Hearts of Iron IV
Endsieg:Ultimate Victory
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Bugs and Glitches
Categorize your issue within this is it a: crash, error, mistake.
Make sure you do not have ANY conflicting mods on (that is anything but music and GFX!)


If your game crashes, please reload it another time and see if it crashes on the same date. If so, please tell us the date.


Errors are nations missing technology, a missing picture for something equipment perhaps, or a mistake like Charles Ee Gaulle instead of Charles De Gaulle.


Perhaps there are some wrongly depicted in the mod, and for example Hitler entered the bunker specifically at 8:30 whilst in the events it says 8:29. Or maybe in the 1945 scenario, Breslau as not under a siege when it should be under a siege, or the 1st Leibstandarte SS Panzer Division 'Adolf Hitler' named as the 12th Leibstandarte SS Panzer Division 'Adolf Himmler'.
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Playing as Germany, 1910 Start, 29 October 1911
The Moment it schould jump to the next day, the Game Crashes.
Im playing The German Empire From the 1914 Start Date and I defeated the Uk, France, And Russia. However after peacing out with the Uk and France I remained at War with Russia even though they were at 100% capitualiton and they were the only nation in the war.
Error I guess
Playing as Austria-Hungary 1910 start
I have zero combat and am not building any divisions and I am losing hundreds of units of infantry equipment along with some of everything else each day for no reason.
Probably conflicting mods, or your divisions are still filling with equipment.
WWII ♥♥♥. CL Tenryu class miss speed setup. 0 max speed.
Error: the description of the scenarios, the name of the ideologies and other words are shown as comands. For example, the description of the 1910 scenario is shown as "BALKAN_POWDER_KEG_NAME". Also, when i start a game some countries don´t have a name and the decisions that you make when the game starts are shown as "welcome to .10.a" or "Welcome to .11.b". i don´t know if this is a problem with the mod or something else, it connot be a compatibility problem because i turned off all the other mods and expansion. PD: sorry for any writing error
Seems like something went wrong with your download. Try deleting the folder to force it to update.
Mistake 1 :
Playing as United Kingdom, we are starting the game with a war with Dervish State and we can't even order a naval invaison. Because Transport Ship Research cannot be done.
This Is F*cking Dervish State

Mistake 2 :
At the beginning of the game, The Ottoman Empire's article shift downwards. But this problem disappear after Tripoli incident
Отредактировано Feanor; 27 ноя. 2018 г. в 13:03
1910 Start, Balkan Powder Keg
Playing as Germany

I invade neither Switz nor Belgium, punch through Lorraine. England and Belgium do not enter the war before I capitulate France. In the scripted peace deal I can still take southern Belgium and Kuwait.

Love the mod! Keep up the great work!
Error 1:

1915 April, Playing as Austrian-Hungarian Empire

Around this date (+/- 3 months) Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers. After 1-2 months later, Ottomans suddenly, without any event turned into Turkey. Antalya province given to Italy and some lands around Arabian Peninsula given to Turkey. After a month later, German Empire turned into Weimar Republic (or smth like that) without any event. They dropped from the war and joined the Entente. Ukraine spawned suddenly.

Error 2:

Playing as Austrian-Hungarian Empire

After second Balkan Wars, Bulgaria annexed completely by Romania, Serbia, Greece and Ottomans. I couldn't release Bulgaria even I annexed Serbia or gave them Macedonia via my national focus.
Balkan war is a bit of an issue right now but it should be fixed with the next update.
Fixes to the Ottoman and German thing are in as well.
The mod won't recognise Britain joining the Entente, thus, can't trigger future focuses (like Gallipoli and th naval blockade of Germany).
Fixed in the next update!
1914 scenario russian units are all level 5 veterans, and a few other countries have weird starting xp on their units
At least for the Russians, thats for game balance. We realize its not accurate.
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