Project Resurrection - Parte Legendary Lords [WIP]
Ideas for lords
i know you just come back so don't worry i don't ask you to add new characters, i just give suggestions and i hope, they can be intersting for you ^^



1.Josef Bugman (leader of Ekrund or horde mechanics ?)

ancestral grudge

- Ranger Leader (skills)
bonus for all rangers units

- the rangers of bugman (skills)
bonus only for rangers of bugman

- Goblin Grudge (skills)
bonus against goblins

- Dragonback Clan of Ekrund (skills)

- prosperous brewing merchant (skills)

- Magic weapon : Trustworthy
text : Bugman bears a large rune-covered axe, an ancient heirloom of great prestige handed down to him from his father, Zamnil. It bears a Rune of Cleaving and a Rune of Fury. The old ranger won’t reveal its true name, but refers to it as Ol' Trustworthy.

- enchanted item : Bugman’s Tankard
text : A family treasure, any who quaff from the tankard are engulfed in remembrances of the glorious past. It is said that, as long as it is held by a Bugman, the tankard never empties. After a long haul upon its contents, the drinker feels refreshed and restored.
give immune to fear and terror for a lapse of time

- magic armour : Gromril armour (maybe give her a unique name)
text : Armour made from the metal l known as gromril is the toughest and sturdiest in the known world. Known variously as meteoric iron, silverstone and hammernought armour, gromril armour is limited to wealthy Dwarfs and the elite of Ironbreakers.

the famous brew of Josef Bugman :

- ability : Troll Brew : regeneration, no more vigor loss, move speed and charge bonus to units
(global or area don't know what you want for that)

- ability : Bugman's XXXXXX : buffed stats for units for a short time to units (global or area don't know what you want for that)

- ability : Bugman's Special Brew : give immune to fear and terror for a short time to units (global or area don't know what you want for that)

give "Drunken" effect at the end of the effect : positive and negative in the same time, maybe lose some stats, aim loss but are unbreakable ? (drunkard fighters haha)

2.Harok Anvilfist (hero for dwarfs factions (unlocked if you have the landmark about gyrocopters in silver road's province)

text : Harok typifies the swaggering engineer aviators of the Karaz-a-Karak and is reputed to be the best of the Dwarfholds' pilots.

ancestral grudge

- commander of a gyrocopter squadron (skills)
bonus for gyrocopter, gyrobomber ?

- the best of the engineer aviators (skills)

- gyrocopter mount ?

- air patrol (skills)

3.Burlok Damminson (lord for dwarfs)

text : Burlok Damminson is the Guildmaster of the Dwarf Engineers Guild

ancestral grudge

- artillery master (skill)
bonus for artillery

- retrenchment (skills)

- guildmaster of the dwarf engineers guild (skills)

- Burlok's Ingenious Offensive New-matic Integrated Constrictor Arm (mechanical arm (skills or ability))

- bonus for ranged infantry and mechanical units ??

- Magic weapon : Burlok's Hammer
text : in battle Burlok wields an ornate, elaborate and deadly version of a craftsman's hammer, engraved with the Master Rune of Swiftness.

- Magic armour : Burlok's Armour
text : Burlok wears heavy gromril armour, engraved with the Rune of Stone and the Rune of Iron.

4.Kragg the Grim (runelord for dwarf faction)

text : Kragg the Grim is the Master Runelord of Karaz-a-Karak.

ancestral grudge
rune lore

- master of the runes (skills)

- the Master Runelord of Karaz-a-Karak (skills)

- traditionalist and embittered (skills)
bonus for longbeards ?

- bonus for runesmith heroes ? (skills)

- the oldest and by far the most powerful living Runesmith (skills)

- Magic weapon : Kragg's Hammer
text : Kragg's Hammer bears Kragg's Master Rune. This will be the Old Runesmith's greatest legacy to the Dwarf realms when he releases it, if he ever does. Kragg devised his rune to aid him when forging. It heats up the hammer till it glows red hot and then transfers the heat to whatever it hits. It also drives the hammer forward with crushing force. The hammer is so hot that enemy affected by fire are affected by the hammer as if it were actually burning.

- Magic armour : Kragg's Armour
text : Kragg's armour is forged from heavy gromril. Over the years the Runelord has laboured long and hard on it, turning each separate component into a lovingly crafted work of art.

- Enchanted item : Kragg's Runestaff
text : This ancient staff of oak is adorned with the skull of a minotaur which Kragg slew while still a youth of just a hundred winters. The Skull has been coated in brass to preserve it.

- Talisman : Runic Heart (custom name)
text : Kragg's Runestaff bears the rune of the furnace (immune to fire attacks, two runes of spellbreaking (auto dispels) and a master rune of balance.

5.Kadrin Redmane (lord for dwarf factions)

ancestral grudge
rune lore

- renowned Dwarf Runelord (skills)

- leading the expedition that retook Karak Varn (skills)

- vengeance against skavens (skills)

- "...Seeing this brave act, the other runesmiths followed him" (skills)

- Battle of Gunbad (against orcs) (skills)

- great warrior at the Battle of Three Towers (skills)

- Runelord of Karak Varn (skills)

- he discovered the rich veins of gromril in karak varn (skills)

- magic weapon : The Hammer of Ages
text : The Hammer of Ages is inscribed with an ancient family rune. Kadrin Redmane was the only Dwarf with the knowledge of how to create this rune.

- enchanted item : The Shield of Stone
text : The Shield of Stone is made of the purest gromril mined from the pits in Karak Varn. Redmane forged the shield himself, inscribing it with mighty runes of protection.

- magic armour : Gromril armour (maybe give her a unique name)
text : Armour made from the metal l known as gromril is the toughest and sturdiest in the known world. Known variously as meteoric iron, silverstone and hammernought armour, gromril armour is limited to wealthy Dwarfs and the elite of Ironbreakers.

6.kazran grimbow (king of karak izor)

- i find nothing on him so...i just let his name here for the moment

2.Dark Elves:

1.Kehltrai Helbaine (hero for Anethra Helbaine)

(Executionner hero)

Eternal hatred
fatal blow

- Unscrupulous (ability)
text : Kehltrai is absolutely unscrupulous when it comes to waiting for his goal and this is found on the battlefield. He launched into incredible reels, perilous for both his allies and opponents.

- Talisman : Dark Shield Talisman
text : When danger threatens Kehltrai, the talisman pulses and warns the elf. Combined with Druchii's reflexes, the missiles miss it almost every time.

- magic armour : Armor of the Dark Sacrifice
text : This armor was found in a temple of Khaine in Ulthuan, during a raid led by the Helbaine. It seems to incite its bearer as well as the devotees of the God of murder to have even more sacrifices in his name. Since Kehltrai joined this noble family and became an executor, it is he who has received the honor of wearing terrible armor.
give frenzy to Kehltrai and units (own army) ??

- magic weapon : (a Draich, great weapon ?)

2.Mergil "Manhide" (lord for dark elf factions)

- talisman : marauder's skin cloak

- magic armour : black chaos armour

- magic weapon : promise of pain (a large viciously barbed knife)

- Mengil have a repeater crossbow-pistol

- control the Citadel of Spite (black ark)
text : the Citadel of Spite became hated by the High Elves, synonomous with despair and grief as it raided Ulthuan's coast and shipping lanes, along with those of Norsca, Bretonnia, Araby and Estalia.

- the Corsairs of Clar Karond (skills)
bonus for corsairs ?

- improved Repeater Crossbow (skills)
bonus for Repeater Crossbow units ?

- bonus for shadows ?

- Mengil has plied his trade, and the band of Dark Elf warriors who follow him, known as the Manflayers, are rightly feared

- Though the Black Ark did not often return with living slaves once Mengil was done with them, his superiors were satisfied with the terror sown by his brutal raids.

- "...his practice of skinning his defeated foes

- "...he generally returned with few slaves, for Mengil took perverse pleasure in killing, slaying even those who surrendered...

- "...While his skill, ferocity and leadership would often ensure he was victorious...

- all weapons are coated in Dark Venom : enables poison attacks (own army)

- Regiment of Renown or unique units for Mengil : Mengil Manhide’s Manflyers (shadows units ?)

• Regiment of Renown
• Always Strike First
• Skirmish
• Flayers
• Hate (High Elves)
• Scout
• Poisoned Attacks

• Great Weapon
• Heavy Armour
• Repeater Crossbow

- the Banner of Kalad (unique banner)
text : ashioned from the flayed skin of one of Mengil's brothers whom Mengil killed for practicing sorcery in defiance of the Witch King's decree forbidding any but his appointed Sorceresses from doing so. The banner is enchanted, creating a nimbus of shadow around Mengil and his warriors, making them even more difficult to spot and able to approach their prey even more closely before they strike.

3.lady ember vaingloire (lord for dark elves factions)

supreme sorceress lord

text : lady ember is the last surviving daughter of the house of vaingloire. she is a cruel and ruthless as she is breathtakingly beautiful and is totally obsessed with avenging herself on the denizens of athel loren by turning their forest into a field of smouldering ash.

lady ember is a dark elf mage lord and may cast spells from the dark magic list

- magic weapon : obsidian blade

- talisman : black amulet

- arcane item : staff of flaming death
text : lady ember selected this item to wreck pyromanic havoc in the wood elves's forest domain.
give fire spells ? give a constant dmg against enemy's unit in forest's ground ?

- mount : dark pegasus

- enchanted item : the Black Codex
text : give the spell "Wild beast of Horros" : summon a beast with a dreadfull aura who debuff all enemy's units, this unit don't attack , it's a ethereal thing who just stay in place and work like a aura of hex but on all the map and constant


1.ska bloodtail (hero for clan mors)
text : the right paw of Queek Headtaker and the lieutenant of Queek’s elite, the Red Guard

- captain of the red guard (skills)
text : Ska Bloodtail is most known for being Queek's lackey. Ska is always where his warlord is, with a ready clawpack of Red Guard at his disposal

- Ska Bloodtail is an unusually large Stormvermin (visual)

- bonus for stormvermins
text : With more than his share of battlefield expertise and many scars to show for it, Ska is also responsible for all military matters Queek should be doing as warlord, such as recruiting troops and administering the verminous hordes that accompany him.

- bonus for himself
text : Although he is frightening in his own right without the threat of the Headtaker, he is sturdy, strong and unusually large even for a stormvermin, standing as tall as a tall man, larger than Queek and even Lord Gnawdwell himself

- bonus in diplomatic relationships with skaven and cause fear or terror ?
Ska Bloodtail is a fairly influential skaven since he earned the trust of Queek, which is a powerful diplomatic tool and useful for intimidation

- bonus against dwarfs
text : Ska Bloodtail was more than a match for even King Belegar's seasoned bodyguards, a grand testament to his strength and martial prowess.

- bonus against greenskins
text : He wrestled with the raw strength of the black orcs

- Magic weapon ? (high halberd)

- Magic armour : "meteoric iron plate"
text : further built into an almost geological immensity by the plates of Gromril he wears, Ska pieced together the scavenged parts of dwarfish rune-metal himself in order to fit them around his monstrous frame

- ability : "Queek's bodyguard"
text : Ska Bloodtail is probably the only skaven, in the entirety of the under-empire that has the strength of arm to commands Queek's respect

- ability : "loyalty"
text : Taken a dagger in the heart to save Queek from a Clan Rictus ambush led by Toskitt, without thinking of his own well being.


1.Git Guzzler is a goblin lord :

text : Git Guzzler is the shrewd and cunning Goblin King responsible for the destruction of Bugman's Brewery.

- has plotted long and hard to overthrow the fabled brewery and Josef Bugman (skills)

- a fierce and dirty fighter (skills)

- Git Guzzler is huge for a Goblin (so waiting for more assets)

- bonus for goblins unit (skills)

- Magic weapon : "Da Wicked Edge"
text : Guzzler's lethal axe has been sharpened to an impossible edge. It cuts through plate and mail with ease.

- Magic armour : "Ugbrag's lucky shield"
text :

- Enchanted item : "Guzzler's Bad Brew"
text : This is one of Git's own concoctions,
so potent that any ordinary Goblin drinking it would be knocked unconscious from the slightest sip.

- ability : "Wrathful"
text : "The Git" as he is sometimes known, is miserable and prone to bouts of violent anger, brought on when he is drunk on his brews or sobering from their effects.
Git Guzzler and any unit he leads are immune to panic.

- ability : "Beer-gut"
text : From supping large quantities of ale, Git Guzzler has an impressive beer gut.
This disgusting flab offers some protection against the blades and arrows of his enemies.

- ability : "Guzzla's Backbone Brew"
text : Brewed with dangerously narcotic mushrooms and all manner of other, less identifiable, ingredients, this pungent liquid can rouse a Greenskin to prodigious feats, or rot his innards into an unmentionable state.

2.Taugrek the Throttler (hero for grimgor ironhide)

text : Taugrek is a mighty Black Orc who acted as standard bearer for the legendary Immortulz.

Calm animosity

- The Strangler (skills)

- magic armour : "armour more than heavy" 'need greenskins translation ^^)

- enchanted item : "show off's lathing boots"

- unique banner : "Grimgor's badass's big banner"

text : This banner made up of countless pieces of enemy banners as the ultimate humiliation. It is a great source of pride for the badass. Of course before the battle Taugrek did not forget to go and touch the effigy of Gork with the banner.

3.the black gobbo (lord for greenskins factions)

text : The Black Gobbo is a despicable creature who is so untrustworthy that even other Goblins don't really trust him. Which, in true greenskin spirit, actually generates a lot of respect for the Black Gobbo from these tiny, mean-spirited Goblins! Originally a puny Night Goblin known simply as Skitgit, the Black Gobbo possessed something that most Goblins lack: ambition. It took years of effort to become a full-fledged Night Goblin Warboss. The sheer number of underhanded, sneaky, backstabbing, traitorous, greedy, and cunning deeds Skitgit undertook in his career is absolutely astounding.

(night goblin warboss)

- really hates dwarfs (skills)
text : Most Night Goblins hate Dwarfs a great deal, but the Black Gobbo really, truly, fully, completely, absolutely hates 'em. A lot.

- commands such respect from night goblins and goblins (skills)

- magic weapon : "the thagi az"
text : This legendary weapon was wrenched from the broken hands of Dwarf Lord Zagaz Harfut ("cuz it wuz perty lookin") while he lay crippled at the bottom of a cunning chute trap designed by Skitgit himself. The Thagi Az is a fine example of Dwarf Runesmanship...but now it's in the wrong hands.

- magic armor : "hood of night"
text : After years of plottin', plannin', and sneakin', the Black Gobbo finally earned his place at the top by kicking Night Goblin Warlord Izgabit Wuzzit into a ditch filled with acid. All that remained of ol' Izgabit was a pair of Trollhide trousers, which the Black Gobbo fashioned into his now-trademark hood. With this hood.

- talisman : "gotkid's beard"
text : Once upon a time, Gotkid Fenrig was a Dwarf Thane with a fine beard. This mighty beard was adorned with runic beads of protection that were woven into it. Then, while on a patrol in Undgrin Ankor, Fenrig fell victim to the Black Gobbo's patented "Cave-Mounted Stunty 'Ead Lobba Speshul." Now, Gotkid's beard sways to and fro on the Black Gobbo's belt.

- enchanted item : "belt buckle of durzik al ankor"
text : This enchanted item was once the proud property of an Ironbeard of great respect named Durzik. He was slain when the Black Gobbo tricked and cornered the Dwarf in a dummy that contained three hungry Trolls. All that was left of Durzik when the Trolls were through was his shiny gold belt buckle. Forged with runes of good fortune.

4.Grumlok & Gazbag of the blood sun

two characters in one like skarsnik with is squig but this time a ork warboss and a shaman goblin ^^

text : Some of Naggaroth's best hunters and warriors are sent to the land of the greenskins with one order: to bring back the most powerful Orc Leader they can find. When the hunters return with an Orc and a Goblin, Malekith is surprised. The two seem inseparable and reign together over a new powerful tribe which calls itself the "the blood sun boyz". The goblin shaman Gazbag plays the role of the brain while the Orc Grumlok, a thick brute, possesses physical strength. Malékith forges a magic amulet for both which considerably increases the powers of the wearer. the Witch King also concealed there a command spell which will push the two chiefs to mobilize their tribe to march on the Mountains of the End of the World, towards the east. They will capture the fortress of the Eight Pics there and build a powerful Waaagh! in order to eradicate the Dwarves. After that, he ordered his warriors to take the greenskins prisoners home.

- If Grumlok and Gazbak command your army, all of your Goblin units are immune to Fear of the Elves.

- Mega strategist (skills) (Gazbag)
text : Gazbag is capable of imagining battle plans "too too Machiavellian and crooked!"

- it's us we order!! (skills) (Grumlok and Gazbag)
text : No one would oppose the splendor (and the ax) of Grumlok, nor the magnificence (and magical powers) of Gazbag.

- Grumlok he is strong (skills) (Grumlok)
text : Grumlok is a deadly fighter

- The blood Sun Boyz (skills) (Grumlok and Gazbag)
text : Grumlok and Gazbag are often accompanied by their first traveling companions, the elders of the sun boyz. These green skins will follow their leaders to the end of the world, because they know that nothing can stop them.
(greenskin are immune to panic)

- fall of karak' eight peaks (skills) (Grumlok and Gazbag)
text : The news spreads like wildfire. How could a single tribe of green skins take a reputedly impenetrable fortress? And even if few recognize it, many Dwarfs are deeply distressed by this incredible defeat.

- not afraid of the "smells-weird" (skills) (Grumlok and Gazbag)
text : After their meeting with the Witch King, Grumlok and Gazbag understood (or thought understood) that the "swatter in armor" had "was too scared" to see "so much that we are strong ". Since then, Gazbag has known that the elves must also bow to his splendor.

- magic weapon : "Grumlok ax" (Grumlok)
text : This massive and primitive weapon was picked up by Grumlok in the Desolations. Although seemingly fragile, it can break the gates of a city.

- magic armour : "Armor Wrongly Completed" (Grumlok)
text : Made from pieces of armor created in the eight peaks of Karak forges. It results from the fusion of all the dwarven runic armada.

- talisman : "the two jewel of the smells-weird" (Grumlok and Gazbag)
text : Donated by Malékith to both greenskins, this gem saved Grumlok on many occasions, including protecting him from the firing of a cannonball.

- arcane item : staff of zouk (Gazbag)

- level 4 wizard who knows all the spells of Little Waagh (Gazbag)

5.blacktooth (hero for greenskins factions)

(goblin master shaman)

arcane power
knowledge of the ancients

- level 3 wizard who knows three spells from the lore of Little Waagh

- mount : doomserpent (wyvern)

- arcane item : staff of lightning

- talisman : black amulet

- magic weapon : doomserpent's toothpick

5.Wood Elves (Asraï)

1.Adanhu :

2.Coeddil :

PS: for the moment i focus on dwarf ideas, i add alot of ideas for a lot of factions little by little ^^
Последно редактиран от Mortuaire; 2 март 2020 в 16:53
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Kraka Drak already has a mod by Cataph. Check it out it's a great mod.
yeah i know but it's a faction mod and i forget if his skills works on basic units or just on the custom units of his mod
He's got this own unique skills and unique units. They can't get normal artillery other than a grudge thrower and they can also recruit a couple of Norscan units as mercenaries.
yeah i konw, i play this mod too but what i want to know because i forget this function...

it's if you don't begin with him and confederate him, his army skills and unique skills which buffs units works on basic units dwarfs ? or just work with the new units of the mod ?
Moon  [разработчик] 8 ян. 2020 в 0:47 
Goblin character seems like an option, I'll take a look later(after we fix the frontend, malida and wood elf)
Empire: Emmuanelle von Liebwitz: a hybrid melee ranged lord focused on buffing ranged units and artillery, diplomatic buffs, and decent in combat with the ability to ride a griffon at higher levels
MOON if you find one of these lords interesting to make, i send you my research i made about their items, unique skills or some other things ^^
Skretch Half-dead undead Skaven pirate, if you are looking for a challenge.
Последно редактиран от DutchmanX; 9 ян. 2020 в 14:21
Moon  [разработчик] 9 ян. 2020 в 18:01 
@DutchmanX If modding those pirate rogue factions are available, I'll try to make him and that dwarf dude.
Moon  [разработчик] 9 ян. 2020 в 18:08 
@sevenbillionjedi The Empire is the most popular race, so we don't want to make hero/lords for it right now, but we could possibly make one or two chars for empire after we finish the current char list,
If i'm not mistaken, in the lore Karak Azgal was sacked by orcs and then a dragon made it it's home. So a leader for it wouldn't make sense lorewise. But thats just my opinion.
it's not a faction leader, it's just a lord unlocked by controlling the province so i think it's ok

and for information, the dragon was slain, the dwarfs retake the place but all mines and underground lvl are filled with greenskins, skavens and other monsters
Последно редактиран от Mortuaire; 23 февр. 2020 в 4:51
For Dwarfs....

Lord/ Hero: Burlok Damminson (Engineer)

Lord/ Hero: Gotri Hammerson (Runesmith)

Lord/ Hero: Red Brokk Gunnarsson (Engineer)

Hero: Garagrim Ironfist (Slayer)

Hero: Athranbor Thorikson (Thane)
"Athranbor was the High Thane and Surpreme Commander of Karak Azgal’s Ironbreaker regiment"

Hero: Malakai Makaisson (Engineer/ slayer)

Lord: Long Drong (Horde mechanic)
"Former captain of the Barrel of Ale, current captain and leader of the Slayer Pirates."

Hero: Kazrik Sharkbiter (Slayer) (unlocked by Long Drong horde))
"Former crewman aboard the Barrel of Ale who took the Slayer Oath alongside Long Drong."

Lord: Josef Bugman (Horde mechanic)
"Josef Bugman is the most legendary Master Brewer of all time"
Weapon: Ol' Trustworthy (Rune Axe)
Item: Bugman’s Tankard

Hero: Durzak Dragonback (Thane/ Ranger) (unlocked by Josef Bugman horde)
"Although a relatively young dwarf, Durzak Dragonback held the position of Warden of the Brewery."
Armour: Durzak's Helm
Item: The Dragonback Banner

Hero: Bazrak Bolgan (Thane/ Ranger) (unlocked by Josef Bugman horde)
Item: Bolgan's finest
Weapon: Bolgan's Axe

Hero: Skeggi Threkkson (Thane/ Ranger) (unlocked by Josef Bugman horde)
"Skeggi Threkkson was a companion of Josef Bugman and expatriate of the fallen Dwarf Hold Ekrund"
Weapon: Forest Hewer
Последно редактиран от TreacherousL; 6 март 2020 в 9:13
Norse dwarfs....

Lord: King Tyr "Giantsbane" Forsetison - Unlocked by owning Kraka Ornsmotek (Aesling Conclave)

Lord: King Haarkon Vikramson - Kraka Ravnsvake

Lord: King Logamir Ulfarson - Unlocked by owning Kraka Dorden (Winter Pyre)
Has there be any thought to redo Gnashrak. He has quite a colourful history. His Ogre body guard could be a special summon ability once CA adds the faction. Ungrim Ironfist has a particular disdain for him.
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