Army & General Staff 2.1.3 Legacy
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 4일 오후 7시 29분
Bug Reporting Thread
Post your bugs with the error logs and a description of what went wrong.
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19개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Allowishus Fuddpucker 2018년 9월 6일 오전 1시 45분 
First thanks for the mod. All I get in the situation log is _title _desc . Get pop ups once a month that end in +1 doctrine data but have no idea what this is or what to do with it?
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 6일 오전 10시 34분 
Allowishus Fuddpucker님이 먼저 게시:
First thanks for the mod. All I get in the situation log is _title _desc . Get pop ups once a month that end in +1 doctrine data but have no idea what this is or what to do with it?

Yeah im working on a fix for that, for some reason the game as a mod dosen't recognize the army event chain. even though its in the localization. im trying to get a fix for it right away
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 6일 오후 6시 22분 
Allowishus Fuddpucker님이 먼저 게시:
First thanks for the mod. All I get in the situation log is _title _desc . Get pop ups once a month that end in +1 doctrine data but have no idea what this is or what to do with it?

-Allowishus Fuddpucker
I just released an update to fix this issue with the corrected event file. if your suffering from this now it may or may not require a new game since the event log may still be showing the _title bug and the flags where messed up as a result. un sub and re subscribe and let me know if the issue persists and thanks for playing the mod :)
Legion505 2018년 9월 7일 오후 10시 11분 
i subed to this mod after you hot fix and started new game got all the research done and mad the manscript and the reserch popped up saying first lvl was complete i could build plantery mechs and something else. Now that pop up for the already reserched tech keeps firing. But again i brand new subed to thos mod afte oyu hot fix was already out and started a new game, I hat to lose thos mdo already sincei love the aspects it has in it. I wonder if it conflicts with stuff like utopia or anything.
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 7일 오후 10시 15분 
Legion505님이 먼저 게시:
i subed to this mod after you hot fix and started new game got all the research done and mad the manscript and the reserch popped up saying first lvl was complete i could build plantery mechs and something else. Now that pop up for the already reserched tech keeps firing. But again i brand new subed to thos mod afte oyu hot fix was already out and started a new game, I hat to lose thos mdo already sincei love the aspects it has in it. I wonder if it conflicts with stuff like utopia or anything.

what specific event keeps popping up and spamming you like the name and some text if you want to help me identify the exact one. Ill check the armies to see about the planetery mechs.

also 1. You say you had access to the mobile battle mechs after researching all the techs which should be normal as long as any of your planets have the Battle Mech Assembly building, so did you have the building?
Kaiser 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 9월 7일 오후 10시 28분
Legion505 2018년 9월 8일 오전 9시 19분 
first generation army doctrine keeps popping up a research but its already been researched and yes i have the building i can build the units everything is working except every month that research keeps popping up andi can click research and it goes to the research tab and shows me what i already have being researched and i look at previous stuff and this First Generation Army Doctrine is already there
but i have to turn off the mod i put game in fast and these things fill up hte top bar and i dont see other messages like wars and peace and regular research ending :edit sorry its every day this things pops up research complete research complete
Legion505 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 9월 8일 오전 9시 20분
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 8일 오전 11시 46분 
Legion505님이 먼저 게시:
first generation army doctrine keeps popping up a research but its already been researched and yes i have the building i can build the units everything is working except every month that research keeps popping up andi can click research and it goes to the research tab and shows me what i already have being researched and i look at previous stuff and this First Generation Army Doctrine is already there
but i have to turn off the mod i put game in fast and these things fill up hte top bar and i dont see other messages like wars and peace and regular research ending :edit sorry its every day this things pops up research complete research complete

I just updated it, should stop spamming you now
Kaiser 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 9월 8일 오전 11시 47분
Legion505 2018년 9월 8일 오후 12시 16분 
amazing work
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 8일 오후 12시 48분 
Legion505님이 먼저 게시:
amazing work
no problem!
Kepos 2018년 9월 20일 오후 1시 45분 
Just built the Small Arms Production District, but can't build the Planetary Shock Army. Practical Army Doctrine is researched and I got the tech. Do I miss something? Any extra research or additional building I have to set up first?
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 20일 오후 2시 37분 
Kepos님이 먼저 게시:
Just built the Small Arms Production District, but can't build the Planetary Shock Army. Practical Army Doctrine is researched and I got the tech. Do I miss something? Any extra research or additional building I have to set up first?

The requirements to build the Planetary Shock Army is just having the practical army doctrine and any of your planets having an active Small Arms Production District. after that if you have the 100 minerals required to make it, you should be able to produce it. when you mouse over the Planetary Shock Army check the tooltip for what you are missing
Kepos 2018년 9월 20일 오후 2시 53분 
Big Business님이 먼저 게시:
The requirements to build the Planetary Shock Army is just having the practical army doctrine and any of your planets having an active Small Arms Production District. after that if you have the 100 minerals required to make it, you should be able to produce it. when you mouse over the Planetary Shock Army check the tooltip for what you are missing

I'm sorry, but Planetary Shock Army isn't there to choose.

Besides the Mechanized Assault Army was greyed out till I built the requested Mechanized Production District. Now I could build them, but no Shock Army, which I guess is way cheaper...
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 20일 오후 3시 56분 
Kepos님이 먼저 게시:
Big Business님이 먼저 게시:
The requirements to build the Planetary Shock Army is just having the practical army doctrine and any of your planets having an active Small Arms Production District. after that if you have the 100 minerals required to make it, you should be able to produce it. when you mouse over the Planetary Shock Army check the tooltip for what you are missing

I'm sorry, but Planetary Shock Army isn't there to choose.

Besides the Mechanized Assault Army was greyed out till I built the requested Mechanized Production District. Now I could build them, but no Shock Army, which I guess is way cheaper...

so its not even showing up at all? because im testing it now and it shows up as long as you have practical army doctrine and small arms production factory. If you have those and its still not showing up i think it's a mod conflict.
Kaiser 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 9월 20일 오후 3시 57분
Kepos 2018년 9월 21일 오전 2시 50분 
No, it isn't showing up. I do have both, doctrine and factory.
Can't even imagine which mod may cause this, as I'm playing with ~100, but most of them are just UI or cosmetic. None of the mods I am using is going for army stuff but the mechanized is working. I guess it is related to science then, probably a file to be overwritten. That is, what I posted in suggestions to keep an eye on compatibility and use own file-endings as much as possible.

BTW, in Second Doctrine I do encounter the same problem. The Armored & Air Assault Army is greyed out and buildable, while the Combined Arms Army is not existent.


Just encountered the Standardized Soldier Equipment and the Adapted Soldier Kits in physics research branch. Both enhance defensive armies by 1000%. This seems quite a bit OP. First one unlocks the Combined Arms Army and the second one unlocks the Planetary Shock Army, which you didn't state before. Seems you changed the unlocking requirements, so you didn't remember.
Kepos 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2018년 9월 21일 오전 5시 32분
Kaiser  [개발자] 2018년 9월 21일 오후 2시 02분 
Kepos님이 먼저 게시:
No, it isn't showing up. I do have both, doctrine and factory.
Can't even imagine which mod may cause this, as I'm playing with ~100, but most of them are just UI or cosmetic. None of the mods I am using is going for army stuff but the mechanized is working. I guess it is related to science then, probably a file to be overwritten. That is, what I posted in suggestions to keep an eye on compatibility and use own file-endings as much as possible.

BTW, in Second Doctrine I do encounter the same problem. The Armored & Air Assault Army is greyed out and buildable, while the Combined Arms Army is not existent.


Just encountered the Standardized Soldier Equipment and the Adapted Soldier Kits in physics research branch. Both enhance defensive armies by 1000%. This seems quite a bit OP. First one unlocks the Combined Arms Army and the second one unlocks the Planetary Shock Army, which you didn't state before. Seems you changed the unlocking requirements, so you didn't remember.

Ah, yes i forgot to include that in my response and i apologize. and the 1000% buff to army defense is to match the power of same tier assault armies. this is intentional to make a battle more influenced by the level of tech you have so an empire attacking one with a higher level of army experience will have a much harder time defeating a foe that outclasses them in technology and tactics. Also the buff to defense armies is a workaround since adding defense armies is very dysfunctional due to stellaris’s engine and how it handles them
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19개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
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