Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Network Skins
Repaint existing roads
It seems that the only way to paint an existing road is to destroy and repaint it, or “upgrade” to a different type and “upgrade” back to the original type. This is a little easier with one-ways, because you can just right-click to change direction twice. It sure would be nice to be able to do this in a single step...

Is there any way with this mod (or another upgrade-to-same mod?) to change the color/style of an existing segment without replacing/upgrading it?
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WHOA looks like your ears were burning. Looked in the comments, and it appears you just released this!
The only issue I experience is with elevated segments. Those, regardless of type stay vanilla coloured.
Frog 2020年1月15日 3時43分 
you can't upgrade a road to the same type? are you using anarchy?
use Fine Road Anarchy, it allows upgrading segments to the same type
falc 2020年3月17日 12時32分 
Elfyannn の投稿を引用:
use Fine Road Anarchy, it allows upgrading segments to the same type
I can't seem to figure out how.
falc の投稿を引用:
Elfyannn の投稿を引用:
use Fine Road Anarchy, it allows upgrading segments to the same type
I can't seem to figure out how.
When placing a road the Fine Road Anarchy/Tool button replaces the height step select button left of the assets panel when in game. In the menu there is a button with an "A" icon. Click this and the chirpy should turn orange and fiery, showing that Anarchy is enabled. This should allow you to upgrade existing segments.
boformer  [開発者] 2020年3月18日 6時45分 
Actually not sure what's going on. NetworkSkins 2 allows you to upgrade roads to the same kind with a different skin for free.
falc 2020年3月18日 9時10分 
Elfyannn の投稿を引用:
falc の投稿を引用:
I can't seem to figure out how.
When placing a road the Fine Road Anarchy/Tool button replaces the height step select button left of the assets panel when in game. In the menu there is a button with an "A" icon. Click this and the chirpy should turn orange and fiery, showing that Anarchy is enabled. This should allow you to upgrade existing segments.
Thanks, I figured it out after I posted (i was right clicking instead of left clicking).

@boformer is it supposed to work even without anarchy?
Foz 2020年9月5日 15時39分 
Is there a way to re-paint ALL existing laid network to a single colour?
This would be very useful! or by type or category
最近の変更はfahlknが行いました; 2021年2月20日 7時05分
fahlkn 2021年2月20日 14時03分 
I don't want to go off topic, but i tried Road Options, it appears to affect performance in my case... is it known what kind of impact NS has, specifically if i repaint many roads?
@fahlker I've also had some weird performance issues when using move it, drawing roads and rail. Whenever something is "executed" be it a deletion, placement etc there's a momentary hanging. Would that be what you experience?
it would be reallly amazing if there was a tool like RON integrated into this. i just had to use ron to change all my basic road to a new type, but then i lost all my utility poles to the default street lights :(
maybe a temp save/export type deal so that the current version on the road can be loaded by ron?
I cannot get it to work. I have Fine Road Anarchy On. I use the pippet mod to select the road in the asset list. I select the preferred streetlight in the NS2 interface and then I right click on the road to update the road. Same lights. No change. Am I missing something? Can someone sum up the exact steps to undertake?
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