Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Odinblade's Hydrosophist Class Overhaul
Odinblade  [开发者] 2018 年 8 月 31 日 下午 5:12
Suggestions and Balance Improvements
Got any improvements or tweaks to make this overhaul even better? Suggest away!
最后由 Odinblade 编辑于; 2018 年 8 月 31 日 下午 5:12
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正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 38 条留言
Whiskeyjoel 2018 年 9 月 1 日 上午 1:43 
Hey Odin, there was a mod for classic, Arcanist, that had some interesting ice-based spells and concepts, and one of them was a spell called Power Word: Shatter, that instantly killed mobs who were frozen and below 40% health. It was a bit OP tbh, but what about a similar spell that basically detonated a frozen mob?
Whiskeyjoel 2018 年 9 月 1 日 上午 1:50 
Would it be possible to reduce the AP cost of Hailstrike from 3 to 2? I believe 3 is the base, but when you compare it to Breath of Winter, or some of the new spells, the damage it does doesn't seem to really warrant the additional AP point.
Odinblade  [开发者] 2018 年 9 月 1 日 上午 1:55 
引用自 Whiskeyjoel
Would it be possible to reduce the AP cost of Hailstrike from 3 to 2? I believe 3 is the base, but when you compare it to Breath of Winter, or some of the new spells, the damage it does doesn't seem to really warrant the additional AP point.
Lowering the cost of Hail Strike was something I had considered, but I ultimately decided not to. The reason is because it’s VERY easy to hit all three shots on the same target now -> easy Hypothermia and Freeze.

Lowering the cost would have meant a reduction in damage and that’s something Hydro was already lacking in. Past level 4, I’d recommend taking Elemental Affinity to reduce skill costs easily. Thanks for the feedback!
TobiN 2018 年 9 月 1 日 下午 2:31 
Harsh current is absolutely overpowered right now. Because not only get's the range insane because it scales with hydrosophist, it's the only pull ability I've seen that effectively acts like a teleport. Basically teleport everyone from an insane radius right on top of you. And then, if you have elemental affinity and had water on yourself (easily done with rain), you can cast aoe's like Winter Blast, Ice Fan, Hail Strike ect. and almost kill everyone and freeze the rest.

In fact, I managed to kill the entire kitchen on turn one, and all the gate guards next to the kitchen on turn 1 (although I should mention it was as lonewolf, but doesn't change how overpowered that still is. And was done at level 4)

Though, my suggestion is to simply have it not make everyone fly to you. But act like a normal pull. That would make the skill a lot more balanced. And also make not it hit neutrals, because that just makes an enemy out of everyone in range.
Odinblade  [开发者] 2018 年 9 月 1 日 下午 2:41 
引用自 TobiN
Harsh current is absolutely overpowered right now. Because not only get's the range insane because it scales with hydrosophist, it's the only pull ability I've seen that effectively acts like a teleport. Basically teleport everyone from an insane radius right on top of you. And then, if you have elemental affinity and had water on yourself (easily done with rain), you can cast aoe's like Winter Blast, Ice Fan, Hail Strike ect. and almost kill everyone and freeze the rest.

In fact, I managed to kill the entire kitchen on turn one, and all the gate guards next to the kitchen on turn 1 (although I should mention it was as lonewolf, but doesn't change how overpowered that still is. And was done at level 4)

Though, my suggestion is to simply have it not make everyone fly to you. But act like a normal pull. That would make the skill a lot more balanced. And also make not it hit neutrals, because that just makes an enemy out of everyone in range.
Sounds like a reduced pull would be a good solution. Thanks for the suggestion - I'll add it as a change to the first update!
TobiN 2018 年 9 月 1 日 下午 3:23 
Also an additional note, it pulls the meat golems in Kniles fight out of the cages

(And I did oneturn everyone in that fight too, lonewolf tactician).

But still a great mod, hope it didn't sound like I hated on it. It's a lot of fun :D
TobiN 2018 年 9 月 1 日 下午 4:43 
So, having played a for a few hours with my friend in lonewolf, who's playing a pyromancer using your Pyromancer Overhaul, this is honestly starting to feel more and more overpowered. And I'm just oneshotting more and more even in tactician mode.

So here's some info comparing both that you can use to balance both, with both of us as lonewolf LVL 5, 22 INT and 10 Pyromancy/hydrosophist respectively. So while it is lonewolf, we're under the exact same conditions
(We also compared some of the skills unmodded, just to see how they've been changed)

Here's the comparisions:

Winter Blast: 41-44 (vanilla was 42-47)
Fireball: 35-38 (vanilla was 38-42)
Magma Geyser: 33-36 (less than fireball, and much smaller aoe)

Ice fan: 13-14 per hit (also twice the AOE compared to Searing Volley, and can freeze)(18-19 in vanilla)
Searing Volley: 11-13 per hit (doesn't even apply scorch) (vanilla searing dagger was 10-11)

Freezing Touch: 39-42
Burning Touch: 41-44 (so actually more than freezing touch, but freezing touch also freezes for 2 turns and can set hypothermia)

Bubblebeam: 39-45 (not really anything to compare this to directly)

Hail Strike: 16-18 per hit (a total of 48-54) (same in vanilla)
Supernova: 55-61 (but also damages the user, which all of the hydrosophist ones doesn't usually) (67-73 in vanilla)

So pretty much all the hydrosophist skills are almost a supernova in damage, without having to inflict damage to yourself.

Frostbrand and firebrand does the exact same though

Scorch does:
2-4 at one stack
4-5 at two stacks
7-8 at three stacks
10-11 at four stacks (burning even still does more at this point with 11-13)
11-13 at five stacks

Hypothermia does 10-11, so that's the same as 4 stacks of scorch

Hydrosophist also increases healing done, and can do CC freeze, which pyromancy can not. Which is why pyromancy is meant to be the highest damage

So in our opinion, either hydrosophist needs a debuf or pyromancy needs a buff. Because a pure damage class should do more than a class that is meant to focus on utility and CC. And overall, I outdo the pyromancer in damage by far, plus freezing them. Effectively being able to win fights solo. EVEN while handicapping myself by not using Harsh Currents. While it can be argued whether or not scorch and burning will do more damage over time, in the time it takes for me to get my cooldowns back. But the targets will usually die in that time.

Hope this data can be useful to you ^^
最后由 TobiN 编辑于; 2018 年 9 月 1 日 下午 4:46
ecafocat 2018 年 9 月 1 日 下午 4:59 
I've looked at a few of your mods, and while they look like a lot of fun, im worried they might make the game too easy, particularly if Npc's do not have any of the modded abilities. Do your ability mods give these abilties to npc's or are they only for players?
Odinblade  [开发者] 2018 年 9 月 2 日 上午 12:40 
引用自 TobiN
So, having played a for a few hours with my friend in lonewolf, who's playing a pyromancer using your Pyromancer Overhaul, this is honestly starting to feel more and more overpowered. And I'm just oneshotting more and more even in tactician mode.

So here's some info comparing both that you can use to balance both, with both of us as lonewolf LVL 5, 22 INT and 10 Pyromancy/hydrosophist respectively. So while it is lonewolf, we're under the exact same conditions
(We also compared some of the skills unmodded, just to see how they've been changed)

Here's the comparisions:

Winter Blast: 41-44 (vanilla was 42-47)
Fireball: 35-38 (vanilla was 38-42)
Magma Geyser: 33-36 (less than fireball, and much smaller aoe)

Ice fan: 13-14 per hit (also twice the AOE compared to Searing Volley, and can freeze)(18-19 in vanilla)
Searing Volley: 11-13 per hit (doesn't even apply scorch) (vanilla searing dagger was 10-11)

Freezing Touch: 39-42
Burning Touch: 41-44 (so actually more than freezing touch, but freezing touch also freezes for 2 turns and can set hypothermia)

Bubblebeam: 39-45 (not really anything to compare this to directly)

Hail Strike: 16-18 per hit (a total of 48-54) (same in vanilla)
Supernova: 55-61 (but also damages the user, which all of the hydrosophist ones doesn't usually) (67-73 in vanilla)

So pretty much all the hydrosophist skills are almost a supernova in damage, without having to inflict damage to yourself.

Frostbrand and firebrand does the exact same though

Scorch does:
2-4 at one stack
4-5 at two stacks
7-8 at three stacks
10-11 at four stacks (burning even still does more at this point with 11-13)
11-13 at five stacks

Hypothermia does 10-11, so that's the same as 4 stacks of scorch

Hydrosophist also increases healing done, and can do CC freeze, which pyromancy can not. Which is why pyromancy is meant to be the highest damage

So in our opinion, either hydrosophist needs a debuf or pyromancy needs a buff. Because a pure damage class should do more than a class that is meant to focus on utility and CC. And overall, I outdo the pyromancer in damage by far, plus freezing them. Effectively being able to win fights solo. EVEN while handicapping myself by not using Harsh Currents. While it can be argued whether or not scorch and burning will do more damage over time, in the time it takes for me to get my cooldowns back. But the targets will usually die in that time.

Hope this data can be useful to you ^^
Thanks again for taking the time to leave another comment. Before beginning, please note that Scorch deals damage on-apply as well as on-turn, whereas Hypothermia is just on-turn.

Each fire spell which increments Scorch will do the damage the tooltip states (minus enemy resistances of course) plus upfront Scorch damage. In your example, Fireball doesn't deal 35-38, it deals either:
  • 35-38(plus 2-4, and -5% Fire Resistance)
  • 35-38(plus 4-5, and -10% Fire Resistance)
  • 35-38(plus 7-8, and -15% Fire Resistance)
  • 35-38(plus 10-11, and -20% Fire Resistance)
  • 35-38(plus 11-13, and -25% Fire Resistance)

Magma Geyser also slows, hence the lower damage. Searing Volley could do with a buff then IMO. Supernova also deals Scorch upfront damage (same as above with Fireball).

Yes Hypothermia matches the upfront damage on Scorch at 4 stacks (probably less at higher levels), but requires no Magic Armour to apply - Scorch gets going straight away.

Also worth noting, that using a Pyro & Hydro on the same team will naturally mean that whichever goes second deals less damage, due to the resistance buffs Burning, Chilled, and Wet all give an enemy. For the most part, enemies generally have higher Fire and Poison resistances in Act 1 than Hydro/Aero resistances.

Lone Wolf is ridiculously hard to balance for due to the sheer amount of AP you are able to use, so players using EA on this mode will naturally have an easier ride.

Hope this answers some questions! :steamhappy:
最后由 Odinblade 编辑于; 2018 年 9 月 2 日 上午 3:37
Bibpanana 2018 年 9 月 2 日 下午 8:50 
I find myself not using Harsh Current b/c it's range is huge! The default range seems fine but I'm getting the "extended" green pluses so when I use the skill I'm basically pulling all the enemies in the battle towards me. Would love for this skill to just be 4m like the patch notes listed.
最后由 Bibpanana 编辑于; 2018 年 9 月 2 日 下午 8:51
Odinblade  [开发者] 2018 年 9 月 2 日 下午 10:02 
引用自 Bibpanana
I find myself not using Harsh Current b/c it's range is huge! The default range seems fine but I'm getting the "extended" green pluses so when I use the skill I'm basically pulling all the enemies in the battle towards me. Would love for this skill to just be 4m like the patch notes listed.
Make sure the latest patch is downloaded. If not, you might be using Far Out Man.
最后由 Odinblade 编辑于; 2018 年 9 月 2 日 下午 11:05
XiseAbyss 2018 年 9 月 3 日 上午 8:14 
It seems Harsh Currents range is always high ground range for me, I have the extended range pluses and the range of the entire skill is huge last time I messured it, it was 20m
Bibpanana 2018 年 9 月 3 日 上午 9:57 
The mod is the latest patch x.x I am using Far Out Man but I'm having the same problem as described by XiseAbyss.
Odinblade  [开发者] 2018 年 9 月 3 日 上午 9:58 
引用自 XiseAbyss
It seems Harsh Currents range is always high ground range for me, I have the extended range pluses and the range of the entire skill is huge last time I messured it, it was 20m
引用自 Bibpanana
The mod is the latest patch x.x I am using Far Out Man but I'm having the same problem as described by XiseAbyss.
Pushing a fix now. Thanks for highlighting this issue!

UPDATE: All done! Thanks again for flagging :steamhappy:
最后由 Odinblade 编辑于; 2018 年 9 月 3 日 上午 10:07
Disconected 2018 年 9 月 3 日 下午 3:21 
there are several mods that do this but none for DE could you add an "ice scate" esc skill? i always loved the consept and it fits the skill set. the skills mecanics need not be any thing original if you just make it like the rest it will be just fine thank you for reading
最后由 Disconected 编辑于; 2018 年 9 月 3 日 下午 3:25
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