Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Daily Needs Survival Kit ( DNSK - Mk 4.2 )
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Skallabjorn  [developer] 13 Sep, 2019 @ 9:09am

This Mod, Daily Needs Survival Kit ( DNSK - Mk4.1a ), Previously known as Daily Needs Mk4a - True Survival Needs in Space, (To be referred to herein as "the mod" or "this mod”)

Is Copyright © 2018-2023

General Statement of Copyright Intent.

A full, detailed and specific, document of all items under this Copyright, its details and official list of Authors and Contributors is held by the law firm McDermidt Lamarche, Barristers and Solicitors, Saskatoon, Sk, Canada ( North American Copyright ), the law firm Gurtz - Helms and Hister, Frankfurt, Germany ( International Copyright ) and Skalla-Viking Multi Media Services Incorporated, LLC 2017, located in Prague, Czech Republic.


The core code, assembly, and structure of this mod, including but not limited to the coding and new model content, are the property of "Stollie" and "Skallabjorn". Content within this mod from the original mod on which its concept is based are property of their original creators and not claimed by "Stolie" or "Skallabjorn". Any content from within the Space Engineers game itself used in this mod remains the property of Keen Software House and is not claimed.

This mod may only be posted on the Steam Space Engineers Workshop (or in any other data holding repository that may be contracted to support Space Engineers) by its Original Creators and Official Contributors, and may not in whole or part be republished in public nor in private ( aka on Steam as "Unlisted" or "Hidden" ) , nor used in any other way other than under the original mod number 1608841667.

Permission is freely granted to all players of Space Engineers to use this mod in game with no alterations to its published form. No altered form of this mod may be used in game, in any circumstance, except by its Creators and Official Contributors.

Keen Software House, Good-AI and any of these firms directors, subsidiaries, partners and employees, are *EXPRESSLY AND SPECFIICALLY FORBIDDEN* to use this mod or any of its claimed content, in its current or any altered form, in Keen's published games or products without express permission from and compensation to ALL this mod's Authors and Official Contributors, past and present.

All rights will be enforced without prejudice to the furthest extent possible under the law.

Previous contributors to this work ( or previous works it was conceptualized from ) are known to be but not limited to a few that are named here.

Past Contributors - Concept Sources

Meridius / Lucas
Nikolas March
Darth Biomech

Current Edition Official Contributors

Meridius / Lucas

The names / Terms 'Skallabjorn", "DNSK" and "Daily Needs Survival Kit" are now registered trademarks of Viking Media Services International and may NOT be used in any way without permission in writing from the CEO of Viking MS


March 2023 update - Additional Comment

There have been a rash of issues with the mod, all the same, ( known as the 35/35/45 fast consume error ).

Its now proven to have been caused by an attempt to illegally post the mod to a repository or to hack the mod personally, or use of an illegally posted copy of the mod.

The only ones having this problem appear to have private profiles on Steam, and due to the nature of how the error comes up, I have to assume you are attempting to hack the mod.

Also note, my companies have a working legal relationship due to other ventures with MOD.IO, Thunderstore, Nexus and now Steam / Valve. There have been 5 attempts by users to upload DNSK to There have been 36 attempts on Steam. 7 of these attempts had legal charges laid and upheld. The others settled outside of court / privately prioer to court actions. ALL of them ( the 7 that went to legal ) now no longer have accounts nor do they have Steam / Valve accounts any more.

Those firms, as required on repeat Copyright violators, are required by law to cancel the accounts as the company hosting it can be held accountable and loose certain legal protections they enjoy in the law.

Read up on DMCA and Copyright Law folks. Know that your facing when you think you can outrun the law.

Laymans terms info on DMCA and International Copyrights
Last edited by Skallabjorn; 8 Mar, 2023 @ 8:23am