The Dukes of Bretonnia
Multiplayer Script Idea? - The Mixu Legendary Troubles
Firstly, I absolutely love this mod! I was a large fan of the military orders mod as it gave some good life for Brettonia, and so was excited to see something fairly up to date for SFO =D However, as the usual problem is with the multiplayer script, the legendary lords are somewhat glitchy when they seem to have customized unlockables via quests or startpos situations (randomly got the "poet" unlocked and that was it) but someone mentioned if they were just sitting in the lord recruitment pool, they will actually appear in multiplayer. Any thoughts to this?
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Ubermorgen  [developer] 15 Oct, 2020 @ 10:22am 
I could probably set up a submod which disables the unlock conditions and adds the lords to the recruitment pool of each human playing a bretonnian faction. This would however result in duplicate lords if both players are playing bretonnia.
Axneth Ironswift 17 Oct, 2020 @ 8:25am 
Ahh fair enough, thanks for the reply on it! If it's not a large bit of effort it would be appreciated, but not a worries if the code is silly or somewhat tedious to handle for that respect.
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