Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Prop Destruction
 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
crester  [dév.] 27 avr. 2019 à 0h08
Please, describe bugs and errors detailed as possible as you can. Thanks.
Dernière modification de crester; 19 mai 2019 à 8h17
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 14 sur 14
don't work on anything other than the wood, pls fix
@xpa plz fix it quick i rly want to play with it (^-^)
crester  [dév.] 31 aout 2019 à 8h08 
Shyne a écrit :
@xpa plz fix it quick i rly want to play with it (^-^)
works fine on all props for me, try to check your other addons
Apyr 18 oct. 2019 à 12h14 
when i start the props have 1 hp
Текстура на больших пропах багается
Aki 13 avr. 2020 à 21h33 
When I unsubbed(Because I wanted to increase FPS)...Some maps that are "destructible" still get destroyed for some reason...I thought unsubbing would delete the add-on itself because of the January update would do it automatically...But for some reason, the buildings that I can "destroy" STILL do it themselves...The props no longer take damage, but any map with actual destruction physics guild destroyed BY THEMSELVES. How do i fix this??? :winter2019angrygingerbread:
crester  [dév.] 14 avr. 2020 à 4h55 
Aki a écrit :
When I unsubbed(Because I wanted to increase FPS)...Some maps that are "destructible" still get destroyed for some reason...I thought unsubbing would delete the add-on itself because of the January update would do it automatically...But for some reason, the buildings that I can "destroy" STILL do it themselves...The props no longer take damage, but any map with actual destruction physics guild destroyed BY THEMSELVES. How do i fix this??? :winter2019angrygingerbread:
The addon makes destructible only props that spawned by player via spawnlist, if props are no longer destructible then the addon is entirely disabled and can't affect to your maps.
doesn't work with anything other than wood, got it working 1time with other but idk how
yea the only things that you can break are the only things that you can break normally
pleeaasseee fix it worked before why is it bugged now ?
108 19 aout 2021 à 22h05 
Stable props don't get their health generated until they get pushed by a player.
108 19 aout 2021 à 22h08 
108 a écrit :
Stable props don't get their health generated until they get pushed by a player.

Well nevermind, they do get their health regenerated if you wait long enough but it will be faster if you push them and make them unstable a couple of times.

Edit: Okay, any kind of interaction works. They don't actually regenerate faster if you interact with them, they just don't get their health updated (or they do get updated and the client doesn't get to see the updated value maybe?) unless they get interaction / are updated by something else.
Dernière modification de 108; 19 aout 2021 à 22h14
Props won't be able to damage through saves
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