Sarcophagus = Table
CTH2004 2023 年 10 月 16 日 下午 12:05
Suggestion: Filled Sarcophagi effects
here's an idea: what if, once there is a corpse in it, it will apply a mood effect, based on the rules

pre-suggestion notes:
  • This is in "parts". Each part is used to modify the base value. Once the output of said part is found, that is used as the input to the next part (as if it where the base value). So, If Part one turned the base from, say, -20 into, say, -10, the next one modifies the value of -10
  • I put values in. These aren't recommended, but just ones that are on the correct "side" (if an increase, over 100, if decrease, under 100). They are used so I can show the concept.
  • If the check is numbered (and isn't the layer with headers), they only go until the first one that's true (IE, do the first, then the second), until it finds one that is correct. So, if there are 5 checks, but the 3rd one is true, it uses the rules of the 3rd one (and doesn't bother continuing)
  • I know such a system could be resourse-heavy, so the final area is on ideas for how to lower computational impact
  1. Part 1
    The mood malus is "x" (for example, -20), each of these somehow modifies it (multiplier)
    1. if the pawn is a psychopath, mood boost (Basically, multiply by a negative value. Say, -50% (less than 100 so the benifit is less than the maluses decrease (absolute value of "x", which was 20 in the example))
    2. If the pawn has morbid meditation type (but isn't psychopath), minor mood malus (say, multiply by 55%)
    3. If the pawn has no issue with fresh-corpses, multiply malus by, say, 75%
    4. Otherwise, mood malus of "x"
  2. Check Group 2
    This factors in some new (optional) precepts, by taking the value above and using it instead of the base (20 in this example). If you don't have ideology, or don't have this precept enabled, it follows the same rules as "Respect Dead: Normal" (The fourth one)
      The precept is called "Respect Dead: " I will only put the text of what comes after the colon
    1. Less than none
      • All maluses are set to a very (+1?) minor benefit
      • All benifits (mood increase) are increased by, say, 10% (so, a psychopath would have 11. -50% of -20 is 10. 10% of 10 is 11)
    2. None
      • all maluses are removed, benefits are kept the same.
    3. Almost None
      1. If the corpse is a spouse, maluses are increased by, say, 20% (that's times 120%)
      2. If the corpse is a relation, maluses are increased by, say, 15% (that's times 115%)
      3. if the corpses is another faction, all maluses are removed, but benifits are multiplied by 10% (times 110%).
      4. if the corpse is a colonist (not a slave or prisoner), the values are kept the same
      5. If, somehow you make it to here, keep the value the same
    4. Minor
      1. If the corpse is a spouse, maluses are increased by, say, 25% (that's times 125%)
      2. If the corpse is a relation, maluses are increased by, say, 20% (that's times 120%)
      3. if the corpses is another faction, all maluses are kept the same, benefits increased by 5% (that's 105%)
      4. if the corpse is a colonist (not a slave or prisoner), maluses are multiplied by 15% (times 115%)
      5. If, somehow you make it to here, keep the values the same
    5. Normal
      1. If the corpse is a spouse, maluses are increased by, say, 50% (that's times 150%)
      2. If the corpse is a relation, maluses are increased by, say, 25% (that's times 125%)
      3. if the corpses is another faction, all maluses are kept the same, benefits increased by 3% (that's 103%)
      4. if the corpse is a colonist (not a slave or prisoner), maluses are multiplied by 20% (times 120%)
      5. If, somehow you make it to here, maluses are multiplied by 5% (times 105%)
    6. Major
      1. If the corpse is a spouse, maluses are increased by, say, 100% (that's times 200%)
      2. If the corpse is a relation, maluses are increased by, say, 50% (that's times 150%)
      3. if the corpses is another faction, all maluses are increased by, say, 10% (that's times 110%)
      4. if the corpse is a colonist (not a slave or prisoner), maluses are multiplied by 40% (times 140%)
      5. If, somehow you make it to here, maluses are multiplied by 20% (times 120%)
    7. Absurd
      • All maluses are doubled
      • Remove Benifits
    8. Incomprehensible
      • All maluses are tripled
      • Change benifits into the default (in this case 20) malus
  3. Part 3
    Traits also have effects. Unlike the others, it will check all of these, then add them together (so, if the checks say "increase by 100%, decrease by 50%, it will add 100% (which is a 1), to -50% (which is -0.5. It's negative as it's a decrease), which gives -0.5+1=0.5, so it is a 50% increase.
    • If kind, add 100% to maluses
    • If wimp, add 50% to maluses
    • If it has a mental break modifier (the one with iron will), add the following value to the maluses:
      • Iron Will: 75% decrease (-75%)
      • Steadfast: 25% decrease (-25%)
      • Nervous: 25% increase (+25%)
      • Volitile: 50% increase (+50%)
    • If ascetic, add a 10% decrease to both maluses and benifits
    • If pawn has the Dead Calm gene, remove maluses
    • Has luciferium: remove maluses
    • Go juice: 10% decrease (-10%)
    • If transparent sarcophagus, 100% increase to both maluses and benifits (+100%)
      引用自 underlyingmysteries
      Now we just need a mod that adds a see-through sarcophagus xD
      Came up with by underlyingmysterieries on Sep 28, 2022
    • More?

Possible way(s) to optimize it
  1. Make it a stored value. Then, when they sit, they check to see what "type" of pawn (what relation/ faction/ ect), and just use the pre-calculated mood effect (Basically, run those checks early, then store the results and reference them)
    Some possible times to re-do checks
    1. Run this check only on game save
    2. Run only if something changes (a trait or ideology)
      As traits can only change with mods, maybe only if the ideologin gets changed, or you alter it (if fluid)
    3. Run once a quadrum
    4. Run once a day
    5. Run once every 12 hours (like Vanilla Expanded: Fungoids and their "mind coalescence" gene)
    6. More?

I forgot to include it, but some precepts decrease the mallus for enemy factions (or even remove it), but increase friendly (1 removes enemy factions malus and decreases neutral, another lessesn enemy, keeps neutral the same, increases allie)

Perhaps somehow you should factor in rivalries

tl;dr make filled sarcophaguses effect pawns based on certain stats
最後修改者:CTH2004; 2023 年 10 月 16 日 下午 12:45