Torchlight II

Torchlight II

Clean Floor
Roalith 2 Aug, 2013 @ 10:07am
Helping identify issues so that you can address negative feedback and common complaints...
Just out of curiosity I decompiled your mod after having multiple messages of frustration from people trying to use both of our mods and browsed it in GUTS and WinMerge. Here are some of your issues and why your mod causes some of the problems people are complaining about:

Synergies problems - Your GLOBALS.dat fully overwrites Synergies with VASTLY different changes to almost 40 lines of <INTEGER>, <FLOAT>, and <STRING> codes that pretty much cripple Synergies completely because your mod overwrites the same file that Salan put in Synergies and your mod completely changes the balance and feel of his mod without retaining his changes incorporated into yours for compliance and compatibility.

Drop rate problems - Your blue item drop rate is more than 22 times higher than default. Your Unique drop rate for orange items is 15 times higher than default.

You claim that your mod magically converts the items to gold when what you have done is made the items not drop while increasing the gold drops to compensate, not to actually make the item turn to gold. And, you did that via 1 file SPAWNCLASS not via graphs and multiple spawnclasses.

You gave bosses a significant health regen rate and do not have this documented at all. One person that switched to my mod added me and told me that he could not kill certain mobs on Elite that had your base regen + the regen monster affix at the same time.

You changed monster aggro ranges to be 10 times lower than than SynergiesMOD.

Your mod is 100% incompatible with Mountains of Consumables and other such mods because instead of doing edits to the drop tables you instead chose to edit the potions themselves, meaning that mods that change the stack size or make other changes cannot go into effect because you overwrite them.

You claim truly infinite scroll uses but that is impossible within GUTS and you actually have them set to 99999 which is a common change in many mods.

I hope that this gives you some direction with some of your complaints you receive.
Last edited by Roalith; 2 Aug, 2013 @ 1:11pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
TRUMP  [developer] 2 Aug, 2013 @ 12:25pm 
sir are you sure you have the latest version ? this was an issue before but has been sorted. and frankly the boon scroll should not even be dropping because the chance is set to zero. you can check it if u want as you seem to have disected the mod yourself.

i have been test playing this alone or with synergies mod (first on the list before synergies) and i dont see the effects you have mentioned.

mods above other mods definitely will modify the lower mods below especially if same global parameters are tinkered. thats the plain hard truth. there is no special group here in TL2 steam who is mandated to do stuff. the intent of the mod was for vanilla play, i did not intend nor wish to be a subset of syneriges. its up to the player if they want the mod influence to synergies or not, so they can just deactivate it.

thanks for your observation, but you should say the same thing to all other mods. there is no standard nor rule to follow, only the persons preference and frankly you have just stated yours. i was surprise you took the time to write a long one. i thought nobody even care about this mod in a positive way and i guess i was right.

anyone can comment or critique i really wont mind. simply because if they dont want the mod they can just remove it. there are no contracts nor expectations. any request for changes i can of course acoomodate but im only speaking for my mod, and not be subservient and compliant with other mods. im just an amateur passing time till interest goes to the next game.

got to run to the movie now..wolverine!
Roalith 2 Aug, 2013 @ 12:29pm 
It is not me trying to give you grief just some observations, and yes it was your version as of the time of my posting because I was not subscribed previously. Also if your solution to too many boon and fish scrolls was to fully disable them then how is it compatible with Synergies if you are completely removing Synergies functionality between 40+ file changes that directly overwrite Synergies and also fully disabling items from the most popular mod for the game??

I had multiple people message me about this mod and mine and even people still mentioning today, and honestly I design my mod to play nice with others because it is really naive to assume that people only use 1 mod + synergies. It is hard to troubleshoot for people when another author just goes completely breaking things and claiming that there is no problem :(

Also, WOLVERINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Roalith; 2 Aug, 2013 @ 1:13pm
TRUMP  [developer] 3 Aug, 2013 @ 4:33pm 
i am not trying to break things up, show me a law where it says im breaking things. none. the only law here is your own preference which you feel is not being satisfied. and you give it weight by saying you also speak for others. nothing i can do in my end buddy. i am not in your group of friends, nor am i obligated to anyone else. i like my freedom :)

here is the thing, i bought a 5$ game. then i made a mod for myself. i think others would like it. so i posted it public.

if people dont like it, they can make suggestions. i might consider or NOT consider it. a lot of factors most importantly is the unpaid time i would rather use for income generating activities and family rather than on a 5$ game. and here is the problem now, if i wont consider it or meet up their expectations- the MOD is deemed bad. can you believe this ? is there really such a thing as a god or bad mod ? who becomes judge dredd and to what standard ? is their a fraternity here im not aware of ? for if ppl dont like it, then better to relieve yourself of the stress by not using it at all. thats all their is to it. lots of alternative mods out there too. in the end its all a matter of preference.
Roalith 3 Aug, 2013 @ 4:42pm 
I am not sure what your deal is as I do not even use your mod but if you see my profile, my mod page, and my inbox I have had several complaints from people *NOT MY GROUP OF FRIENDS* that have had problems that came from your mod and them trying to get me to magically fix your mod from my end because it doesn't play nice. Also, I was pointing out that you claimed (which you deleted after the fact) that your mod was compatible with Synergies and other mods which it wasn't and still isn't as of decompiled version less than an hour ago.

It's fine if you feel that you don't want to put energy into a $5 game to make your mod play nice with Synergies and other mods, but don't get defensive and act like I or anyone else was attacking you. I only decompiled your mod and did a point by point analysis of it because I wanted to give you an easy way to fix the issues with a minimal time investment from your end.

My preference doesn't even have any weight in this whole discussion as I do not and never have used your mod, I just get sick of people trying to make it work when it is too sloppy to play nice with other mods.
cuongh1423 4 Aug, 2013 @ 2:08am 
Your mods is good but one thing i dissagreed is you added hp regent for boss.It make they hader to kill and some Elite is imposible to kill.Hope you change this in next update
TRUMP  [developer] 4 Aug, 2013 @ 1:44pm 
C i never touch the hp of any boss. if you can look at the files in guts, its all items not monsters. is it possible this weird behavior is from your other mods? but thanks i'll check it out when i get back to my pc.
TRUMP  [developer] 4 Aug, 2013 @ 1:55pm 
is ok R, if that is so than this discussion is over. i never did give weight to your comments. people who don't ask kindly seems to pass over me. nothing personal and should not be so. we are all using aliases here anyway.
Roalith 6 Aug, 2013 @ 5:36am 
@cuongh1423 - RIPieces is lying to you (not intentionally I'm sure), this mod indeed gives bosses, mobs, and players health regen. In fact, this is one of the many things I pointed out last week because people were complaining on my mod page about it. RIP chose to ignore and discard my feedback (not sure how 50+ things were overlooked):

"You gave bosses a significant health regen rate and do not have this documented at all. One person that switched to my mod added me and told me that he could not kill certain mobs on Elite that had your base regen + the regen monster affix at the same time."

R.I.P.ieces - I can appreciate that you hit 2k subs, I remember that was a moment of feel-good emotion for me to. Just because 2k people sub to a mod doesn't mean that they will notice broken things right away.

The health regen in this mod is set to +0.5% for all entities and the expected value would be 0.

You implying that just because I don't play with your mod that I do not understand things is an insult to my intelligence as GUTS and .dat files show exactly what your mod does, what it breaks, and what could use just a little attention. I had to delete 20+ comments on my own page from people with issues from this mod that thought that they were from mine, so naturally I was hoping to provide you a constructive discussion upon which you could further improve your mod. I was not attacking your inflated ego or trying to troll or cut you down. In fact, view the comments on all 3 of my mods' pages and you will see that I am always nice to others no matter what and very professional, polite, and anti-troll. Also view my profile and see that I have never made a discussion like this on any other mod author's page and only did so here to let you know that some stuff needed a second look.

Good day to you, cheers, and hope you can implement this basic fix for cuongh and others instead of just "Oh no, I didn't do that, my mod is perfect".

tl;dr - Regen is indeed from this mod and needs the following change:




You're welcome.
Last edited by Roalith; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 5:57am
xfMike 6 Aug, 2013 @ 5:52am 
The developer of this mod really needs to understand the difference between constructive criticism and "trash talk." Dev, there is nothing wrong with receiving constructive criticism, so stop getting worked up over the fact that your mod has flaws. You should not be taking this personally and being dramatic about it.

Your mod has flaws, fix them, and make your mod that much better.
cuongh1423 6 Aug, 2013 @ 6:07am 
Well you can use this mod.Just dont let it on top of the mod list.You can use auto rumble and mechart still sell some good stuff.That why he said we had to let the mod on top of the list.So the drop rate will change(unique gem,rare,ect,..).And the boss dont have hp regent anymore if i do that.
Last edited by cuongh1423; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 6:10am
Roalith 6 Aug, 2013 @ 6:21am 
Yes, putting this mod below the other mods that it overwrites will allow you to retain partial functionality of this mod without breaking the others. HP regen becomes fixed if you put another mod with GLOBALS.dat above this one.
Last edited by Roalith; 6 Aug, 2013 @ 6:22am
Kebbek 23 Sep, 2015 @ 9:07pm 
Roalith !!!! can you look at my version of this mod and post on my mod any comments and critics.!!!! I think i did a good job for my first mod
*Yuki* 13 Jun, 2016 @ 1:47am 
it it all true, or fixed already?
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