!, sprite dragon can shoot fireworks when dragon is sleeping and sprite dragon stay on dragon wings (enable fireworks mode in "Sprite Dragon" skill menu)
- fixed bypass high frame rate UI render temp on other CPU thread from other modder bad coding about override update function in deployment script (credit "Mini the avali" mod conflict case)
- fixed wrong character render from other modder bad coding in tech ability (credit "Mini the avali" mod conflict case)
- fixed weird cam control script appear in inventory
- fixed heal orb crash from charging
- lua RAM management quickly clear memory for support 32 bit more
- buff "Unstoppable Combat" skill reduce stamina damage while taking damage by 4 times
- buff "Reflector" skill reduce stamina damage calculate by protection and reduce by 2 times
- switch damage calculation "Magic Cloth" skill to higher than other skill except barrier and ultimate skills
- buff "Barrier Orb" health from 300 to 2000
- buff "Barrier Orb" shield health max from 75 to 1000
- add fast clear memory for low computer RAM
- fix bug when unlock "Energy Orb Combat" skill while orb already summon make it work not correctly
- change energy orb shooting mechanic to shoot first and cooldown later instand of random time to shoot
- reduce energy orb particle
- reduce "Sprite Dragon Endless" skill impact particle
- reduce lag spike by slower GC lua memory clean
- [server side] add new command for all player "/playerlist" show how much people online and their name (Special thank to "Silver Sokolova" who help me about add dynamic command)
- optimize hardware management RAM cancelizer clear RAM after do not use very long time
- fix dragon sleep regen do not same as regen while controlling sprite dragon
- add the CPU trade to RAM system to remove lag spike while playing
- fix face direction wrong when dodge and use other skill to other direction
- fix sleep animation not reset when dead while sleeping
- fix issue corrupt data from Energy Orb skill come from end process Starbound
- fix issue Gravity Field Barrier very laggy when player take a lot of damage inside the barrier
- fix issue Gravity Field Barrier buff do not effect to status effect
- fix crash from orb disappear from map when the end of the map
- reduce effect of heal orb from Sprite Dragon Healer skill
- change stamina regen when zero gravity
- change warp in sound effect
- add light to Reflector rage counter attack
- fix reflect projectile wrong from Reflector skill
- combat music now work when boss and monster regen their health back
- buff reduce mana use from Sprite Dragon Healer skill
- buff reduce mana use from Sprite Dragon Endless Combo skill
- buff reduce mana use from Beam Saber Claw skill
- buff reduce mana use from Mega Mana Shot skill
- change mana usage mechanic for Mega Mana Shot depend on charge level
- buff reduce mana use from Sprite Dragon Mega Mana Shot skill
- change mana usage mechanic for Sprite Dragon Mega Mana Shot skill depend on charge level
- buff Reflector skill by add energy bullet to all reflect projectile damage is 1 / 4 of base damage
- remove chieken from sail place effect from FU
- reduce energy orb projectile particle
- add new effect to Reflector counter rage effect
- buff Reflector skill, reflect projectile increase damage 50% from base damage
- fix Reflector skill, reflect only some projectile and some projectile disappear
- improve Reflector skill code performance
- fix powerless debuff time counter is not reset
- fix dragon eyes wrong color on riding mod (thank Fediani4)
- fix sprite dragon eyes wrong color when sprite dragon sit on player (thank Fediani4)
- improve performance Reflector skill
- improve performance Gravity Field Barrier skill
- buff Gravity Field Barrier reduce speed to 70% from 90%
- fix powerless effect do not remove
- fix wrong combat idle animation wings when someone is riding
- fix other race Energy Orbs skill broken when game do not close correctly
- fix Dragon Slash skill can not use again when stay on no gravity area
- fix Dragon Fire Blast skill can not use again when stay on no gravity area
- fix Gravity Barrier Field skill do not fully protect to self and ally
- buff Levin Bolt skill lightning orb follow faster
- fix missing sprite dragon orb shader when using combat mode it disappear (thank Kiero)
- fix ultimate music is do not correctly cut out when in time
- important fix Reflector skill missing in craft menu (thank Kiero)
- fix performance issue ultimate effect on FutaraDragon when switch to Sprite dragon
- fix missing color on eyes at walk animation
- fix performance issue when use Reflector skill reflect their projectile against FU monster that throw like 100 projectile in same time
- fix error from FU that effect to damage request on block and error
- fix defend skill path can not be use when unlock skill but level below than 1000 (thank you Winter who found this bug)
- fix Reflector skill display not correctly when guarding when level below than 1000
- add fully character color for save file
- add inventory character display animate (Credit To Helper : Silver Sokolova, Mikenyes, 0x00FF00 Green)
- add custom music for planet
- add custom music for ship
- add control power status
- add control power status icon
- add control power status mechanic
- add energy orb type mechanic
- add FutaraDragon ship music
- add barrier orb skill (energy ball of defend)
- add barrier orb skill icon
- add barrier orb durable attribute icon
- add barrier orb duration attribute icon
- add barrier orb castspeed attribute icon
- add barrier orb barrier animation
- add barrier orb barrier impact animation
- add barrier orb barrier active sound effect
- add barrier orb barrier deactive sound effect
- add barrier orb barrier impact sound effect
- add barrier orb barrier launch sound effect
- add barrier orb shield mechanic
- add g-field barrier skill (wall of mana)
- add g-field barrier skill icon
- add g-field barrier durable attribute icon
- add g-field barrier duration attribute icon
- add g-field barrier cooldown attribute icon
- add g-field barrier base shield animation
- add g-field barrier lightning spark animation
- add g-field barrier charge line animation
- add g-field barrier charge effect
- add g-field barrier active sound effect
- add g-field barrier active loop sound effect
- add g-field barrier charge loop sound effect
- add g-field barrier deactive sound effect
- add g-field barrier impact sound effect
- add reflector skill
- add reflector skill icon
- add reflector skill idle animation
- add reflector skill walk animation
- add reflector skill run animation
- add reflector skill jump animation
- add reflector skill fly idle animation
- add reflector skill fly forward animation
- add reflector skill fly backward animation
- add reflector skill fly half forward animation
- add reflector skill counter attack animation 1
- add reflector skill counter attack animation 2
- add reflector skill counter attack animation 3
- add reflector skill active item
- add reflector skill parry sound effect
- add reflector skill mega counter attack sound effect
- add reflector skill powerless debuff
- add reflector skill recipe
- add reflector skill powerless debuff sound effect (Credit To Tester : Omega)
- add new mechanic detect projectile
- add new mechanic protection logic
- add new mechanic parry
- add new mechanic projectile counter attack (Credit To Helper : Nebulox)
- add new mechanic close range counter attack
- add new mechanic health regen reduce percent
- add new mechanic pull techs and restore
- add new mechanic fly half forward
- change Levin Bolt skill do not damage block when stay on ship
- change mana status regen back to percent as normal
- change advance skill recipe from crystal to prism shard
- change idle animation on no gravity area to swiming
- change fly glide mechanic to require high speed
- change update all missing pixel animation
- change cenematic screen when dead
- add dynamic passive status effect display for sprite dragon
- add energy orb combat skill active toggle
- add more new color type for dragon
- add character color customize part
- add passive skill icon for sprite dragon tech skill
- add passive skill icon for energy orb combat skill
- add passive skill icon for dodge spin skill
- add new fly state half forward animation
- add new breath fire fly state half forward animation
- add new category for dragon color parts
- add new animation sleep on zero gravity
- add ride position for reflector skill
- add Magic Cloth skill glow a bit when active
- remove dragon invisible chest armor recipes
- remove dragon invisible legs armor recipes
- remove dragon invisible head armor
- remove dragon invisible chest armor
- remove dragon invisible legs armor
- remove dragon invisible back armor
- remove stater equipment
- remove dragon cenematic rebirth animation
- fix sprite dragon over distance loop display
- fix dragon sleep and do not wake when take damage
- fix beam saber burn effect display wrong color
- fix animation reset when someone leave from ride dragon
- fix unequip and equip armor that make rage gauge go up
- fix dragon hurt sound when unequip and equip armor
- fix can sleep while charging skill
- fix missing word about skill point
- fix wrong control power bar priority
- fix summon energy orb can use again no matter what it infinite time
- fix guard skill issue that make can not be move when getting heavy attack
- fix issue dragon equip with locked equipment
- fix armor tooltip for custom script armor
- fix all knockback skill physic to monster immobile
- fix flight wind sound loud when slow velocity
- fix flight speed too fast when active reflector skill
- fix combat music do not reset when change map
- optimize Levin Bolt light shader effect
- add ability to server side that can dynamic render request by client side
- fix heal orb crash when charging orb and then orb got destroy
- fix special ability do not clear when got crash
- add 100% combine FutaraDragon engine to Starbound game
- update optimize level 4 make low power computer can sync in real time and run faster depend how much CPU thread
- add support GPU multi thread for Starbound this will break through single GPU thread for multi render
- add dynamic G-Sync for Starbound (not effect performance much but it better)
- add prerendering system for quickly speed render
- fix dynamic sound wrong direction
- fix sprite dragon charge effect still have while using endless combo skill
- fix beam saber claw slash effect and physic on server side
- update mod core system make it can be fix it self when other mod make render system crash
- fix missing codex (in future will be update codex)
- fix magic cloth not working when unstoppable combat skill is unlock
- fix camera do not return when rider dead while riding dragon
- fix tech do not return when rider dead while riding dragon
- fix black shade over come while init character
- fix ultimate effect crash when player dead
- fix passive fix position when dragon stucking on some object
- adjust level exp max cap
- dragon flame now use 1 pixel for craft (can multiple craft)
- fix aim side missing data migration
- sprite dragon no longer have breath issue
- change mana regen mechanic to as value not percent
- fix crash when have ultimate status effect and warp to ship
- add split cooldown beam saber claw from other cooldown
- optimize sprite dragon endless combo 100% active after use some skill
- fix sprite dragon charge effect while using endless combo
- add support controller
- add controller helper mechanic
- add beam saber claw skill
- add beam saber claw combo mechanic
- add beam saber claw slash sound effect
- add beam saber claw slash hit sound effect
- add beam saber claw slash particle
- add beam saber claw slash hit particle
- add mega shot skill
- add mega shot sound effect
- add mega shot multi shot effect
- add mega shot multi explode area effect
- add mega shot skill icon
- add mega shot skill damage attribute icon
- add mega shot skill quick charge attribute icon
- add air dodge skill
- add dodge skill
- add dodge sound effect
- add dodge skill icon
- add dodge skill cooldown attribute icon
- add dodge skill reduce stamina attribute icon
- add dodge mechanic
- add combo mechanic
- add heal orb skill
- add sprite dragon healer skill
- add sprite dragon mega shot skill
- add sprite dragon endless combo skill
- add unstoppable combat skill
- add combat mode animation
- add combat mode stomp when change mode on ground
- add new animation config for combat mode
- add sprite dragon mega shot skill icon
- add sprite dragon mega shot skill damage attribute icon
- add sprite dragon mega shot skill quick charge attribute icon
- add sprite dragon endless combo skill icon
- add sprite dragon endless combo skill damage attribute icon
- add sprite dragon endless combo skill combo count attribute icon
- add heal orb skill icon
- add heal orb skill heal attribute icon
- add heal orb skill range attribute icon
- add heal orb skill cast speed attribute icon
- add sprite dragon healer skill icon
- add sprite dragon healer skill toggle attribute icon
- add unstoppable combat skill icon
- add unstoppable combat skill reduce stamina attribute icon
- add unstoppable combat skill toggle attribute icon
- add heal orb skill orb charge effect
- add sprite dragon reinforcement energy orb mechanic
- add orb reserve mechanic
- remake orbs calculation code
- add sprite dragon endless combo launch sound effect
- add sprite dragon endless combo hit sound effect
- fix remove ultimate status effect but effect still have
- fix levin bolt crash after skill time limit
- fix exp ui crash when creat new character
- fix flight mode mechanic
- add dodge animation
- dodge skill air flow animation
- add combat Idle animation
- add combat mode change animation
- add combat walk animation
- add combat run animation
- add combat jump animation
- add combat fall animation
- add skill beam saber dash animation
- add skill beam saber slash animation 1#
- add skill beam saber slash animation 2#
- add skill beam saber slash animation 3#
- add skill beam saber slash effect animation 1#
- add skill beam saber slash effect animation 2#
- add skill beam saber slash effect animation 3#
- add skill sprite dragon endless combo animation
- add skill sprite dragon mega shot effect animation
- add skill breath fire swim idle animation
- add skill breath fire swim move animation
- export all new and update animation for character
- update character display on ui
- reduce levin bolt light orb impact light
- fix logic to check detect monster of energy orb and sprite dragon
- exp display will be random around player
- add automate conroller control face mechanic
- add music setting option icon
- add music setting combat option icon
- add music setting combat reload option icon
- add reload music mechanic
- fix fire blast direction laggy
- reexport change full jump and fall animation
- reexport change breath fire skill full jump and fall animation
- add toggle fly mode option
- balance change all skill path will unlock at level 1000 instant of level 500
- unlimited stamina when on ship
- fix exp ui animation about over length
- energy orb sprite dragon pvp support
- buff magic cloth max mana drain reduce from 50% to 95%
- set invisible character when switch control mode between sprite dragon and player
- optimize darkshade shader
- optimize lightshade shader
- make exp per level faster update
- optimize fire blast smoke particle
- fix magic cloth drain mana when player is invincible
- balance change stamina will not go down when use ultimate skill
- balance change ultimate calculate damage receive over
- balance change rage calculate damage receive over
- fix codex item id
- optimize animation position trace
- fix exp receive frame missing
- fix whonr position start display form level up effect
- fix whonr position start display form skill unlock effect
- fix whonr position start display form skill attribute level up effect
- fix player wall passer work when dragon still in ball mode
- update skill icon file system location
- optimize character animation sprite config
- fix black shade not effect with light
- add new automate tech for body part
- add new automate tech for foots part
- add character tracer display when ride mode is on and got delay
- add unmount tech for other race when other race riding dragon
- change lock on ui to lower level then status bar
- change fire blast flame position
- fix stomp active while use a lot of skill in same time
- fix change mode while sleeping
- balance change nerf fire blast damage
- add new action mechanic
- add ridable to beam saber claw skill
- add cooldown status display when have cooldown
- clear enemy when change mode from controller to normal mode
- decrease levin bolt charge sound volume 25%
- decrease mega shot charge sound volume 50%
- optimize energy orb effects
- add skill charge mechanic
- fix mega shot charge sound over loop
- change beam saber claw camera shake position to dragon
- fix levin bolt alert message when using ultimate skill
- change levin bolt recipt
- fix rainbow orb color effect is wrong color
- add dynamic combat music mechanic
- recode sprite dragon animation mechanic
- add sprite dragon animation trace position
- add knockback for all mega shot skill
- fix counter attack animation not cancel when change skill selection
- fix Levin Bolt crash when sit and use
- fix must not sleep while using Levin Bolt skill
- fix the multiple exp issue receive from multiple dragon in same location
- nerf Levin Bolt gen level 4 reduce active time from 90 second to 60 second
- adjusted EXP gain to make it more consistent
- fix Levin Bolt Shield defend not work correctly
- fix unlock all skill path not work correctly
- fix when charging skill and mana decrease less then skill it will cancel charge
- nerf Levin Bolt Shield from reduce damage from all level 70% 85% 95% 100% to 50% 60% 70% 80%
- fix stamina go down when flying and use ultimate
- fix can not fly when stamina 0 but still active the ultimate
- fix Levin Bolt first mega thunder attack not shoot correctly
- fix animation sync when dead and respawn from save position same map that not sync
- fix ride skill sync animation when a lot of people still stay same map
- fix ride skill status effect buggy when someone riding and use reset skill
- fix crash from fire blast burn effect when enemy do not have stat stun
- fix crash from lightning burn effect when enemy do not have stat stun
- fix crash from lightning mini burn effect when enemy do not have stat stun
- allow everyone can craft the ship object (example teleporter)
- fix magic cloth mana take a lot of mana while protection already 100%
- optimize network code for server side when sync ride skill
- fix camera warp when pass the half world at position x = 0
- fix npc dead when talking with
- fix crash migrate old character data to new system [skill menu freeze]
-fix fly go to space when have speed buff
-change fly glide will not reduce stamina
-rage skill status
-ultimate skill status
-add ultimate status spark particle image
-add ultimate status mini spark particle image
-add ultimate status spark particle projectile
-add ultimate status spark particle effect
-change exp can receive from all weapon
-change exp trace update rate
-status bar new zero condition mechanic
-move rage mechanic to skill damage
-add option disable sleep mode
-add ultimate skill icon to status effect
-add rage particle status effect
-add rage skill icon to status effect
-add spark particle to ultimate status effect
-add spark projectile to ultimate status effect
-add ultimate particle status effect remove when reset skill
-add rage particle status effect remove when reset skill
-set ultimate data when reset skill
-set rage data when reset skill
-set ultimate still stay at 5 second
-add ultimate explosion sound effect
-add ultimate spark sound effect
-add ultimate particle spark effect to sleep dragon when change mode
-deny ultiamte particle spark effect when switch to sprite dragon
-change ultimate particle spark effect status label
-change status bar layer to lower than menu
-add option turn off ultimate spark effect
-add new mechanic ultimate status make mana regen faster 2x
-add new mechanic rage status make stamina increase when rage full and do damage
-add remove sprite dragon option to option menu
-rage status will config to data to turn on
-ultimate status will config to data to turn on
-fix head color when jump and fall down
-fix not sleep on mech while moving
-add option remove sprite dragon icon
-add option turn off ultimate spark effect icon
-add option disable sleep mode icon
-fix words "invisible" from beginning items
-ride skill
-force animation frame mechanic
-add split dragon sprite animation layer
-fix item on hand get remove when change map
-add multi object render mechanic
-disable damage get to ultimate when ultimate is using
-change sprite dragon render layer to higher than player
-disable sprite dragon switch mode when someone riding dragon
-add option toggle ride mode
-add option toggle ride mode icon
-add magic cloth skill
-add magic cloth skill icon
-add mana health mechanic
-add mana life skill
-add mana life skill icon
-add mana emergency mechanic
-add active ride ui animation
-add global ui render mechanic
-intergrade ui render module to support all race
-add special ride status effect for all race
-update npc converse to the race --Credit to "Kiero Ashkore" and "Ni Frozenscale"
-adjust all ride position to all animation
-add character control sync mechanic
-fix active to sitting things
-fix wrong sprite dragon mechanic press f key
-add undock mechanic
-change hurt sound will effect when hp decrease more than 5 point
-add combat skill path
-add combat skill path icon
-add defense skill path
-add defense skill path icon
-add support skill path
-add support skill path icon
-add extra skill path
-add extra skill path icon
-add swap skill path mechanic
-change active summon orb skill effect to split
-add spend skill point calculation mechanic
-add ultimate skill active will not switch control mode
-fix fire blast rotate when getting physic force field --Credit to "Mikenyes"
-move all frame reader logic to center
-add animate controller system
-clone breath fire position to custom animation config
-fix fire blast burn damage do not cal culate with damage multiplier
-fix do damage to punchy get free exp
-fix get exp free from fire blast burn
-fix crash when cycle animate is set to 0
-add custom config to energy orb
-fix dragon do not hide when change to ball
-change exp logic support for boss
-add custom config to sprite dragon
-add custom config to sleep dragon
-add magic cloth sound effect
-add mana life sound effect
-change the dragon projectile mechanic
-fix camera sync with full custom animation
-add mana life particle effect
-remake message notification mechanic
-add special font to message
-fix particle charge do not remove --Credit to "Ni Frozenscale"
-fix network from animation sync mechanic --Credit to "sethtnt" and "Winter"
-add screen shader mechanic
-add lightning spark charge animation
-add lightning spark energy orb animation
-add chain lightning mechanic
-add Levin Bolt skill
-add cloud animation particle
-add mega flare light animation
-add sound effect set for LevinBolt skill
-add special Levin Bolt charge sprite
-add special Levin Bolt mega charge sprite
-add special Levin Bolt charge effect
-add special Levin Bolt active effect
-add white shade mechanic
-fix fly up and down for lover level then 10 can not be move at max speed of forward
-fix fly go to space when have speed buff
-change fly glide do not require stamina
-fix exp receive ui render leyer lower than message
-fix sleep animate cancel when switch to other skill while sleeping
-fix sometime can not not the sprite dragon from unknow reason
-fix energy orb crash about data migration from older version
-fix character animation is not change when play create new character
-fix charge should not be continue charge after walk
-split core system from the game (ui,localsound,character)
-fix not render ui from split system
-fix sprite dragon hp not correct each planet
-move hurt sound to new self system
-remake dead animation
-add dragon dead object
-add custom dead mechanic
-add dead animation to base animation list
-fix energy orb animation shoot not sync from network
-fix energy orb animation hit not sync from network
-add sprite dragon hurt sound effect
-add guard animation
-add guard skill
-add counter attack animation
-add counter attack skill
-reduce words to shorter when using skill menu
-add guide for explain how to use skill menu
-update dead animaton
-reduce text size down
-change message system to ui message system
-change message system to appear only localsound
-add new outline shader for message
-remake exp system to get exp completely
-reduce health level max to 50
-fix collider checker move buggy
-fix charge delay force to use with out change
-sit on mech will not sleep if still moving
-new mechanic choose color system
-new mechanic color sync path
-new system player color management
-change exp system to new system that not include damage for call it
-reset skill point mechanic
-fix shader effect not fully bright
-add custom guard mechanic
-add counter attack mechanic
-change allow admin mode can be get exp
-change level up animation
-change skill level up animation
-add casting speed mix to orbs spawn speed
-add guard skill icon
-add guard skill attribute reduce damage icon
-add counter attack skill icon
-add counter attack attribute damage icon
-change skill to one hand system if possible
-add new counter attack skill active sound
-explain how to use sprite dragon to skill description
-add new guard sound
-add new block sound
-add new counter attck impact sound
-add reset animation effect
-add hue color system changer
-add reset skill icon
-add reset skill
-fix skill menu refresh skill after unlock
-fix spawn dead when monster kill
-add character customize icon
-add character customize color icon
-add new sound effect to menu when it swapping
-fix sound open menu
-add hue special ui changer
-add basic status remover when reset skill
-reset mp stamina charge status after reset skill
-fix crash when new character with counter attack skill
-fix crash with new system binary function data
-fix crash when save database with binary function data
-add new menu switch up and down sound effect
-fix effect level up,unlock skill,reset skill,attribute level up do not appear at network side
-fix skill menu move after open
-fix not render ui from split system
-fix charge should not be continue charge after walk
-split core system from the game (ui,localsound,character)
-fix energy orb crash about data migration from older version
-fix character animation is not change when play create new character
-fix new beam down animation crash while beam down
-fix sprite dragon skill against dragon flight skill
-sprite dragon will rebirth when player change map
-change warp back logic when sprite out of limit range
-fix sprite dragon dea and do not remove out
-status bar wrong color when HP going up
- pull the warp effect out and try to fix it first ( I will add warp effect back after it fixed )
-add dragon flame item that can be cook raw things
-fix about exp fall dead effect should not be set as damage area
-exp message will be more faster
-fix charge sound start while walking when use charging skill
-fix get exp from boss that do not take any damage
-fix get exp with tanky enemy that still ignore defend
-fix can not sleep when sleep and wake by jump and fly
-add wall stuck passer mechanic
-balance change about "Fire Blast" skill reduce a lot of speed down
-fix sound do not stop when fly and warp to ship
-resprite tail to longer and bigger
-add small area passer mechanic
-fix fly speed must support with speed multi
-add special dragon tech for mechanic
-add auto key mechanic will work automatic no matter what do not have weapon on hand
-add disable tech item for remove tech when do not want
-add sprite dragon fly idle animation
-add sprite dragon fly breath fire animation
-remake teleport effect
-add character transform mechanic
-add sprite dragon energy ball breath
-add sprite dragon summon by press f key
-add reshape transform character mechanic
-add ai follower mechanic
-player and ai swapper position mechanic
-transform character
-add new warp sound effect
-add camera shake when warp in
-balance change damage directly to stamina when flying
-fix wall stuck passer mechanic current side
-change stamina bar color down follow
-move a lot of system leave from network code
-add sprite dragon skill icon
-fix bug do not update status bar config when select skill level
-optimize network code level 3
-api for modder that sync a lot of access table can be call it every where
-add sprite dragon follow mode
-add sprite dragon sprite mechanic between follower and player
-add sprite dragon skill
-add sprite dragon skill attribute active tech icon
-add new mechanic force tech active skill command
-add energy orb resource mechanic
-add energy orb rainbow color toggle
-fix skill menu can not be close when press right click
-fix can not be use charge skill
-fix flight stamina reduce before fly
-fix dynamic shader glow effect display not correctly
-fix skill unlock mechanic that unlock before have correctly skill
-add option menu
-add option tech menu
-add disable tech for head type
-add disable tech for body type
-add disable tech for leg type
-add option menu icon
-add option tech menu icon
-add disable tech for head type icon
-add disable tech for body type icon
-add disable tech for leg type icon
-add new mechanic about disable tech
-add multi level menu mechanic
-fix the menu set for every skill
-add toggle data active mechanic
-add text message when toggle speciel option
-reinit status bar config will not appear
-add sprite dragon health bar
-add sprite dragon attribute damage skill
-add sprite dragon attribute distance skill
-add sprite dragon attribute health skill
-add sprite dragon attribute damage skill icon
-add sprite dragon attribute distance skill icon
-add sprite dragon attribute health skill icon
-add sprite dragon energy shot ability
-fix the treasurepools item not init for beginner treasure (fixed by ChanFoxx)
-fix wear things on character in inventory view ui
-add sprite dragon direction animation
-add sprite dragon sit animation
-add bar config to base skill
-sync health bar with monster directly
-fix the rainbow orbs toggle text display
-fix crash when update speciel code paremeter
-fix bar start to max first
-fix sprite dragon defend should be same as player
-fix sprite dragon should do not get any debuff
-fix sprite dragon shader do not change while change contoller
-fix sprite dragon can not be spawn again
-add futaradragon sleep state object
-fix light color after switch mode
-add ai follower player or npc mechanic
-fix teleport to sprite dragon when collider is not complete
-fix spawn futaradragon sleep direction
-add sleep effect to spawn futaradragon sleep
-fix must not change to control sprite dragon when it stuck in wall
-fix crash when too far from follow NPC then automatic go back
-update exp ui very smooth
-update status bar ui very smooth
-update skill menu ui very smooth
-fix message do not appear when set sprite dragon tech active
-fix can not be change control mode when far from sprite dragon
-fix sprite dragon far limit should be change back to follow mode
-fix control sprite dragon far limit should be change back to move back a bit in far distance
-fix sit animation when sit to something
-fix stamina regen when control sprite dragon
-fix status bar do not update to max when display is off
-fix summon orb must be on main character not sprite dragon
-fix character sit and change mode can not change direction
-fix sound summon energy orb when futaradragon sleep still alive
-fix can not sleep when sleep and wake by jump and fly
-add wall stuck passer mechanic
-balance change about "Fire Blast" skill reduce a lot of speed down
-fix about exp fall dead effect should not be set as damage area
-exp message will be more faster
-fix charge sound start while walking when use charging skill
-fix get exp from boss that do not take any damage
-fix get exp with tanky enemy that still ignore defend
-add dragon flame item that can be cook raw things
-remake fly idle animation
-remake fly forward animation
-remake fly backward animation
-change fall down wings animation
-add new fly glide animation
-add new dragon foot step sound when sprinting
-add new wind sound when fly fast
-add sound fade mechanic for loop sound
-add fly glide animation to fly work flow
-make dragon slash skill kill enemy and drop meat
-add split animation mechanic
-add dynamic attack mechanic
-add new breath fire animation
-add new breath fire animation for idle
-add new breath fire animation for walk
-add new breath fire animation for run
-add new breath fire animation for sit
-add new breath fire animation for jump
-add new breath fire animation for fly idle
-add new breath fire animation for fly forward
-add new breath fire animation for fly backward
-add new breath fire animation for fly glide
-add new breath fire animation shader
-add new breath fire animation for idle shader
-add new breath fire animation for walk shader
-add new breath fire animation for run shader
-add new breath fire animation for sit shader
-add new breath fire animation for jump shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly idle shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly forward shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly backward shader
-add new breath fire animation for fly glide shader
-add new frame for all new animation
-add new animation to animation list
-add flame effect for breath fire skill
-add new mechanic camera shake
-add breath fire skill icon
-add breath fire skill attribute damage icon
-add breath fire skill attribute speed icon
-add breath fire skill attribute area icon
-add breath fire unique burn mechanic
-add breath fire active item for skill
-add breath fire skill in skill list
-add flame sound effect
-add burn sound effect
-add roar sound effect
-change frame swapper name for fly animation
-add dynamic animation setting at active item frame reader
-add frame swapper for breath fire skill
-change wing on jump animation
-change fly forward feet to current physic
-network issue overflow data send and incoming
-fixed animation fly try to restart animation when switch between forward backward and idle
-add breath fire skill with unique color
-add breath fire hit animation effect
-add breath fire burn animation effect
-add breath fire smoke particle effect
-add breath fire small light flame particle effect
-fix the can not use skill again when save before skill end
-fix shader do not update after load or use some skill
-fix skill get override by default animation
-fix sometime skill can not be use while flying
-set all breath fire position to correctly all animation
-add crazy flame particle for breath fire skill
-add crazy burn particle for breath fire skill
-change "Breath Fire" skill name to "Fire Blast" by community vote
-fix particle charging effect not remove when stop
-dragon got knockback from use own breath fire skill
-fix flight skill do not effect with knockback
-add exp for breath fire burn
-sync scale of damage and everything for fire breath skill
-tune the base and burn damage for breath fire skill
-change energy orb stop to shoot non aggresive monster
-show message when skill do not unlock
-fix message do not alert when first time character create
-add camera manager
-add toggle camera data
-add shake status mechanic
-add shake object mechanic
-fix breath fire animation not work on network side
-fix fire blast must not be use under water
- fix exp ui display everytime when leave combat
- optimize network code
- add io function back to lua
- add network socket manager
- add optimize all network code
- fix crash from default animation switched to new network code
- fix crash from custom animation switched to new network code
- fix crash from attack skill to new network code
- fix crash from summon energy orb skill to new network code
- fix crash from sprint skill to new network code
- fix crash from flight skill to new network code
- add local side data manager
- add local side function support
- optimize key function script for very less data send
- optimize animation script for very less data send
- change mana to local side data
- change stamina to local side data
- change text and all alert to local side data
- change menu ui to local side data
- change key input to local side data
- change ui status bar to local side data
- change sound effect manager split half to local side data
- change charge gauge to local side data
- change exp to local side data and then save to network data
- change cooldown to local side data
- change receive exp ui to local side data
- change text notification to local side data
- change half of summon orb skill to local side data
- change half of dragon slash skill to local side data
- fix everytime level up ui will wrong display
- fix player status update to local side data
- make local database
- add broadcast socket function for send data around network and local
- add port list for dynamic broadcast data
- make socket support UDP
- fix particle effect work on multiplayer side
- fix a lot of crash from change database
- exp label display will be disappear faster
- fix energy orb particle not work in multiplayer
- fix charge particle not work in multiplayer
- fix energy orb bullet particle not work in multiplayer
- fix fly animation that not sync when change direction
- add display picture in game UI profile slot
- health bar ui should be a lot of level of line
- fix start game with slide sit animation should not be move
- fix sound charge loop after use energy skill orb
- improve the sprint skill for better when falling
- change character selection had background
- fix when sleep can not be use any skill
- optimize skill menu select faster
- fix skill menu close while menu open make ui render after come to game again
- increase energy orb speed fast as maximum fly speed
- improve energy orb movement
- fix exp do not update when use dragon slash skill
- optimize shader a lot
- optimize database for more performance
- try to change animation logic to better
- fix status ui loop spam update
- change balance update dragon slash damage increase to double
- change balance update energy orb combat damaage increase to double
- add animation fly idle
- add animation fly backward
- add animation fly forward
- fly physic mechanic
- fly physic api
- fly system
- change animation stand idle
- change animation swim idle
- change animation jump
- change animation fall
- add sleep state when sit more than 5 second
- make warp animation effect alpha 0
- fixed health status not apply to main health
- flying sound effect
- change skill name to sort with set of skill
- add energy orb combat skill
- add energy orb combat skill icon
- add energy orb combat skill damage attribute icon
- add energy orb combat skill range attribute icon
- add energy orb combat skill rate of fire attribute icon
- add energy orb ai mechanic
- add energy orb projectile mechanic
- add energy orb fire effect sprite
- add energy orb hit effect sprite
- add energy orb fire sound effect
- add energy orb hit sound effect
- add flight skill
- add flight skill icon
- add flight skill speed attribute icon
- add flight passive mechanic
- change stamina logic regen when stay ground only
- when open menu should not not be use flight mode
- optimize flight skill
- fix flight skill must not be use under water
- optimize orb appear and disappear effect
- energy orb will glow same as skill color
- add particle follow energy orb
- add particle follow energy orb bullet
- add light to energy orb shoot effect
- add light to energy orb hit effect
- fix dragon slash skill should not be use while flying
- fix animation if use skill menu while flying
- fix sleep state can be sleep under water
- fix melee skill broken (v0.21b)
- fix lot of sound gone (v0.21b)
- optimize tons of code
- add exp drop after enemy killed
- shader not go back to normal state after animate gone to 0
v0.21b (unstable confirmed)
- fix menu sound to local
- fix summon energy orb sound
- local sound mechanic
- network sound mechanic
- split unique system to compile
- optimize network code
- menu UI sound will no longer hear from other people
- energy orb spawn will hear from other people
- add energy orb skill
- add charge bar
- add charge bar icon
- add energy orb skill icon
- add energy orb skill duration attrubute icon
- add energy orb skill count attrubute icon
- add energy orb skill cast speed attrubute icon
- charge mechanic
- charge particle effect
- charge sound effect
- orb follower
- dynamic orb follower light
- orb follower status
- add level display on view status detail
- add word point/second at all skill detail when watching
- fix animation jump and fall some time do not display correctly
- remove name "Futara" from skill item
- set energy orb skill use 5 point unlock
- effect lock with object mechanic
- object effect controller (not make over flow spawn effect component)
- dynamic effect engine (realtime effect render)
- add projectiles lock type
- add new mechanic dynamic particle render
- add new mechanic charge follower
- fix bar do not hidden when exit game without wait bar fading
- add status bar fade mode "AlwaysOn" , "WhenMax" , "WhenNotChange"
- change hp bar fade when full hp
- remove file "FutaraDragonChargeParticle" editor file
- add dynamic light color on charge particle
- change charge effect to brighter
- add mechanic dynamic render over character base layer level 2
- add animation light map
- add animation aura light map
- add realtime shader system
- add mechanic render shader layer realtime sync
- optimize CPU by switch render to GPU
- optimize shader effect
- optimize animation frame
- remove file all animation editor file
- fix animation when a bit down
- add charge loop sound effect
- add summon energy orb sound effect
- add summon energy orb effect
- remove all file "FutaraDragonEnergyOrbSummon" editor
- add energy orb floating sprite
- add energy orb arrived sprite
- add energy orb disappear sprite
- add energy orb arrived sound effect
- add energy orb disappear sound effect
- fix charge can not casting while jump
- remove all file projectile FutaraDragon Energy Orb editor
- energy orb craft skill require heal water 5
- change Hp bar size support HP 600
- add health status can be max to 600
- fix skill point display at all skill description
- fix skill point display nil in description
- add random speed for energy orb
- fix energy orb crash when orb hit enemy
- fix charge bar not fully bar when casting skill
- fix skill description display nil on description
- fix over flow profile image
- test add code skip update 3 layer for more performance
- tuning sprint skill speed increase by 0.1 max from 1.9 to 2.0
- draw charge animation
- multi layer character render mechanic
- add mana bar
- add mana bar icon
- add mana point
- add basic status mana icon
- add basic status mana attribute
- fix that get exp 0 when attack with damage 1
- fix crash when use skill attack with FU mod (change mod core to native script)
- fix sprint mechanic when fall a bit down then stop sprint
- fix sprint skill mechanic over use stamina after pause to sprint
- fix other character energy not regen if do not use with custom skill character
- fix crash when attack monster
- basic support with FU mod
- fix max skill overflow
- stamina bar tracker
- stamina bar mechanic
- make logic for unlimit speed
- stamina bar icon
- SetConfigData new type of skill menu can load config
- set dash animation same as run
- logic for sprint
- logic for stamina
- set HP config to 0
- change health skill to same base level
- when upgrade main level skill will get all sub skill level 1
- tuning api read animation
- set stamina ui bar to display false
- set health start to 100
- adjust all skill to use less skill point
- status bar can dynamic fade
- status bar can dynamic move position
- add new skill dragon sprint (use by double tap move key)
- add stamina point
- add stamina attribute for basic status
- migrate new status and skill and status bar
- Fixed Ship F.T.L issue
- [player should be remove ship world for fix this issue after patch]
- Fixed Dragon Slash skill do not sync with skill damage level
Last edited by FutaraDragon; 28 Sep @ 5:35pm