Exivus 18 Apr, 2019 @ 11:28am
Servers that use this mod
IRON CURTAIN proudly uses this mod.

Big thanks to Not a Banana for his work and contribution. Certainly one of the best mod authors in the DayZ community.
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Showing 1-15 of 136 comments
[Lusk] Lynge 5 Jun, 2019 @ 10:50pm 
[LUSK] Luskerne from Denmark

DZSA Launcher and search for Lusk

Thanks to the one that is not a banana
Any 17 Jun, 2019 @ 3:51am 
Wir benutzen diese Mod ebenfalls wenn ihr Lust habt guckt euch unsere Steamgruppe an wenn euch gefällt was ihr seht seid ihr herzlich Wilkommen unserer kleinen Community beizutreten ;)

Die Modkollektion >>>>>>

Unsere Steamgruppe>>>>>>>>

@ZomBerry Admin Tools
@Code Lock
@Easy Signs [by Cl0ud]
@Increased Lumens
@Simple Roof
@Sneaky Stashes and Stuff
@Cl0ud's Winter Gear
@Winter Chernarus
@[CrSk] GAZ-3309
@Trader Wallet

>>>Mehr Zombies<<<
>>>Mehr Tiere<<<
>>>TS Vorhanden<<<
>>>Aktive Admins<<<
>>>8 Wochen Sommer /2 Wochen Winter<<<
PhillyR 21 Jun, 2019 @ 6:30pm 

Are you looking for a fun new DayZ server to play with your friends? Luckily for you, Freedom Seeds Gaming offers a user friendly modded version of the DayZ we have all come to love, yet hate. Our server offers base building, new weapons, and more. As we are still a relatively small community, we greatly appreciate anyone who checks out the server. If you are interested in playing check our discord out at

You can also download our workshop collection or join through and search FreedomSeeds
Workshop content:
soap Alcatraz 6 Jul, 2019 @ 3:43pm 
Hello, everyone! We're a Northern American gaming community called UnitedGaming we're a hardcore survival RP server that is based on the best of both worlds when it comes to faction/group play, and the stories and characters from based-white-listed servers. When I say hardcore survival we enjoy the fact of knowing that no matter how big a faction you're in, or the person you are, not looking after you character or just not valuing your life is a matter of whether or not you get a character perma-killed or not. Some people may find the server as a endless cycle of war, death, tragedy and life, the true telling of an apocalyptic-zombie scenario. It could also show us the true value of story-telling and the people in these types of worlds, with originality and creativity involved. The zombies are difficult, and the people you meet might be your best of friends, or worst of enemies. But because we are new, we hope to see some of you all look at us, and hope to even try us out. Our rules (read them) and applications are in our Discord, which includes the link down below. Thank you for reading, and we hope to see some of you there!

Discord Link:
Mr·Jenn 29 Jul, 2019 @ 4:30am 
9527 PVP | Trader | Summer | Builditems | Map | CodeLock | MoreGun | GoreZ | BuildAnywhere |
PORT: 2302
Please use DZSA Launcher
Trader 3700,6000 | 8300,6000 Black market 4770,10400
Nighttime 12min
Restart Times :4h
bombjack 3 Aug, 2019 @ 5:24am 
Thank you not a banana for this great mod!
If you want to see this mod in action join ConquerDayZ:

Join the server made for you and your playstyle!

We Feature:
  • 11 Custom national Military Uniforms + 4 Fantasy Uniforms
  • Custom overhaul of raiding mechanics
  • Lightning fast support by our moderators and admins
  • Two custom tradersafezones
  • Various Traders all over the Map
  • Black Market Trader Cave
  • Thoughtfully refined and balanced loot economy
  • Custom made bridge to Prison Island
  • Nighttime takes only about 45 minutes
  • Killfeed
  • 7 Different Cars at the CarTraders
  • More Islands
As well as an open minded and helpful community from all over the world.
Weekly admin made events with high risk / reward and a handful of considerately picked mods like:
  • MoreGuns
  • WeaponReduxPack
  • Windstride´s Clothing Pack
  • BuildAnywhere
  • OP Baseitems
  • SimpleRoof
  • UAZ Soba
  • GAZ 3309
  • GAZ Tigr
  • SUV Psycho
  • Trader+ Evocatus Wallet
  • And Several more...
Further we've created custom mods ourselves to change some aspects of the game,
yet we put a heavy emphasis on preserving the authentic DayZ experience.

If you're aroused by the notion of such a server, feel free to fullfill your deepest desires by joining the conquest of DayZ NOW!



Join our Discord to read the Server rules, stay informed and take a part of a phantastic Community.
Kiber-DEDA 9 Aug, 2019 @ 12:52am 
Russia174/PVE/PVP/The Best DayZ Server


Сервер PVE с зонами PVP. ( PVP зоны это военные базы и военные палатки, 10 м от края остальное PVE)

Сервер для тех кому интересно играть отдыхая после работы, учёбы не напрягаясь от того, что могут завалить в любой момент. Улучшен стартовый лут. Добавлено мачете, бутылка воды, налобный фонарик.

За убийство зомби выплачиваются деньги: 10 зомби - 100 р, 20 - 300, 50 - 1000, 100 - 5000.
Добавленна трейд зона на СЗ со стандартнным оружием и мода SQUAD MSF-C.


Группа ВК:

Установленные моды:

Unlimited Stamina,
Simple Base,
Simple Roof,
Gerphelius Zil-130,

И ещё много чего.
GL 19 Aug, 2019 @ 5:39pm 
FracturedRP / NO KOS / Weapons+ / Vehicles+ / Clothing+ /

- Role-play Server, NO KOS besides designated zones.
- Modded Server; Custom clothes, Weapons and Vehicles
- Custom Traders in select locations (Northwest Airfield, Pulkovo and Novy Junk Yard)
- Active Discord
- 6 hour restarts with 3x increased time acceleration
- Community suggestions for game modifications. Join FracturedRP and pave a way to game play you enjoy!
- Weekly RP events that will be community decided/made, and will feature events such as king of the hill, treasure hunts and more!


CptCamAm 31 Aug, 2019 @ 1:18am 
NEW 8/19 Road Warriors! PvP|HighPerformanceMachine|2xLoot|Parties|AllWelcomed|ExtraMods|Stable&Balanced|ActiveAdmins|CustomCastles|ExtraZeds|NewVehicles

We use this mod along with 70+ others. Come check us out!

Dell PowerEdge R720 -CPU E5-2637 v2 @ 3.50GHz(x2) -RAM 160GB -500GB SSD + 4TB HDD. No third party, 100% Fully dedicated machine.

Server IP:
Discord @
Weekend Gamer 31 Aug, 2019 @ 3:47am 
Interessiert dich diese und andere Mods ?!?!
Auf unseren Server >>> IP: <<< läuft diese Mod und noch viele andere !
Hier der Link zu den Mods die bei uns laufen
Wir sind eine kleine Gruppe von DayZ Spielern , und haben unseren eigenen Server angeschafft, um uns unsere eigene Welt zu erschaffen .
Immer nur PvP, PvE Zonen ... und du bist es leid?
Du suchst einen Server in dem Survival, inclusieve Base bauen , großgeschrieben wird?
Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! HIER DER LINK ZUR STEAMGRUPPE
Auf unserem Server bleibt dir selbst überlassen welchen Weg Du einschlägst.
PvP oder PvE? Töten um zu Looten oder doch Bündnisse schließen? Du entscheidest!
Wir bieten :
# Sommer / Winter wechsel ,
# Zombies ohne Ende ,
# Stätig angepasstes Loot, nicht zu viel und nicht zu Wenig ... mitte halt.
# äußere uns deine Wünsche und Verbesserungsvorschläge , werde ein Teil unserer Steam-Gruppe HIER DER LINK ZUR STEAMGRUPPE
Smith 1 Sep, 2019 @ 4:39am 

New hardcore server with almost unchanged settings. Only 1PP, no crosshair.
Restarts only if necessary.
Traders (own trading zones), balanced spawn of items & weapons from mods.

Новый хардкор сервер с почти неизменными настройками. Только первое лицо, без перекрестия.
Рестарты только при необходимости.
Торговля (свои торговые зоны), сбалансированный спавн вещей/оружия из аддонов.


VK[] | Discord[]
Astrotag 16 Sep, 2019 @ 4:10pm 
Tartan Army Gamings DayZ Server is now open to the public!

Based in the UK the Tartan Army may seem Scottish but we have members from all over the British Isles and Europe.

The server is UK based and contains :
  • ZomBerry Admin Tools
  • CF
  • Trader
  • Trader Wallet
  • Build Anywhere
  • Mass's Many Items Overhaul
  • Code Lock
  • Zerov-FishingZ
  • More Guns
  • BuildAnywhere
  • Dayz Navigation
  • VanillaPlusPlusMap
  • BettersSuppressors
  • OP_BaseItems
  • Less Destruction
  • DayZ Expansion Notifications
  • Airdrops
  • Close/Open Anywhere
  • BuilderItems

We have custom loot on spawning with a new character, reworked loot economy and a bridge to the prison island.

Join us on Discord to group up, or join with your friends to try take us on.

Tartan Army | Modded Server | 1PP | PvP |
Mosk1to 20 Sep, 2019 @ 7:24am 
[PC/EU] [GER/EU] Nuketown [Guns+|Cars+|Hordes|Airdrops|Trader|Bank]

ServerIP :
TeamspeakIP :
Discord :
Steamgroup :

Hello Survivor :) Our Serverbuild reminds of the Mod Epoch. We work every Week with our Community together on new Projects and Updates.
Everybody is welcome to be a part of our little Fam :)

Restarttimes : 06:00/12:00/18:00/00:00 CEST
- Day/Night Times
- Events
- Active Admins
- Friendly Community
- Balanced System

- CF
- BuildAnywhere
- Community-Online-Tools
- Breachingcharge
- BuilderItems
- Code Lock
- Mass'sManyItemOverhaul
- Cl0ud's Military Gear
- DayZ-Expansion-Notifications
- Airdrop
- Banking
- Ear-Plugs
- FlipTransport
- GAZ_Tigr
- InfectedHordesPlus
- JoggingDeadZombies
- KillFeed
- WeaponReduxPack
- MoreGuns
- NoVehicleDamage
- OP_BaseItems
- SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run
- Unlimited Stamina
- TweakRaidTools
- Zombies-Health-rebalance
- VanillaPlusPlusMap
- Server_Information_Panel
- DayZ-Expansion-Chat
- Trader
- (WIP) TrailBrozer SUV
- WorldWarGaming Vehicle Modifications
- No Shoe Damage
Angryman 1 Oct, 2019 @ 1:28am 
Хардкорный русскоязычный сервер на карте Черноруссии во вселенной STALKER.
Моды на оружие, транспорт, экипировку. Группировки, аутентичные торговцы, зараженные зоны и орды зомби. Новые локации- базы, клановые бары, мосты и бункеры, логова кровососов. Экономика и апгрейд базы Вашей группировки за игровые деньги.
Last edited by Angryman; 1 Oct, 2019 @ 1:34am
The White Wolf 3 Oct, 2019 @ 2:32pm 
👋Приветствуем вас на FriendZone.👋

Что вас ждёт на нашем срвере.
  • 💣🔫Большой список вооружения и различного снаряжения.🔫💥
  • 🏗Расширенный ассортимент приспособлений для базы.🏗
  • 🏭Переработанные объекты на карте.🏢
  • 📝Переработанный спавн лута.📝
  • 💱Разнообразные трейд-зоны.💰
  • ⛽Большой автопарк.⛽

  • ☠⚔KILLFEED со статистикой (K/D)⚔☠
  • ☣Зараженные зоны.☣
  • ✈Airdrop✈

Наши контакты
Наш Discord. []
Группа VK. []

Коллекция steam.

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