Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Replicator Melons Rereplicated
Vi/Va  [developer] 26 Jul, 2019 @ 9:11pm
Convar Wiki
Descriptions of every convar made available, for server owners. All of these convars are changeable through Utilities > Admin > Replicator Melons if you're just playing in singleplayer.

rmelon_max_replicator_melons (int, default: 20)
Defines the maximum number of Replicator Melons that can exist in the world. Any melons spawned in any way that may exceed this limit will be automatically despawned.

rmelon_health (int, default: 120)
Defines how much health a Replicator Melon spawns with.

rmelon_invulnerable (bool, default: 0)
If true, Replicator Melons will no longer take damage.

rmelon_cache_rate (int, default: 30)
Every X game ticks, Replicator Melons will "recache". This affects how often they perform this action. Recaching will:
- Potentially change the current target (rmelon_target_change_chance)
- Try to gain a "forget attempt", as defined by rmelon_forget_* convars
- Recalculate the number of nearby melons (rmelon_range_melons)

rmelon_hivemind_detection (bool, default: 0)
If true, melons in a group can notify their leader of detected targets. Disabled by default as this adds an additional ents.FindByClass per Think cycle.

rmelon_range_players (int, default: 4096)
Defines the range that Replicator Melons will search for players in. If set to -1, Replicator Melons will no longer target players.

rmelon_range_npcs (int, default: 4096)
Same as rmelon_range_players, but for npcs.

rmelon_range_props (int, default: 1024)
Same as rmelon_range_players, but for props.

rmelon_range_melons (int, default: 4096)
Defines the range that melons will search for a "leader" melon, as well as find other melons for the purposes of their bonus group speed boost.

rmelon_priority_players (int, default: 10)
Defines the priority that Replicator Melons will target players over other targetables, regardless if they are closer or not.

rmelon_priority_npcs (int, default: 5)
Same as rmelon_priority_players, but with npcs.

rmelon_priority_props (int, default: 0)
Same as rmelon_priority_players, but with props.

rmelon_affect_players (bool, default: 1)
If true, Replicator Melons will assimilate Players, turning them into Replicator Melons on touch.

rmelon_affect_npcs (bool, default: 1)
Same as rmelon_affect_players, but for NPCs.

rmelon_affect_props (bool, default: 1)
Same as rmelon_affect_players, but for props.

rmelon_affect_others (bool, default: 0)
Same as rmelon_affect_players, but for extraneous objects that don't fit into the other categories. For example, sent_ball (Bouncy Ball).

rmelon_forget_enabled (bool, default: 1)
If true, Replicator Melons can "forget" a target temporarily if they have not made signifigant progress to them in an arbitrary amount of time.

rmelon_forget_max_progress (int, default: 512)
Defines the minimum amount of distance a Replicator Melon must move, or else it will gain +1 "forget attempt" when recaching. See rmelon_cache_rate.

rmelon_forget_tries (int, default: 2)
Defines the number of "forget attempts" a melon will make before temporarily forgetting the current target.

rmelon_forget_time (int, default: 4)
Defines the number of recache cycles a melon will forget a target for, if they have reached the number of "forget attempts" defined by rmelon_forget_tries. See rmelon_cache_rate.

rmelon_wander_enabled (bool, default: 1)
When true, Replicator Melons will "wander" when no target is available, rolling around in a random direction and slowly making turns.

rmelon_wander_time (int, default: 3000)
The maximum number of game ticks a melon will wander before turning slightly. The amount of time is random(1, wander_time), inclusive.

rmelon_wander_speed (int, default: 25)
While wandering, Replicator Melons will try not to exceed this amount of velocity, so as to not fly across the map when simply wandering.

rmelon_target_change_chance (float, default: 0.9)
The percentage chance that, on recaching, the leader Replicator Melon will void its current target, forcing it to forget the target and find a new one. See rmelon_cache_rate.

rmelon_melee_enabled (bool, default: 0)
When true, Replicator Melons will "melee" targets when near. Generally, this is pointless as by default, melons will assimilate all matter that they come into contact with, so those convars must be disabled (rmelon_affect_*).

rmelon_melee_damage (int, default: 5)
Defines the amount of damage a Replicator Melon will do to a target on melee.

rmelon_melee_cooldown (int, default: 3)
Defines the number of game ticks between each melon melee attack.

rmelon_melee_assimilate (bool, default: 1)
When true, targets killed by the melee attacks of Replicator Melons will be assimilated rather than just killed normally.

rmelon_model (string, default: models/props_junk/watermelon01.mdl)
Defines the model newly spawned Replicator Melons will use. The new model will affect the physics of the melons, and may slow or buff their speed dramatically.

rmelon_moving_force (int, default: 300)
Determines the base velocity a Replicator Melon will have when chasing a target.

rmelon_group_force (float, default: 0.6)
Determines the bonus speed that groups of Replicator Melons will gain.
The final velocity is (base_speed * max(1, #melons ^ group_force).

rmelon_group_collision_threshold (int, default: 15)
Replicator Melons will stop colliding with eachother once a group of them reaches this number of melons.

rmelon_damage_forces (bool, default: 1)
If true, melons will take physics impulses from attacks. I.E. explosions, bullets, melee attacks will push melons.

rmelon_gravity_enabled (bool, default: 1)
If true, melons will obey gravity. When false, melons will have a much easier time chasing targets as they are no longer bound to friction of the ground.

rmelon_color_leader (bool, default: 0)
If true, Replicator Melons marked as "leaders" will be colored purple.

rmelon_scare_npcs (bool, default: 1)
If true, all NPCs will fear Replicator Melons, running away and shooting at them.

rmelon_notify_players (bool, default: 1)
If true, players assimilated by Replicator Melons will display a DeathNotice in the killfeed.

rmelon_notify_npcs (bool, default: 0)
Same as rmelon_notify_players, but for NPCs. Disabled by default, as it sometimes may result in duplicate DeathNotices.

rmelon_rainbow (bool, default: 0)