Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Prehistoric Era (BNW)
If possible, i think it should be impossible to declare war until warfare is researched
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That surely makes sense. However, conflict between individual units, say perhaps a couple gatherers from different civs trying to harvest the same resource, could/should occur naturally without giving rise to "warfare" between those civs.
apshai  [dév.] 15 mars 2014 à 5h44 
Great idea about "Declaration War". I hadn't even considered that. Please keep the ideas flowing.
the usefullness of the pre-historic resources REALLY drops off in the late game, and their addition means a lack of regular and modded resourses appearing on the map.

I'm not sure if this is within the realms of what you would wanna code, but a way to remedy this problem would be to, instead of having hidden resources revealed, have the pre-historic resources transform into more advanced counterparts. (berries to wine, flint to stone, ...etc?)

You'd probably have to add in more prehistoric resources, but it's an idea i think you should look into.
tagging off the "declare war" idea, in additiuon to fog of war returning, the ai should "forget" people they come in contact with like, 3 turns after no longer seeing them... or better yet, never oficially meet eachother, only seeing eachother.

By having a sort of passive "declare war" that happens if one attacks another, you could realisticly remove diplomacy and have it so that, when later eras come, they have a negative stat towards one another saying somthing like "the stories of their ancestors warn against people matching your description" that lasts until 60 turns of peace have passed once the civs oficially meet.
this would also help prevent the possibility of becoming a maniacle warmonger in the eyes of civs because of things done in the pre-historic eras...

Also, in ancient times, there was a LOT less hatred towards warring nations. It was common place for rulers to go out into battle every spring looking to plunder resources from others, then return before winter. Other civs were never "conquered", but instead made to offer payment for peace or become "vassals" of the other nation, giving a portion of what they produced every year in exchange for peace AND protection from others who come warring by.

All that to say, once cities become a thing, the should be uncapturable until a certain time, razing being the only option, and warmonger hate shouldnt appear until around the "ancient" or "classical" eras.

There was a guy who added in a "vassal" aspect to trade, his mod is called "civ IV diplomacy" or somthing like that. You could ask him if you could borrow that aspect of his mod if you like the idea... (its incompatable with any mod that alters ai luas, so just getting that mod in addition to this wouldn't work)
Now I have used this mod for a while and one thing (if I havn't just overlooked it) I think should be added is; as you can remove forest and jungle later in the game, you should also be able to remove flint, obsidian and berries or simply build on them. Because in late game I have had great farmland near a river that could yield 5-6 food, but this was impossible because there was berries on the farmland so it only yielded 2 food.
PRGN 15 juin 2014 à 21h56 
One issue I find is that, even on the fastest setting, everything in the prehistoric era takes way too long. My cities frequently have nothing to do but make units over and over. And the Laborer is completely useless.

Given the game-define start time, maybe speed up the most basic techs like fire and tools (fire was invented 1.8 million years ago, game starts at about 6000 BC i think) by quite a bit, and possibly add more cheap buildings to build. Or maybe something that converts production to another resource; how about a temporary option to convert production to science to speed along the transition to the Ancient Era? It could be obsolete with the discovery of the most basic classical era tech.

I also agree that the early-game resources wind up being a hindrance later on, plus the fact that the basic resources aren't even visible at first. Hard to figure out where I should found new cities if I can't see any of the potential resources.
Great mod, really loved expanding on the Civ game but there are a few things that need tweaking:
- With regards to war, perhaps allow units to attack each other but unable to enter rival territory to reflect the raids and skirmishes of prehistory.
- Needs more things to build or shorter techs as a production-oriented civ quickly outpaces what it can build.
- More gold! I was in debt and so was every other civ for a large portion of the game meaning that advancement was painfully slow. At one point Assyria which had a huge empire was losing 312 gold each turn.

Again, really like the mod and the units, wonders and resources really blend well with the game. Keep up the good work! :)
No cities until agriculture would solve a lot of balancing and other problems. Just have it be a single unit wondering around killing bears and stuff, trying to survive until agriculture is researched. Could gain research just by "pillaging" or "gathering" the land. When agriculture is researched, you get a settler or can upgrade whatever single basic unit you get at the start of the game to a settler. You could do something to production so that the first unit the city makes is automatically a warrior or just spawn the warrior as soon as the city is made. This would essentially let players explore their immediate area for a few turns for a suitable start location without wasting a few precious turns in the beginning of the game one would otherwise waste looking for prime real estate.

Also, this mod is way more complex than it needs to be.
Dernière modification de Virtual Ocean Horizon; 24 aout 2014 à 1h04
You might want to look into the old ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Unit from Civ IV Warlords. It was a roving camp which would randomly spawn units. The type of unit would depend on what terrain the camp was in at the beginning of the turn. This would allow nomadic Civs to create units.
Good mod, thank you for doing it.

Currently playing an immortal marathon game with the Aztec on a jungle map.
I want to report some (IMO) balancing issues.
The tech for palace should come as the end of the prehistoric tree. It was a no brainer to beeline it as the bonus are simply outstanding compared with the rest.
The quests from the CS should be disabled or somehow nerfed at the beginning of the game. I killed some barbs to ally jerusalem and got a very early pantheon (+1 culture from jungle of course) which led to a serious imbalance in the game (me getting 6+ doctrines and other civ still having no culture production. Another civ also got an early pantheon and founded religion before i got schrines.
Goody huts seems buggy (getting no reward from them, or gold) so i restarted a game without them.
Non player Civ seem to run into a recurrent problem: the 4 civ i met are running sinces hundred of turn with 0 treasury and -10 to -25 GPT. Probably in relation with ressources not showing up. I got lucky to get dye and escape that problem.
The prehistoric buildings and land improvements should obsolete (and their bonus with them when the standart building / improvement become available (eg rock painting for monument or foraging site with plantation).
Also my two first city ran pretty early into having nothing to build exept spamming troops and disbanding them for cash. Maybe the prehistoric wonders and or buildings should take more hammers to build.
Dernière modification de Franck; 14 janv. 2016 à 3h17
last comment concerning the prehistoric ressources. I had none and could not check their effect. Are they luxuries and or strategic? btw i like the idea to have them transformed into standard ressources ater in the game as was suggested above (flint to stone after researching masonery for instance).
I missed some civiloepedia info about the mod as well.

Overall a very promising mod, i ll keep watching for v3.0
Thumb up.
another bug : the historic archer does not function as a ranged unit but as a melee unit. BTW the torch thrower is utterly useless with its current defensive strengh.Ranged attack 2/Strengh3 with a range of 1 appears more balanced.

THe prehistoric era also absolutly need a culture building much earlier in the tech tree. I think the chief hut should be a palace downgrade producing 1 food, 1 hammer, 1 science and 1 culture.
Wow I was still subscribed to this? Rofl I don't even play this game anymore.

Unfortunately Franck, this mod is dead. Hasn't been updated in a year, at least. We might as well move on.
I would love to see a second version of this mod that is expanded starting 15,000BC.

Starting Units include be a primitive type of tribal settler, and privative type of scout. This privative tribal settler can build a pre Neolithic settlement similar to a city: population of 150 (Dunbar's number).

First task would be establishing contact with other tribes, form alliance and start a joint effort called the Göbekli Tepe project. Once this project is completed (approx. 3000 years later) it opens the villages potential to build other things than primitive units... Neolithic buildings and wonders. Time span to achieve Göbekli Tepe should be about 3,000 years where joint alliance should be maintained at all costs.

New techs like primitive agriculture and primitive animal husbandry.

New type of units like hunter/gatherer to be parked on any resource that needs to be worked by the village.

Aside 1 primitive settler, 2 primitive scouts, and 2 "warrior" type units a player would also get 2 hunter/gatherer units. Additional units need to be built. Max village size would be "5" which will be needed to convert to 1 real population after Göbekli Tepe is achieved. Difference is that 1 population can work resources without having a hunter/gatherer unit parked on resource.

Only after Göbekli Tepe is finished will standard settler or standard scout unit be available.

Göbekli Tepe = a type of wonder available to every civilization regardless of which alliance achieves this first. It will "auto build" outside the normal construction box. While Göbekli Tepe is beinge worked on the village has a 10% increase to resource and growth. This 10% is lost after the Göbekli Tepe project is achieved since players can then construct buildings and wonders.
Dernière modification de Nekoborg; 23 sept. 2023 à 10h24
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