Don't Starve Together
The Gorge Cooking Port
Crash w/ Victorian Hearth
[00:37:39]: Error deserializing lua state for entity firepit[188827] - Failed to read net var data [00:37:40]: Failed [00:37:40]: ERROR: Mod component actions are out of sync for mod workshop-441356490. This is likely a result of your mod's calls to AddComponentAction not happening on both the server and the client. [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1417486338 V: table: 35820B80 [00:37:40]: K: 1 V: 19 [00:37:40]: K: 2 V: 10 [00:37:40]: K: 3 V: 16 [00:37:40]: K: 4 V: 10 [00:37:40]: K: 5 V: 3 [00:37:40]: K: 6 V: 18 [00:37:40]: K: 7 V: 58 [00:37:40]: K: 8 V: 1 [00:37:40]: K: 9 V: 18 [00:37:40]: K: 10 V: 36 [00:37:40]: K: 11 V: 50 [00:37:40]: K: 12 V: 45 [00:37:40]: K: 13 V: 43 [00:37:40]: K: 14 V: 2 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-436761544 V: table: 35820C70 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-441356490 V: table: 35820C98 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-869793805 V: table: 35821058 [00:37:40]: K: 1 V: 45 [00:37:40]: K: 2 V: 51 [00:37:40]: K: 3 V: 18 [00:37:40]: K: 4 V: 55 [00:37:40]: K: 5 V: 12 [00:37:40]: K: 6 V: 57 [00:37:40]: K: 7 V: 0 [00:37:40]: K: 8 V: 49 [00:37:40]: K: 9 V: 14 [00:37:40]: K: 10 V: 43 [00:37:40]: K: 11 V: 36 [00:37:40]: K: 12 V: 55 [00:37:40]: K: 13 V: 4 [00:37:40]: K: 14 V: 3 [00:37:40]: K: 15 V: 40 [00:37:40]: K: 16 V: 52 [00:37:40]: K: 17 V: 45 [00:37:40]: K: 18 V: 43 [00:37:40]: K: 19 V: 10 [00:37:40]: K: 20 V: 29 [00:37:40]: self.modactioncomponents is [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1079538195 V: table: 3E3EF6F8 [00:37:40]: K: SCENE V: table: 3E3EF748 [00:37:40]: K: package V: function: 3F5F2F50 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 3E3EF608 [00:37:40]: K: package V: function: 3F5F2F70 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1155672829 V: table: 2667E278 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 2667E2C8 [00:37:40]: K: armorrepairing V: function: 3F5EA2B0 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1411742977 V: table: 3F5C87D8 [00:37:40]: K: SCENE V: table: 3F5C8738 [00:37:40]: K: aggrotoggleable V: function: 12A88538 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1417486338 V: table: 3F5C94F8 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 3F5C9250 [00:37:40]: K: refiller V: function: 12A88B18 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1426103330 V: table: 3F29F480 [00:37:40]: K: POINT V: table: 3F29F368 [00:37:40]: K: ca_tiller V: function: 3F29F250 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 3F29F458 [00:37:40]: K: ca_groundplantable V: function: 11F4BCB8 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1429531613 V: table: 2173A2C8 [00:37:40]: K: POINT V: table: 2173A020 [00:37:40]: K: tiller V: function: 12D89518 [00:37:40]: K: SCENE V: table: 2173A098 [00:37:40]: K: tappable V: function: 12D89718 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 2173A228 [00:37:40]: K: gorge_plantable V: function: 12D89698 [00:37:40]: K: installable V: function: 12D89658 [00:37:40]: K: replater V: function: 12D896B8 [00:37:40]: K: salter V: function: 12D894D8 [00:37:40]: K: snackrificable V: function: 12D896D8 [00:37:40]: K: specialstewer_dish V: function: 12D895D8 [00:37:40]: K: tapper V: function: 12D89538 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-1439997460 V: table: 346FCAC8 [00:37:40]: K: INVENTORY V: table: 346FC8E8 [00:37:40]: K: des_drink V: function: 3CA56FF8 [00:37:40]: K: POINT V: table: 346FD108 [00:37:40]: K: cwater V: function: 3CA57398 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 346FD090 [00:37:40]: K: cwater V: function: 3CA574B8 [00:37:40]: K: des_chainik_c V: function: 3CA57438 [00:37:40]: K: des_throw_in V: function: 3CA572B8 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-354415247 V: table: 3C0173F0 [00:37:40]: K: EQUIPPED V: table: 3C0175F8 [00:37:40]: K: spearthrowable V: function: 3CA4EBB8 [00:37:40]: K: POINT V: table: 3C0175A8 [00:37:40]: K: spearthrowable V: function: 3CA4EA98 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-436654027 V: table: 2100C5C8 [00:37:40]: K: SCENE V: table: 2100C4D8 [00:37:40]: K: milkable V: function: 12D8D558 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-447092740 V: table: 3E3F1778 [00:37:40]: K: SCENE V: table: 3E3F1868 [00:37:40]: K: interactions V: function: 3F5F3B70 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-516523980 V: table: 3C011DD8 [00:37:40]: K: EQUIPPED V: table: 3C011B80 [00:37:40]: K: mnzmachines V: function: 3CA4D458 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 3C011E00 [00:37:40]: K: mnzmachines V: function: 3CA4D178 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-845747570 V: table: 3D0C1580 [00:37:40]: K: INVENTORY V: table: 3D0C1468 [00:37:40]: K: alcoholable V: function: 12D87298 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-850125165 V: table: 2129C748 [00:37:40]: K: INVENTORY V: table: 2129D580 [00:37:40]: K: tinder V: function: 12D81058 [00:37:40]: K: USEITEM V: table: 2129C810 [00:37:40]: K: battery V: function: 12D80F38 [00:37:40]: K: hammerfix V: function: 12D808B8 [00:37:40]: K: magicfuel V: function: 12D80BF8 [00:37:40]: K: manurefuel V: function: 12D80C98 [00:37:40]: K: reinforcer V: function: 12D809D8 [00:37:40]: K: saltfuel V: function: 12D81338 [00:37:40]: K: spooler V: function: 12D80A38 [00:37:40]: K: tinder V: function: 12D80CF8 [00:37:40]: K: workshop-892636139 V: table: 3E283B08 [00:37:40]: K: INVENTORY V: table: 3E283B58 [00:37:40]: K: notebook V: function: 3F5F2A70 [00:37:40]: MOD_COMPONENT_ACTIONS is [00:37:40]: [string "scripts/componentactions.lua"]:1290: attempt to index a nil value LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/componentactions.lua:1290 in (method) UnregisterComponentActions (Lua) <1275-1302> self (valid:true) = GUID = 188827 Transform = Transform (383BC478) inlimbo = false actionreplica = table: 2D05AB70 event_listening = table: 3D094928 actioncomponents = table: 12D31AF8 lower_components_shadow = table: 2D05AA80 entity = Entity (3693D8B0) AnimState = AnimState (383BC218) prefab = firepit updatecomponents = table: 43250DB8 _name = net_string (37A28C60) Network = Network (383BC438) persists = true modactioncomponents = table: 35820B30 MiniMapEntity = MiniMapEntity (383BC1F8) event_listeners = table: 2D05A170 name = Fire Pit basename = Fire Pit inherentactions = table: 35820B58 spawntime = 1937.6334343888 prefaboverride = net_entity (37A28C28) replica = table: 2D05ABC0 Physics = Physics (383BCBB8) components = table: 2D05A9B8 SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (383BC418) name = highlight id = nil modname = workshop-441356490 cmplist = table: 35820C98 scripts/entityscript.lua:559 in (method) RemoveComponent (Lua) <546-561> self (valid:true) = GUID = 188827 Transform = Transform (383BC478) inlimbo = false actionreplica = table: 2D05AB70 event_listening = table: 3D094928 actioncomponents = table: 12D31AF8 lower_components_shadow = table: 2D05AA80 entity = Entity (3693D8B0) AnimState = AnimState (383BC218) prefab = firepit updatecomponents = table: 43250DB8 _name = net_string (37A28C60) Network = Network (383BC438) persists = true modactioncomponents = table: 35820B30 MiniMapEntity = MiniMapEntity (383BC1F8) event_listeners = table: 2D05A170 name = Fire Pit basename = Fire Pit inherentactions = table: 35820B58 spawntime = 1937.6334343888 prefaboverride = net_entity (37A28C28) replica = table: 2D05ABC0 Physics = Physics (383BCBB8) components = table: 2D05A9B8 SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (383BC418) name = highlight cmp = table: 45A6BE68 scripts/components/highlight.lua:77 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <37-79> self = flashtimein = 0.125 goingin = false highlight_add_colour_blue = 0.2 highlight_add_colour_green = 0.2 flashing = false flash_val = 0.2 inst = 188827 - firepit (valid:true) t = 0.10000000521541 highlight_add_colour_red = 0.2 flashtimeout = 0.1 flashadd = 0.2 dt = 0.033333335071802 scripts/update.lua:192 in () ? (Lua) <149-228> dt = 0.033333335071802 tick = 58189 k = 188827 v = 188827 - firepit (valid:true) cmp = table: 45A6BE68 [00:37:40]: [string "scripts/componentactions.lua"]:1290: attempt to index a nil value LUA ERROR stack traceback: scripts/componentactions.lua:1290 in (method) UnregisterComponentActions (Lua) <1275-1302> scripts/entityscript.lua:559 in (method) RemoveComponent (Lua) <546-561> scripts/components/highlight.lua:77 in (method) OnUpdate (Lua) <37-79> scripts/update.lua:192 in () ? (Lua) <149-228>

This happened when a friend made a Victorian Hearth firepit to replace a dead campfire.