Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Constellationist Class Definitive Edition
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Heaphaistos  [developer] 24 set. 2018 às 15:34
Bugs Reports
Post all possibles bugs here.

- Ok, From my last experience with my previous mods. When you post a bug, be sure this bug is about the mod itself and give me all the information you can with precision.
- It possible for this mod to be incompatible with others mods. ( i'll try to fix what i can if possible )
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A mostrar 1-15 de 40 comentários
Bibpanana 28 set. 2018 às 0:13 
Whenever I use the respec mirror, Celestial Mastery is removed from my learned skills and you can't relearn it because the skill book says "you already know this skill."
Heaphaistos  [developer] 28 set. 2018 às 5:18 
It because Celestial Knowledge and Mastery are innate skills , 0 memory cost. so it always there even if you don't have memory space. I think ^^'..
Bibpanana 28 set. 2018 às 10:22 
Yes they are innate skills but whenever I respec, the skill is removed from my hotbar AND my skill book- so I can't get the skill back b/c I can't relearn it.

So basically I lost the skill forever.
Bibpanana 28 set. 2018 às 22:11 
Also Gem's "Rain of Flower" and Pisces "Dead Sea" skill effects won't dissapear after combat.
Seyren 'D' Windsor 29 set. 2018 às 9:29 
There's a duplicate trader for each of your class mods on Lady Vengeance when arriving at Nameless Island.
Heaphaistos  [developer] 1 out. 2018 às 18:06 
@Bibpanana - Yes i know, and idk how to remove this bug. The good part : it only the visual part and not the effect part.
@Seyren... - I'll take a look when possible. :)
SirCaptainOmni 9 out. 2018 às 7:01 
Aries' Pillar Of Fire skill. If you center on any of your summons/yourself, you can't go back to the Pillar, or end turn. Found a work-around for this immediately; if you make a save and reload that save it will snap back to the Pillar and you can end turn.
Última alteração por SirCaptainOmni; 9 out. 2018 às 8:38
Heaphaistos  [developer] 10 out. 2018 às 4:37 
Added to the list, thank you
windvally 22 out. 2018 às 1:01 
After I learned the Celestial Knowledge (first part) Skill, it doesn't show up in my spell list and the book is marked as "learned" as well. So I don't know if this is a bug, or do I have to get Celestial Mastery (second part) skill with summoning 8 to be able to use this stance at all.
Riamu 23 out. 2018 às 1:35 
I can't trade with the merchant at the joy fort, and there are no var with spellbooks. Is it normal?
MoonBaboon 29 out. 2018 às 9:47 
hi, i've got a issue with gemini skill. it made my game crash when she dies or disseapears. i would know if you have a solution. I hope this feedback will help you.
PS: your mod is awesome and well animated then continue like that :)
ReiKahn 29 out. 2018 às 10:37 
Found a few bugs regarding the graphics of certain skills. Illuminate and Sealed Word specifically have really odd animations, and the cone graphic effect is either pointing up and to the side, or moves around randomly. Also, there are a few skills whose animations remain after they should have ended. Burning sanctuary does not disappear if the summon is killed before it would have faded. Heaviness remains if the target is killed before it ends. Rain of Flower also appears to remain for too long, but in my game, it faded when the summon expired.
Prince Charming 29 out. 2018 às 13:19 
Amazing work on all of your mods. This one is my all time favourite and I have compiled a list of bugs I have found on my 3 playthroughs aswell as some feedback on balance.

- Molten Eruption sometimes misses completly when cast to close to a wall
- Orb of Fire hits targets for physical damage with opportunist (not sure if intended)
Also the Orb explodes instantly next round and the damage numbers in the tooltip
seem off.

Feedback: Pretty solid summon, maybe change Molten Eruption from a 25% chance for
bonus damage to bonus damage to burning enemies.

- Haven't found any major bugs here.

Feedback: Damage is almost too high on his skills and he feels more like a physical
caster than a raging berseker. Maybe give him more basic attack damage
and slighty less damage on spells or add the fury mechanic from your
berserker mod. Taurus would also benefit from the Talent "The Pawn" alot.

Gem: - Flower Shuriken has no sound effects others than the explosion sound
- Illusion Dance has no sounds when finishing the cast (no big deal)

Mini : - No bugs found

Feedback: Gem is pretty much awesome and alot of fun, Mini however seems to be very
weak. Mini literally gets oneshot at any stage of the game no matter how
many points in summoning you have.
Her spells are also rather strange. She has a dash into melee range and a
melee range root, yet she wields a crossbow and dies in one hit. My
suggestion would be to reduce the damage of Gems abilites and give it to
Mini, increase her health and give her a staff as a weapon.

-Kraken's Cut can't backstab but the damage is still kinda decent.

Feedback: Pretty awesome and does a good job at assassinating his targets. Maybe
make dive castable on enemies and reduce the range of Voice of the deep
but make it AoE. Other than that maybe give him "The Pawn" talent so you
dont waste ap to get in line for a backstab. And please make his weapons
drip water that would look pretty dope.
His 5th Ability is called Aysmal Dance (Abyssal Dance?). Not sure if that
name is intended but its kinda funny.

- Illuminate is missing sounds effects
- Mighty Roar doesn't remove mad or charmed because your teammates arent
considered allies for the spell to target them when affected by mad or charmed.
- Beam of light sometimes deals no magic damage.

Feedback: All around pretty solid summon with great damage and utility. Maybe give
him the face that lucian has with the glowing eyes to make him look even

- Haven't found any bugs on her.

Feedback: I feel like the higher level I get the less useful her utility gets. Monolith's
healing is precentage based and falls off in lategame when enemies can
easily deal more than half your life in one round.
I would also suggest to give Tunnel a small AoE Eruption where the target
emerges that deals some damage and maybe slows. This would help her to
contribute a bit more to fights in terms of damage/CC.

- Gravity Crush doesnt kill enemies but instead sets their life to 0 but they wont die. This
is probably due to the way percent max Hp damage is calculated. Maybe make the
spell deal some low amount of piercing damage to guaratee the target dies.

Feedback: Truly a masterpiece and one of my favorite summons. Great mix of damage,
utility and CC. Would be cool if there was a way to cancel Gravitational
Repulsion earlier but its not a big deal.

- Venomous Cut can't backstab same as Cancer's Kraken Cut.

Feedback: One of my favourite themes but he is just so weak. Poison damage is already
kinda niche because so many enemies are simply immune.
Scorpio also has zero mobility and high ap costs on most abilites making it
really hard to kill targets straight up. Finally getting Venom stacks to 3 is also
kinda unrewarding.
All of his abilites just deal too little damage for him to compete with Cancer.
I feel like camouflage needs to be reworked into some kind of mobility spell.
Maybe change it to a vault type ability that makes you invisible or gives you
haste instead of dodge chance when invisible.
Maybe make it so that attack from stealth adds a stack of Venom and two
when used with an ability. Scorpio could really make great use of "The Pawn"
talent to get into backstab range.

- Accuracy Stance does not increase the range of Strafe (not sure if that is possible)
- Stafe doesn't hit targets that are standing below Sagittarius which hurts quite a lot
because you want to get the highground damage.
- Entangling Shot doesnt seem to scale at all. At level 20 the spell deals less than 200
damage (not sure if intended).

Feedback: Good Summon with decent damage. Kinda relies on his spells a lot
because his basic attacks are weak.

- Sealed Word has no sound similar to Leo's Illuminate. No other bugs found.

Feedback: Very cool and unique design with interessting support abilites.
Sealed Word's damage is pretty low which hurts its CC part quite a lot. AoE
is also pretty small.
It would be really fun if we could cast Protection Word on enemies to reduce
their resistances instead to give Capricorn some more offensive power.

- Hydro Shields Magic Armour values seem to be lower than what it is (tooltip only).

Feedback: Awesome design and spell effects. Insane damage with the risk of killing
your team as a tradeoff which is cool.
Twin Torrent is probably too strong for 1 AP. TT targeting AoE latches onto
enemies which makes it super hard to aim in some situations.
Only Aqua Lock and Tidal Wave use your new Water VFX (not sure if

- Deep Sea sets the health of targets lower but sometimes the damage per round doesnt
seem to work correctly (deals 2 physical damage instead)
Can also set enemies health to 0 and they dont die (Same with Libra's Gravity Crush).

Feedback: My all time favourite Summon with really strong burst and utility and an
awesome visuals.
Hemoshield seems to scale and give more than 2 Cons per target which
makes it pretty broken lategame.
Blood Orb is a cool skill that would be even cooler if it had no cooldown and
you could cast multiple per turn for that sweet chain reaction.
Transfusion is a wierd skill. Damage is on the lower end but it gives enemies
the chance to heal up next round plus extra lifesteal.
The damage is too high to justify usage on allies as a utility spell. If cast on a
blood orb it should probably deal some damage IMO.

- Once you summon him there is a Typo with his name (Ophiuschus)

Feedback: Absolutly awesome design and spell VFX. Sword of Darkness should
probably add it's bonus damage to Darkness Sorrow.
Terror Vision is an odd one since you only deal Piercing and some physical
damage but its resisted by magic armour making it hard to use sometimes.
Ophiuchus would also benefit a lot from "The Pawn" Talent.

That is all I could find and think of. Once again absolutly amazing work. Your mods are the best there are and I can't wait to see what mods you come up next. :steamhappy:
Última alteração por Prince Charming; 29 out. 2018 às 13:32
Heaphaistos  [developer] 30 out. 2018 às 5:29 
This is awesome !!! This is the type of information i'm looking for when i want to balance or adjust my mods. The details and the precision 10/10.

Thank you a lot, now i got a good idea on what i want to fix and balance. I'll try my best to update this as soon has i can. I cannot fix everything but a lot of this is possible !

Again thank you for this amazing report. :D
OliverSton3 25 nov. 2018 às 1:07 
Originalmente postado por Heaphaistos:
@Bibpanana - Yes i know, and idk how to remove this bug. The good part : it only the visual part and not the effect part.
@Seyren... - I'll take a look when possible. :)

Well it seems its not only the visuals but also the effects in my game. Can you please add a work around so that the skill either does not dissapear, or can be bought multiple times from the vendor. Thank you! great mod
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