Torchlight II

Torchlight II

Knight Writer  [dezvoltator] 20 mai 2013 la 23:08
Make Backups of your Saved Characters before using mods.
I really shouldn't even have to say this but here it goes. If you have invested days, weeks or months into a character and don't want to risk losing all that hard work that it took you getting them to level 100, then I strongly suggest you make a Backup of your saves folders before you apply any mods to Torchlight 2.

There are many potential risks when using mods for Torchlight 2, 98% of all players won't experience them, for the other 2 % this message is for you>>

#1: TORCHLIGHT 2 GUTS EDITOR HAS NO MANUAL (meaning modders can F*%K crap up and not even know it)

#2: IT IS STILL BRANDNEW( at the time of this writing Guts has been available a little less than 2 months)

#3: IF YOU ARE USING MULTIPLE MODS, modders cannot control mod compatibility at this time. We can't just magically know all the files used by one modder as opposed to our own mods, and those files can conflict when using mods at the same time.

#4: LOAD ORDER is so Important.Character Class Mods should Always go on the top of or near the top of your load order, and the Class your playing currently should be on top of any other class mods you are using.Best practice would be to disable any Class Mods you are not currently playing to avoid conflict. You can always re-activate the Disabled mods later and then continue playing your other custom classes.

#5: IF 4000+ Players are using a mod and 2-3 of them have said they've had some sort of issue, obviously the issue is housed within that players configuration, not every players configuration. If the problem was happening to everyone, then the modder would get alot more Bug reports than 3. A Modder is not going to rework his whole mod just for you, when everyone else is enjoying it, Sorry.

#6: ALWAYS MAKE A BACK UP, of your saved Games before using a mod. It's just common sense. You have 50+ hours of invested time into a character, and your just going to randomly throw in all kinds of Modded files and hope it all works??? Not the Best Idea.