Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Prehistoric Era (BNW)
Finding Bug Fixes
If you find a bug you can fix post here, it will help the dev out with working forward, make sure if you post here you play-test it first!
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Is missing in the Campfire XML
Will give it the +1 gold you said was intended.
Last edited by [ESC] Fælyn Klocknov; 24 Dec, 2013 @ 4:03am
Missing under <Units> in the Primitive Archer XML
Will give the archer Range, unless it was intended for him not to start with it.
Side Note: A little Idea with the Primitive Ranger, maybe add something akin to target practice as a building to add a +1 Range mod to it that is removed upon upgrade. It would help add some more variety to the buildings in that age, as well make the unit more useful in the long run.
DerEider 24 Dec, 2013 @ 4:41am 
Originally posted by ESC Klocknov:
Side Note: A little Idea with the Primitive Ranger, maybe add something akin to target practice as a building to add a +1 Range mod to it that is removed upon upgrade. It would help add some more variety to the buildings in that age, as well make the unit more useful in the long run.

Yes. May call it "Archery Range" & make it a prerequisite for the later "Barracks". Unit would have to come back to the Village after the AR is built in order to qualify for the Range promotion [like the "Amphibious" promotion].
Last edited by DerEider; 24 Dec, 2013 @ 4:42am
apshai  [developer] 30 Dec, 2013 @ 8:54pm 
Thanks guys for the feedback. I've actually solved most of the issues in the next release and I am actually ready to release a number of changes ... EXCEPT ... I am having this crazy bug that does not allow me to re-load a saved game from the mod. I have posted on civfanatics and I am brute-force attacking this issue.
BluePikmin 4 Mar, 2014 @ 8:14am 
I'm not generating any unhapiness from population. It stays put at 0.
HappyHead 20 Mar, 2014 @ 9:31pm 
when sliding the mouse over flint or granite, the icon for berries shows up
HappyHead 20 Mar, 2014 @ 10:05pm 
I also am having the savegame bug, it appears to only happen after a certain amount of progression has been made in the game, tho what specifically im not sure
DerEider 24 May, 2014 @ 5:12am 
While playing Civ V BNW with the Prehistoric Era Mod, the following inconsistencies were noted:

1] Primitive Archer would not "Range Attack". When mousing over the enemy unit, the Attack Prognosis was displayed indicating it was a "Ranged" attack. It appears to be based on the PA +3 Ranged Strength. However, the PA unit had no Ranged Attack option, only Melee. Right clicking the enemy unit resulted NOT in a ranged attack but rather sent the weak PA into a disastrous Melee. That melee attack appeared to use the PA +2 Strength. The Melee option obviously did likewise. If the PA's range is only 1 hex, that's fine. However, it should not be forced to melee attack. It is too weak a unit for that.

2] Heal rate is way too low. At 1 point per turn, it takes a severely damaged unit up to a few THOUSAND Years {40 years/turn * 90+ points} to fully recover. The base Civ V game Heal Rate is 10 points per turn. As is, my erstwhile PA is spending almost all of Prehistory just recovering from having no ranged attack.

3] When in the Cityscreen, the <enter> key does not step back from production to the Queue nor exit to the world map - as is the case in base Civ. This has caused the loss of several turns, as <enter> has activated "Next Turn" while I am still in Cityscreen and have yet to complete intended actions.

4] Interesting ! Kilimanjaro gives "Forest Dweller" promotion rather than the base Civ V "Altitude Training" promo. No complaint !

5] At about 3500 bce & continuing; more later ...
Last edited by DerEider; 24 May, 2014 @ 5:13am
DerEider 24 May, 2014 @ 9:32am 
See 05/28/2014 edit below
5] In Cityscreen, except for "Production" the upper-Left Output Totals are not displayed. Mouse-over shows those missing totals, but that introduces a nuisance factor. Also, the "Food" line does not give the number of turns to Next Citizen.
Upon activating the "Add To Queue" button, the horizontal output line does show the totals for Food, Production, Science, Gold, Culture, & Faith. The Food item still does not show Turns to next citizen. Upon exiting Cityscreen, the City bar does show the number of turns to Next Citizen.
6] The Shaman Ranged Attack functions properly. Should be able to copy Shaman codes to those for PA. Range of 1 hex would be OK for this primitive unit.
Last edited by DerEider; 28 May, 2014 @ 1:26am
DerEider 24 May, 2014 @ 10:58am 
7] The Pantheon Belief "Monument to the Gods" applies a 15% production bonus to "Ancient & Classical" Wonders. It worked for Chieftain's Hut, Wunderwerk Cave, Theopetra Cave, Skara Brae and Palace, BUT NOT for Gobekli Tepe. ??

8] I guess I have to take back comment 4]. My Caveman now sports an "Altitude Training" promotion. When I checked him at Kilimanjaro, all he had was "Forest Dweller". Don't know where he picked that up. Do Cavemen come with that one ??
DerEider 27 May, 2014 @ 12:26am 
9] The base Civ V displays at bottom-center of main screen the progress of other Civs, CSs and Barb moves. I miss that in Prehistory.

10] Reached Ancient Era upon completion of the last Prehistory Tech, rather than upon finding the first Tech in the next era as is done in base Civ V.
I.E., When game starts, one's Civ has completed Agriculture and Ancient Era begins.

11] Found an AI cheat in Prehistory. My big, bad Caveman did a Barb encampment and captured an English Worker while my Civ was still restricted to Laborers. Could it be [??] that the Barb capture mechanics convert captured Laborers to Workers??

12] When mousing over a Worker's "Build Actions", the number of turns indicated for completion always reads "2,147,483.647" ??? A tad excessive to build a Farm, don't you think? Seems like a calculation somewhere is set up incorrectly. Doesn't happen in base Civ V. After executing the "Build Action", the proper time to complete shows in the Worker box. I can't offer any suggestions for a fix.
See 05/28/2014 edit below
13] The Numbers Tech has the Audio for Pottery, rather than the HAL 9000 quote.
14] Base Civ V's Scores hide the circular Event notice Icons along the right margin. Prehistoric Era has fixed [?] that so those circles now are arrayed over top of the scores. Good job !!
See 05/28/2014 edit below
15] How does an AI Civ's Science drop to 0 [zero] while they still have population?? I am seeing InfoAddict data for 2 of 7 Civs. One [India] has reached Science of 0 and the 2nd [England] has dropped to 1. Both then rebounded to 2 Science, still well below their respective populations.
16] Now [turn 140], the Cityscreen horizontal output block [Top-Left] shows the "Turns until a New Citizen is Born". First noticed this when Delhi was captured. The vertical block [when no Production or Purchase is being viewed] still shows neither that figure nor the output totals for any but Production.

17] When Delhi was captured, the option to Annex or Puppet was not presented. Following Screenshots are Turn 140 Delhi Cityscreen, Setup Conditions & 6 Mods Lists: + + + + + + +
See 05/28/2014 edit below
18] Now, turn 145, the Annex-Puppet-View pop-up {including the "Major Warmonger" warning} appears along with several "Cleared Barb Encampment" notices and a "You are first to meet Sofia" pop-up. This occurred while in the Rome Cityscreen after exiting the <F6> Tech Tree screen ?? Selecting the "Puppet" option did remove Delhi from the cityscreen review cycle. That also removed the Build Queue I had put in and visiting the cityscreen brings up the Annex-Continue Puppet option. Better late than never one might suppose.
Last edited by DerEider; 28 May, 2014 @ 8:28am
DerEider 27 May, 2014 @ 2:00pm 
See 05/28/2014 edit below
19] The Minerology Tech has the Audio for Pottery, rather than the Confucious quote.
20] What HO !! We have a Jewelry Resource ?? Jewelry is a :manufactured item gifted by a City State or created by a Gold Smith <a Mod>.

21] Now [turn 170] the <enter> key is functioning properly when in Cityscreen to leave "Add to Queue" back to Queue or for going back to the Map. ?? Don't know why.
Last edited by DerEider; 28 May, 2014 @ 1:34am
DerEider 28 May, 2014 @ 1:59am 
THIS is the 05/28/2014 edit
5] EDIT 5/28/2014: In Cityscreen, except for "Production" the upper-Left Output TOTALs are not displayed. Mouse-over shows those missing totals, but that introduces a nuisance factor. Also, the "Food" line does not give the number of turns to Next Citizen. Turn 140 Delhi screenshot illustrates the condition:
Upon activating the "Add To Queue" button, the horizontal output line does show the totals for Food, Production, Science, Gold, Culture, & Faith. The Food item still did not show Turns to next citizen but by turn 172 this was corrected ??; see Screenshot:

13] The Numbers Tech has the Audio for Pottery, rather than the HAL 9000 quote. I use the Leonard Nimoy Audio Mod; could that affect this ?

15] How does an AI Civ's Science drop to 0 [zero] while they still have population?? I am seeing InfoAddict data for 2 of 7 Civs. One [India] has reached Science of 0 and the 2nd [England] has dropped to 1. Both then rebounded to 2 Science, still well below their respective populations. Following InfoAddict shots for turn 182 shows the problem: + .

18] Now, turn 145, the Annex-Puppet-View pop-up {including the "Major Warmonger" warning} appears along with several Cleared Barb Encampment notices and a "You are first to meet Sofia" pop-up. This occurred while in the Rome Cityscreen after exiting the <F6> Tech Tree screen ?? Selecting the "Puppet" option did remove Delhi from the cityscreen review cycle. That also removed the Build Queue I had put in and visiting the cityscreen brings up the Annex-Continue Puppet option. Better late than never one might suppose.

05/28/2014 Edit: By trial & error, I found that, in order to view skipped special event Pop-Up notices, I must [1] view any Cityscreen, [2] view <F6> Tech Tree & [3] exit Tech Tree by clicking on "Close" {NOT by using <enter> nor <F6>}

19] The Minerology Tech has the Audio for Pottery, rather than the Confucious quote. ?? Leonard Nimoy Audio mod ??
NEW Stuff

*=> 22] The Gold income problem mentioned in prior Comments to this OP continues. Rome is getting around it by creating Primitive Archers [PA], then cashing them in for Gold. Boethius' Greatest Work + InfoAddict "Net Gold" & "Treasury" reports illustrate the Severity of the Plight for the AIs: + + .

Could the Negative Gold Flow/ Zero Treasury relate to the Zero Science ??
Last edited by DerEider; 28 May, 2014 @ 8:29am
DerEider 29 May, 2014 @ 1:00am 
23] "Caravaning" {?? Caravaneering ??} Tech allows building a Caravan. "Husbandry" Tech does the same. No harm I suppose. Provides an alternate line to get that Caravan. Noticed because already had built Caravan when completed this Tech.

24] At Turn 244, the "Add to Queue" [ATQ] button ceased to function. Rome's Production Queue was empty and Choose Production bar and Icon popped. Clicking either moved Rome to center screen but the Cityscreen would not open. Upon opening the Cityscreen using the City bar, the ATQ did not work. I could select "Purchase" and then click the "Production" at the bottom to bring up the available constructs.

HOWEVER, no Wonders were on that Production list {?? Wonders may not be "Purchased", so cannot be accessed through the Purchase option ??}. Machu Picchu and Artists Guild should have been buildable in Rome and Fiorenze {renamed former English city}.

All the other cities have the same problem. Could it relate to having just entered Medieval Era ?
RETIRED <=====> Uncontinuable
Last edited by DerEider; 29 May, 2014 @ 6:24am
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