

.Space Industry (Habitat Overhaul) for 2.2.7
I'm A Distraction!  [developer] 18 Feb, 2019 @ 11:47pm
Suggestions and Ideas
Current ideas contemplating;
Special habitat bonus/district for spiritualist empires with a habitat over sanctified worlds and holy worlds.
Special habitat bonus/district for empires with a habitat over the dragon's hoard, hopefully will have it also trigger the void dragon events.
Special event for habitats that are bombarded to 100% devastation, spawning a ruined habitat that can be repaired like a ruined megastructure. Ideally would also give unity per pop on habitat for fanatic purifier/etc empires.
Change to commerce districts which will reduce number of clerk jobs to 3, but add some sort of trade bonus to the planet they're above (5% trade bonus, perhaps?).

Extensive Add-On Mod: Adding features that I wanted to include but scrapped for compatability.
Habitat mining jobs will scale with the space mining technology instead of the planetary miner and technician jobs.
Increased energy upkeep for habitat jobs, but upkeep will be reduced with engine technology.
Increased energy upkeep for habitat capital, but hydroponics bays will reduce it or produce energy on habitat.
Reduced habitat effectiveness at start, but greater scaling from sources like increased housing technology to reduce penalties to pop growth and assembly speed.
Increased resilience for habitats against bombardment with ship armor technology.
A unique version of the gene clenic replacing the normal one for habitats, and has an increased population growth to help counter the growth penalty from habitat types.
Habitat preference type will remove the growth speed penalty, and perhaps an event that allows for genetic engineering to habitat preference. Alternative/in addition too, a low-gravity tolerance species trait to mitigate some of the growth speed penalty. And a similar trait for robotic assembly.
Last edited by I'm A Distraction!; 3 Apr, 2019 @ 1:33am