Corpra Mesa
I like it but don't think it should be in Warframe
Even if it wasn't intentional, the helmet and hood is WAY too close to some of Destiny 2's Hunter helmets. It's objectively good work on the skin, but I think you (and/or DE) would be on thin ice if this actually made it into the game. Not only that, but I think Mesa with a hood is kind of stupid, her vibe is a gunslinger, not stealth.

If you drastically change the helmet and remove the hood I'm all for this, and I know you're talented enough to make a proper Corpus-looking Mesa helm, perhaps make the dangling ties on the back of her mask look like coolant tubes?
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 52
Ghost in the shell: ???
Destiny doesn't have a monopoly on hoodies...
Reygis a écrit :
Destiny doesn't have a monopoly on hoodies...
mah man
Reygis a écrit :
Destiny doesn't have a monopoly on hoodies...

I didn't say it did.
-It's too close to Destiny 2's Hunters
-It has a hood.

Those are 2 separate reasons I don't think it should be in Warframe, not 2 parts of the same reason. I know English is a bit difficult sometimes but I'm sure if you try real hard you'll be able to get it someday.
Dernière modification de Lily ♥; 15 avr. 2019 à 13h03
♥♥♥♥ opinion, therefore disregarded.
Skin better get in the game.
Dernière modification de Spark412; 15 avr. 2019 à 14h01
It being similar to Destiny or not is irrelevant. As long as there's no plagiarism and the skin fits with Warframe's aesthetic (this is pretty inline with the Corpus style) then the skin should be allowed. To say DE would be on thin ice just for this is the height of ridiculousness. EDIT: Also like the first poster mentioned, Ghost in the Shell did this kind of design decades ago so it's a non-issue.

As for my opinions, I like the skin a lot. Having a hoodie is an unusual choice for Mesa but that just makes me like it even more as it fits so well despite that. Almost like a Little Duck cosplay.

Tennogen that push the boundaries of what's allowed should be given great consideration, since it allows for more distinct customizations for players who can't get what they want just from the base aesthetics.
Dernière modification de NyaNya:3; 15 avr. 2019 à 19h31
LilyPaddington a écrit :
Reygis a écrit :
Destiny doesn't have a monopoly on hoodies...

...I didn't say it did.
-It's too close to Destiny 2's Hunters
-It has a hood.

Those are 2 separate reasons I don't think it should be in Warframe...

Nekros and Harrow Graxx would like to show you their helmets. Along with Ivara.
Dernière modification de Nemesia; 16 avr. 2019 à 4h17
Well, let's look at this from the different point of view.
Yes, she does look somewhat similar to Hunter from Destiny 2 with this skin (as well as Mira from old GitS). What is the problem with this? It isn't official skin. It is not a blatant rip-off or copy-paste from D2 since both cape and VR headset (or whatever it is) are completely different. They also not some random cape and helmet and fit one of the fractions in the game. Hunters in Destiny 2 have metric f-tonn of various helmets. Should we avoid similarity with every single one of them? As long as it isn't a blatant rip-off (and it is not, neither is Mesa herself) EA can't do a thing about it.
Dernière modification de 🦄 lainverse; 16 avr. 2019 à 6h37
V.V. 16 avr. 2019 à 16h20 
And Destiny looks like a Star Wars ripoff. Who cares.
It looks like Destiny? That's a plus in my book!
The thing about Hunters in the Destiny franchise is that they sport capes alongside their hoods. In fact, the Hood and Cape are one and the same in terms of equipment slots.
I honestly love this skin, even if you guys think it looks Destiny-ish... I mean I'm a Warlock main but that's irrelevant.
Christ, what even is this? "I think you (and/or DE) would be on thin ice if this actually made it into the game"? What the hell lol

Bungie didn't copyright hoods and masks
She reminds me Little Duck. Oh wait, did she too plagiated Destiny?
1st: we have hoods. hoods are not exclusive to stealth and never were. if you think hoods imply stealth then you'd be better off re-making your concept of stealth.

2nd: destiny 2 has a helmet that looks like it. and? who cares? it's a vr goggle and a hood, you can't claim that as IP. you can't sue someone over a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ xbox in a hood.
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