Rivals of Aether
Gliscor v0.9 (Active Development)
Ideas thread
If you have suggestions or comments on Gliscors movement/moveset, add them here!
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Показані коментарі 115 із 20
Aguos  [розробник] 18 жовт. 2019 о 6:19 
I've been having a hard time getting wall cling to work, it seems to bug out on this character. I'm looking for someone to help me troubleshoot this issue. Send me a friend request or message.
Just gonna say that I haven't played yet but one thing I know you should add is like a poison damage overtime thing that Ranno has on like a poison claw move.
Aguos  [розробник] 19 жовт. 2019 о 15:46 
Цитата допису Tiktai:
Just gonna say that I haven't played yet but one thing I know you should add is like a poison damage overtime thing that Ranno has on like a poison claw move.

Funny that you say that, but one of the moves I've already implemented (jab combo) is Poison Jab from the game and it does add a stack of poison. The only thing is that I haven't really decided how I'm going to use the poison stacks. Damage over time was my first idea, it could work like zetterburns Fire.
Found a few moves that Gliscor has, that you could use for his Up-Special.
Their's Acrobatics, that I think you could use like Ori's Ub-b. Make Gliscor flap his wings into a back-flip, then into a glide.
Sky Uppercut could be used as a simple Shoryuken recovery like Ryu from Smash.
Quick Attack could be used as a teleport attack or Gliscor could simply just flap his wing into an attack, like X-Scissor at the end of the recovery.

The poison stacks could be a simple DoT that gets more damage per stack. 1 stack could miniscule, and it could reach enough stacks to do more than Zetter's fire, but the stacks could fall off back down to lower damage.

His neutral B could be a mix of Thunder/Fire/Ice fangs. With all three either being random coming out or set on rotation. They could have a random chance to do their status effects too. Thunder Fang could paralyze, like Clairens sweet spot stuns. Fire Fang could Burn, like Zetters fire.
Ice Fang could Freeze like Etalus. It just offers an extra attack to mix into his combos, while having a very small chance for an effect.

These are just my ideas. Hope it helps. If you want more I would be happy to, since Gliscor is one of my favorite Pokemon.
Aguos  [розробник] 24 жовт. 2019 о 6:35 
Yo that neutral b idea is really good, I could almost see it like a command grab like Warios. Right now my idea for neutral b was going to be Toxic, where he would fire a projectile like Orcanes water gun/puddle but I wasn't really sure if that would suit his play style. This is seems to fit a lot more, especially since I wanted some sort of bite attack.

I had Sky Uppercut planned as his up b, sorta like Wrastors except you wouldn't go into free fall afterwards. It would send opponents more vertically than horizontally though, allowing him to combo out of it.

That's essentially how I imagined the poison stacks to work. The stacks would have to slowly disappear after time and I'd still allow them to take stacks off if they manage to hit Gliscor like how Rannos poison works.

Thanks for the ideas. We can keep discussing them if you're interested.
Aguos  [розробник] 24 жовт. 2019 о 6:48 
I also came up with a passive ability for him as well, but it hasn't been implemented yet. It would be an ability called "Updraft" where as long as Gliscor is off stage and isn't in free fall or hit stun, he will be slowly rising, carried up by the wind of the updraft. This would allow him to be very powerful offstage, where he won't have to worry about falling into the abyss without getting hit.

I'd probably have to rethink how this would affect his multiple double jumps and his float, but I like the idea because it fits his character really well and is very unique.

The playstyle I want with Gliscor is a very aerial heavy combo game where is needs to carry his opponents to the blastzones. Almost imagine Jigglypuffs "Wall of Pain" when she essentially carries an opponent to the blastzone with her bair. His on stage base knockback will be low, but he will have a lot of tools to pop the opponent up and start an aerial combo.

Please give me feedback on this as I haven't started implementing it yet and would like to discuss it more. I'm still very new at programming so if anyone would like to help me with any of this I'd really appreciate it.
The Updraft ability sounds really good. Fits with Gliscor very well. The fact that it's always happening when he's offstage might be a bit too strong. If he gets knocked off near the blastzone he can just glide back, or if he gets spiked, but regains control at the last second, he can just stall offstage until he has enough height to guarantee a safe landing.
Maybe if he jumps from the stage he gains Updraft.
Meaning if he gets launched he doesn't gain it, but can still use it to combo, or finish in the air by jumping from the stage.
This way his multi-jumps don't assist him even more for recovery. He has his jumps to gain height to match his target when he wants to attack in the air, and they help recover when Updraft isn't assisting him.

I'm super glad you liked my Fang idea. Gliscor has his claws and tail to work with a lot, while his fangs don't get much attention aside from the Fang moves. (He doesn't even have Bite/Crunch.)
The Wario-like command grab would be good for it, you would just have to apply the possible status effect at the end of it. I imagine chomping down on the opponent a few times, just for your victim to be put into a block of ice, before your attack was done, might be jarring and abrupt.

Sky Uppercut is a safe pick for a recovery. Also gives him more type advantages/representation. With his Updraft and Multi-jumps it should be very short, in my opinion. That way he doesn't have a lot of recovery tools.

The aerial playstyle is a very nice pick. Only Wrastor and Jiggly are the only "Air fighters" of note currently. If Gliscor could dominate the air, he'd be just a bit more unique.
you are doing it so good!! i just love what you did. Keep going

i think this for neutral B, how about "guillotine" a slow attack but it does good damage
something like the ice hammer of etalus

and maybe for his back air he can do a swing with his tail like zetterburn taking advantage of it is long
The character is great, everything looks really good.

Here's a few ideas for moves, though.

Forward air could use more poison with like a claw swipe, fairly quick with low knockback.

Forward strong could be a powerful stab forward with his tail, doing a bit of poison damage and sending opponents a good distance.

Neutral special could be Sludge Bomb, a powerful mid-range projectile that deals good damage over time, low knockback but travels in a sort of arc that's good for edge-guarding.

Down special could be Fire fang, Thunder fang and Ice fang. A small symbol by the character's icon would show which fang will be used. Has a small cooldown, around 5 to 8 seconds. The next fang won't appear until down special is used, going in the order of Fire>Thunder>Ice>Fire. Fire fang does good damage and sends decently far, Thunder fang does okay damage and knockback, but stuns the opponent for a little bit. Ice fang does the same damage and knockback as thunder fang, but slows the opponent down.
Aguos  [розробник] 31 жовт. 2019 о 12:47 
@SCIENCE I definitely still have to think about updraft more, because it would be VERY powerful.

@cutiepie64887 Thanks! I think Guillotine might be a good option for Fstrong actually. I could see it having a lot of anticipation and being more of a slow move, but if fully charged it would do a lot of damage!

@MBGaming I like the idea of giving him a poison aerial move. Cross Poison could be a great option for either forward air or neutral air. I had a similar idea with Sludge Bomb/Toxic.
This is a really good character so far, i think that his down B should be something aoe, maybe earthquake or magnitude, maybe even summoning rocks on either side of him with rockslide
What if D-air was an angled downward stab with his tail like one of Ridley's attacks from Super Metroid? (a move that I'm surprised isn't Ridley's D-air in smash)
venoshock would work well with a poison gimmick on this character. doing more damage the more poison stacks the opponent has.
maybe make a down b similar to ridleys but with some kind of poison thing
Автор останньої редакції: cream pisser; 8 лют. 2020 о 11:11
I posted it in the comments but if you don't end up doing the Updraft idea, gliding is another great idea for him. I don't know how you could create a character like this fully without either having an updraft or gliding, it's integral to how he is.
Maybe for his down B he could use Roost for a couple of percent heal? Not sure what you're planning for the special moves. If you do end up giving him good off stage presence im not sure it will be utilized though

iron tail for dair?
Not sure what move your ftilt is, so correct me if you did end up something in mind for that, but i feel like a slash would do better? it's still good though dont get me wrong :)

i feel like you should have stone edge too somewhere - throws rocks at the enemy or raises them out of the ground? Not sure, just food for thought

keep it up :)
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