Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Network Skins
Access to the path...Denied
I've unsubscribed and re-subscribed to all my mods over the last few days, and can't figure out what's happening, but seems that Network Skins is the issue. Network Skins mod keep giving me the same error message:

Access to the path "C:\user\name\AppData\Local\ColassalOrder\Cities_Skylines\NetworkSkinsSetting.xml" is denied. [System.UnauthorizedAccessExcpetion]
No details.

I've seen on other forums people are saying to give the folder full access privilege's, which I've done, and yet to not avail.

Any advice?
This is a mod I use a lot and would prefer to keep it and not remove it entirely.
Or is it something to do with the required Harmony mod?

Thanks in advance.