Everybody loves suggestions, so let's congregate them in one place for brevity.

My suggestion; some kind of trans-orbital structure, a space elevator, or skyhook
It could improve production of minerals/consumer goods/alloys, since it makes it easier to get them off planet, or it could act as an extra shipyard for a station in the same system.
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Saxon  [Fejlesztő] 2019. aug. 26., 10:53 
First of all thank you for making this discussion thread, Aespher! It is good to see so many people enjoy this mod and would like to see it expanded.

I'm willing to create any building and design the sprites for it, but it has to be locked behind an ascension perk. Ideally we will end up with a plethora of highly overpowered buildings to reduce the tedium and create some fun in the late game but we have to be strategic and can only pick a handful.

A space elevator is considered out-dated technology in the Stellaris timeline. Probably because of how easy space-flight is for the empires in Stellaris. But I'd love something like a mega-shipyard. Alhought I'd have to experiment with finding ways to have a planet add starbase ship-construction slots (since planets don't build ships). But I'd be happy to dig around the game files and reverse-engineer the creations of other more experienced modders to see if it can be done.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Saxon; 2019. aug. 26., 10:56
Regarding the space elevator, it could be explained as being incredibly high speed while requiring little to no fuel, reducing the cost of bringing materials into orbit so maybe it would be able to add a reduced ship/station construction cost throughout the system or something like that?

I also have a suggestion of my own for having like a mega-fortress. I'll be honest I haven't played into end-game too often and not in awhile so I'm not sure what kinds of modifiers would be good for it or even if they would be useful lol, but I think it would be a cool thing to have
Grand Administration Center - Imperial Prerogative - Reduces the penalties arising from too large Empire Sprawl + increases Administrative Capacity

Deep Core Fortress - Eternal Vigilance - The devastation of the planet must be at 100% to disable the FTL inhibitor + 50% less damage to the army as a result of bombing

Deep Space Coordination Center - Grasp the Void - +2 Starbase Capacity, Starbase cost -20% , +10% Starbase hull, +10% Starbase dmg

Omega Asembler - Synthetic Age - adds +4 Replicator jobs

Ministry of Planetary Management - World Shaper - +10% energy credits, minerals, food production from jobs.

these are mine i hope you like them
Saxon  [Fejlesztő] 2019. aug. 26., 11:17 
Those are some fantastic suggestions! That Grand Administration building seems like something I'd like to get started with. It should probably be an Empire Unique building, and should I have it limited to the capital as well?

And of course it would have to get alternative sprites and names + descriptions based on different ethics.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Saxon; 2019. aug. 26., 14:30
May I suggest something? The Citizen and the Technocract Spires. For service for citizenship and technocracy civics. The Citizen spire gives 9 clerk jobs and 6 soldier jobs, there should be a civilian spire that would just be a flavored standart version and the technocrat spire would give same as the citizen one but scientists and they would have the normal spire too. Both of the spires would have less housing but more amenetis
I also have a idea for a new basic housing building. Suburbs with few versions depending on the empires civics. My idea is to incrise the normal basic housing bulding states by 1 or 2 so the suburbs could be half of the normal housing building. Suburbs could be upgraded when theres not inof housing on the planet, I think that would be a cool mechanic
I have a pretty interesting suggestion for the mod. Since they are unlocked with an Ascension Perk and this is supposed to be a better housing tier for over populated planets, why not make the build an actual direct upgrade from the existing housing building you can build and make an upgrade tier for all of the buildings that have them and add an upgrade tier to all the buildings that don't. As an example the research institute that doesn't upgrade would get an upgraded version, could also make it that you can not unlock the Ascension Perk until after you have researched the current max tier for half of the buildings. Could even possibly change it so be two perks were the first perk unlocks the new tier for all of the regular buildings that already have upgrades like alloys factories and such and then a second perk that unlocks the upgrade tier for all of the buildings that don't upgrade normally. Once you have the perks you would still need to research each individual buildings final tier with the housing building you already have being unlocked as soon as you get the perk.
How about these;
A special type of stronghold, unlocked with either Eternal Vigilance, or Colossus Project. It makes the planet either take double the time to use destroy through bombardment/colossus, or makes it impossible to destroy through bombardment/colossus.
Maybe it could do both with an upgrade from having both ascension perks, so eternal vigilance unlocks it, colossus project gives it an upgrade. - Obviously planet limited to 1.

Some sort of specialised university, unlocked with Technological Ascendancy, possibly with a unique version for a technocracy, it'd give a small boost to researcher output, give a good amount of researcher jobs, maybe it could increase the technology output of megastructures, making it a pretty viable lategame building to combo with a science nexus.

Of course, on the other side of the coin, you could have some sort of megachurch, or megatemple, possibly with a unique version for an exalted priesthood/imperial cult. It'd be unlocked with either Consecrated Worlds or Mind Over Matter, and would give some unity boost, as well as a possible boost to unity outputs of megastructures, making it a good combo with the mega art installation.

Hope one of these catch your eye.
What about a mind control tower? Requires authoritarian government and increases stability by a lot.

Also planetside assembly plants (increase starbase shipyard size)

Logistics offices (naval cap increases)

Other buildings that affect pop politics (like an embassy row or something that increases xenophile, etc).
I think the idea of this mod is that they are mega buildings that provide mega-jobs. So, whatever you build, please make sure they have like 20 jobs attached or something.
Just as boats are a millennia old concept that is still useful and valuable nowadays because of new technologies and is still widely used even with the advent of planes, Space Elavators can be made useful in the Stellaris universe with new technologies - like, say, living metal.

My suggestion: make Space Elevators a special building that can only be constructed if there's an Habitat above the planet. The Elevator would connect the colony and habitat, moving people and goods in a cheap and efficient way, providing a bonus to trade value and migration.
Grand Triumph Monument, (the WH40k Triumph at Ulanor is the inspiration on this. They leveled a continent for a military parade). Gives lots of unity, Fleet power, army damage, and soldier jobs or something like that. Probably Empire unique. May make it particularly unique by requiring you build it on a conquered planet or conquered capital (might be difficult). Lock it behind something like Grasp the void, Galactic Force Projection, Defender of the Galaxy, Interstellar Dominion, or Galactic Contender.

Some that are harder to place behind ascension perks (may be generic enough for anyone to get similar to most megastructures).

Deep Core Exploiter, Lots of mining, lots of minerals, some alloy and/or consumer good producers attached for good measure.

Planetary Thermal Engine, Lots of energy, maybe some science or unity.

Agriculture Megafarm (Not very good name honestly), Lots of food and some extra.

GeoFront (Evangelion Reference), Like a Spire, but built to survive a literal apocalypse.
How about a space elevator/space tower, which increases trade value in the planet by 15% and evey resource prodution by 5%, but costs 10 alloys and 1 rare crystal to maintaign
the mega factory. a city size factory, which produces +180 alloy and +80 consumer goods and increases trade value by a +120. and +50 jobs. and +80 amenities.

upkeep 300 energy and 10 volatile motes.

and once build you can build a city size mobile fortress call the planet siege engine or pse for short cost 3000 minerals. time 10 years in game time. army damage 40.00 - 70.00 morale damage 90.00 - 180.00. collateral damage 500%. health 4000. morale immune. maintenance 1000 energy. the pse is unlock with the mega factory tech

only mega-corp and materialist and machine empire can unlock the mega factory tech

ps love your mod

(edit) i forgot to add jobs and amenities to the description
Legutóbb szerkesztette: noble king; 2019. szept. 28., 11:31
Core Hyperheater:
"Using the unstable nature of volatile motes, we can heat up the core of the planet to significant levels that can then be sustained with minimal energy use. The large temperatures can be used to obtain larger amounts of energy than are used in the startup process. The heat can also be used for the rapid refinement of alloys. All this would also be useful research material for our physics researchers."

1000 alloys
450 energy credits
700 volatile motes

100 minerals
40 volatile motes

100 energy credits
80 alloys
50 physics research
15 "Hyperheater worker" (specialist) jobs

Arcology Project (ascension perk)
Quantum Field Manipulation (research)
Nano-Separators (research)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Invisieman; 2019. okt. 25., 10:13
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